November 2021 Sunshine State Stats

November 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Central Florida felt its first winter-like temperatures in November 2021. The average high temperature reached 76 degrees, while the average low reached only 56 degrees. The average temperature for the month was a cool 66 degrees which is 12 degrees lower than the previous month.     In November 2021, the highest daily temperature recorded […]

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SECO News December 2021

SECO News December 2021

  Happy Trails, J.D.!   Dear Members,   I announced my retirement from SECO Energy earlier this year after 43 years of service. Time has flown, and this major life change is bittersweet and much more emotional than I’d ever anticipated. Much has changed over the last four decades, but growth has been the constant […]

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SECO Energy Board of Trustees Selects New CEO

SECO Energy Board of Trustees Selects New CEO

SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees recently voted to hire a new CEO to step into the shoes of retiring CEO Jim Duncan, who led the cooperative as CEO for most of his long and distinguished 43-year tenure. SECO Energy currently provides electric service to 220,000 homes and businesses across seven counties in fast-growing Central Florida. […]

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October 2021 Sunshine State Stats

October 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Fall-like temperatures arrived in Central Florida in October 2021. Cooler morning and nighttime temperatures dipped into the 60s and 70s, while daily highs continued to peak at over 90 degrees. The average temperature for the month was a balmy 78 degrees which is 5 degrees lower than the previous month.     In October 2021, […]

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Florida Fauna & Flora – Red Fox

Florida Fauna & Flora – Red Fox

  Florida Fauna & Flora – Red Fox   Red foxes are the size of a small dog and weigh 10 to 15 pounds. Not including their long, bushy tails, they measure about 2 feet long. Red foxes have red hair that varies from rust-colored to golden-red, white bellies, black ear tips and legs. Their […]

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SECO News November 2021

SECO News November 2021

Just in time for the Christmas season, SECO Energy members are cashing in on Capital Credits. At the September Trustees’ Meeting, your Board approved another record-high Capital Credit retirement of $6.46 million to current and former members. Your Capital Credit retirement amount appears on your November billing statement.   SECO Energy was founded as Sumter […]

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September 2021 Sunshine State Stats

September 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Fall arrived in September 2021 and temperatures began to cool off slightly. Don’t get out your heavy jacket yet. Winter temperatures are still months away and daily highs are still hitting over 90 degrees.     In September 2021, the highest daily temperature recorded was 95 degrees, which is 4 degrees lower than the highest […]

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Florida Fauna & Flora – Southeastern American Kestrel

Florida Fauna & Flora – Southeastern American Kestrel

  Florida Fauna & Flora – Southeastern American Kestrel   A native Florida raptor, the southeastern American kestrel is the smallest falcon found in the United States. Its white face has black “tears” extending down from its eyes. Its brown back has black flecking, its belly is white and its tail is russet. The male’s […]

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SECO News October 2021

SECO News October 2021

Without question, your electric service is supported by an extensive, robust and well-maintained infrastructure that distributes power generated by our wholesale power provider, Seminole Electric Cooperative. Like SECO Energy, Seminole is a not-for-profit cooperative owned collectively by nine Florida electric distribution cooperatives.   Each distribution co-op’s CEO serves on the Seminole Board – myself included. […]

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Energy Insider – 3rd Quarter 2021

Energy Insider – 3rd Quarter 2021

Odds are over the last year, you have seen a growing number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road. EVs have become more than just a fad of the environmentally conscious. It is an evolving technology that is being enjoyed by those looking for a new family vehicle and even sports car enthusiasts.     […]

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