SECO Energy Prepared for Tropical Storm Eta

SECO Energy Prepared for Tropical Storm Eta

SECO Energy is prepared for Tropical Storm Eta and its possible effects on its service territory. While Tropical Storm Eta’s ultimate track and intensity remain uncertain, SECO members should expect rain and wind to blanket the area.   The National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecasts that rainbands from Tropical Storm Eta will affect the area through […]

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SECO Energy Tracking Tropical Storm Eta

SECO Energy Tracking Tropical Storm Eta

SECO Energy is tracking Tropical Storm Eta and the possibility of a late-season tropical storm event for Central Florida. While Tropical Storm Eta’s eventual track and possible Florida landfall remain uncertain, SECO is prepared for the weather effects this storm could bring to its service area.   The National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecasts that Tropical […]

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SECO Energy Returns $6.1 Million to Members

SECO Energy Returns $6.1 Million to Members

SECO Energy has positive financial news for its 210,000+ members. The not-for-profit electric cooperative is retiring a record $6.1 million in Capital Credits to current and former members. During the September Board Meeting, the SECO Board approved the record-high $6.1 million Capital Credit retirement.   Current members will see their portion of the retirement on […]

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Sunshine State Stats October 2020

Sunshine State Stats October 2020

October 2020 was the first full month of fall in Central Florida, but the weather was decidedly summer-like for the month. Nine days in the month reached 90 degrees or over and twenty days topped over 80 degrees. The average high was 87 degrees and the average low was 71. The highest recorded temperature of […]

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Florida Fauna & Flora – Northern Bobwhite Quail

Florida Fauna & Flora – Northern Bobwhite Quail

Northern bobwhite quails are medium-sized birds with round bodies, short tails and short necks. Their plumage is reddish-brown with white and gray streaks. Bobwhites are named for their distinctive “bob-white” call.   Bobwhite quails feed and roost in coveys of 8 to 25 birds. They forage on the ground for seeds, insects, fruits and plants. […]

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SECO News, November 2020

SECO News, November 2020

  Duncan’s Digest – Capital Credits – Co-op Membership Pays $6.1 Million   Last month I announced a higher member-favorable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) or “Hot Bucks” credit. This month, I have more good financial news. During the September Trustees’ Meeting, your Board approved a record-high Capital Credit retirement of $6.1 million to current and […]

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SECO Energy Employees Praised for Hurricane Sally Restoration Assistance

SECO Energy Employees Praised for Hurricane Sally Restoration Assistance

In mid-September when Hurricane Sally left thousands of Florida Panhandle residents without power, SECO Energy answered Escambia River Electric Cooperative’s (EREC) call for assistance. On September 17, thirteen SECO employees departed in a caravan of trucks bound for EREC’s service area to aid in power restoration.   After five days of repairing damage and restoring […]

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Sunshine State Stats September 2020

Sunshine State Stats September 2020

The hot summer temperatures continued through most of September 2020 with 17 days of the month reaching over 90 degrees. The average high was 90 degrees and the average low was 74. The highest recorded temperature of the month was 95 while the lowest recorded was 62 degrees. The average temperature was 82 degrees, a […]

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SECO Energy Member Service Centers Reopening October 5

SECO Energy Member Service Centers Reopening October 5

SECO Energy is reopening its five Member Service Centers to walk-in traffic on Monday, October 5. To promote the health and wellbeing of SECO members, employees and contractors, SECO encourages visitors who enter a Service Center to wear a face mask.   For members who want to continue limiting face-to-face interactions, all SECO Member Service […]

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SECO Energy Lowers Members’ Bills October 1

SECO Energy Lowers Members’ Bills October 1

SECO Energy is once again lowering the cost of electric service. The not-for-profit electric cooperative will apply a higher member-favorable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) to members’ bills beginning October 1, 2020. The PCA calculation appears on monthly statements as a line item titled “Hot Bucks.”   Since January 1, 2020, SECO’s rate for the first […]

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