Start/Transfer Service
Welcome to SECO Energy! You are more than just a customer – you’re a member-owner of an award winning not-for-profit electric cooperative. SECO Energy is the third-largest electric cooperative in Florida and the seventh largest in the nation. It is our privilege to serve over 240,000 homes and businesses in our seven-county service area.
To reconnect or transfer residential electric service with established facilities, click on the Residential tile below. You will be re-directed to SECO Energy’s SmartHub portal to confirm the service address and provide your billing and contact information including email address.
After verifying your email address to establish your SmartHub account – watch your email – have your personal identification ready. SECO needs personal identification information including date of birth, social security number and driver’s license or identification number. Enter service connection date requested (Monday – Friday excluding holidays) and review/accept SECO’s Terms & Conditions of Service.
Finally, watch for a “Confirmation Email” from our Member Services team that includes additional requirements such as an initial deposit, fees and/or information needed prior to service connection.
For Residential or Agriculture new services with no established facilities, download and complete the Single-Site Residential or Agricultural Notification of New Construction.
For those concerned with the planning and installation of electrical services involving current transformers click to review SECO Energy’s CT Metering specifications.
Verify the service you are applying for is in SECO Energy’s service area using our interactive map.
Start or transfer service at a home with established electric facilities.
Monthly expected electric load is less than 10,000 kWhs and/or under 50 kW demand.
Expected electric load meets or exceeds 10,000 kWhs for 2 consecutive months and/or 50 kW demand.
Developer / Builder
Resources for platted residential subdivisions including information about easements.
Have a question about applying for electric service? Visit our FAQs to learn more.
Contact Us
For more information or additional questions, send SECO an email.
Developer / Builder
Pre-Planning Process