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SECO Stands Storm Ready

SECO Stands Storm Ready

With hurricane season beginning on June 1, 2016, and afternoon thunderstorms on the horizon, SECO Energy is assuring members that the cooperative and its employees are “Storm Ready.”


SECO remains Storm Ready by focusing on preventing outages throughout the year, not only during storm and hurricane season. Storm Ready is designing, building and maintaining a reliable system that delivers power to SECO members rain or shine. In 2015, SECO maximized its outage prevention efforts by inspecting almost 20,000 pieces of equipment, upgrading fiber optic lines to improve data communication and trimming or removing trees that could endanger overhead power lines.


When thunderstorms are approaching, SECO’s member services employees are ready to answer calls and assist members. SECO’s Corporate Communications department delivers updated storm and outage information to members via the website and social media channels.


SECO Stands Storm Ready


SECO’s System Operations Center is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week and uses advanced weather tracking to predict weather patterns affecting the area. They are ready to assist members outside of normal business hours and dispatch a cavalcade of employees and trucks to restore members’ power. SECO Operations employees work diligently to restore power quickly and safely – they are the good guys in the white hats.


Kathryn Gloria, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Energy Services encourages members to be Storm Ready as well. “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we are dedicated to helping our members’ prepare for storm season. Now is the time to assemble your emergency supply kit and update your contact information with SECO. SECO is committed to being our members’ first source for accurate storm communications and updates.”


To review a comprehensive emergency checklist, visit Bookmark SECO’s website in your desktop or smartphone browser to quickly report an outage through SECO’s Storm Center. Members who “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” us on Twitter have instant access to updates on storm activity, news releases and restoration efforts.

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