
Calling all high school juniors who live in a home served by SECO Energy! SECO is looking for student delegates to represent the not-for-profit electric cooperative in Tallahassee. This unique opportunity is open to ten outstanding high school juniors—one from each of SECO Energy’s nine districts, plus one “at-large” candidate. The selected students will be sponsored by SECO Energy (transportation, meals, hotel accommodations) to visit Florida’s capital city for a two-day, overnight conference on February 12 and 13, 2025.

During the Florida Youth Tour, student delegates will learn about the cooperative business model and Florida’s legislative process, with visits to the House of Representatives Chambers and the Florida Supreme Court.

From the ten winning delegates, SECO will choose two students to attend the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. in June 2025. This extraordinary opportunity includes visits to famous monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, Mt. Vernon, and many more historic sites, alongside thousands of other students from around the nation!


To be eligible for the SECO Energy Youth Tour, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Enrollment: Student must be currently enrolled as a high school junior or be home-schooled at the junior level.
  2. SECO Energy Membership: The student must live with a parent or guardian whose home is served by SECO Energy. The account must be active at the time of application and Youth Tour dates.


To apply for this prestigious opportunity, students are required to complete the following steps:

  1. Online Application: Fill out the application form provided below.
  2. Essay: Submit a brief essay of no more than 250 words on the topic, “How do you believe the energy industry will be reshaped in the future?” (The title won’t count against the word limit.)
  3. Letter of Recommendation: Include a letter of recommendation from a school counselor, teacher, pastor, community leader, or administrator.

Application Form

Application Form