April 2022 Sunshine State Stats

April 2022 Sunshine State Stats

The weather warmed up in Central Florida in April 2022. The average temperature for the month was 73 degrees, which was 3 degrees warmer than last month’s average. The average high was 83 degrees while the average low was 63 degrees.


Sunshine State Stats April 2022 temps


The highest daily recorded temperature in April was 90 degrees and the lowest was 45 – the highest recorded daily temperature in March 2022 was 89 degrees and the lowest recorded daily temperature was 36. April was a bit dryer than average with 2.26 inches of rainfall – or half an inch lower than the monthly average.


High temperatures reached into the 90s in April 2022. Twenty-four days in the month reached over 80 degrees – with summer approaching, expect daily highs in the 80s, 90s and above. Temperatures at night and early morning are warming up, too. Twenty-five days in the month the low temperature reached into the 60s and 70s.


Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. The last seven hurricane seasons have seen a tropical storm or hurricane form in May. Now is the time to begin planning for the upcoming hurricane season. Don’t wait until a storm is approaching our shores to prepare. Read our Hurricane Handbook to learn more about what to do before, during and after a tropical storm or hurricane.


May forecast:


Daily high temperatures will soar over 80 degrees and into the 90s for May 2022. The best chance for rain is early in the month. Members may notice an increase in their April energy usage if they used air conditioning to combat the daily high temperatures during the month.


The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts a warm May with an average temperature of 76 degrees, which is average for our area. Rainfall is predicted to be above average in May.


To check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.


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