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SECO Energy Responds to Truck Meets Pole Incident

SECO Energy Responds to Truck Meets Pole Incident

The costs that originate from distracted driving accidents are numerous and can often involve injury or loss of life. In cases where human health is not directly impacted, financial burdens can still be significant when vehicles go where they should not be due to operator negligence.


On one recent July morning, three SECO Energy poles that supply electricity to residences and two businesses served by the cooperative were destroyed when a heavy vehicle struck guy wires crossing County Road 474 in Clermont. The impact dragged the support wires and pulled the connected poles down, disrupting electric service to 85 members.


Although SECO Energy’s power distribution automation system provided near-instantaneous resumption of electricity to 64 members, 21 members remained without power for nearly eight hours as SECO line crews worked through rain and lightning to restore service safely.


Distracted Driving Suspected

The cause of the mishap appears to have been a dump truck-type vehicle that was traveling with its equipment in an elevated position as it crossed under SECO Energy’s power lines, ripping energized lines from their supports. Further damage occurred when a second heavy truck followed the incident and struck pieces of the fallen debris. Most disturbing, the drivers of both vehicles left the scene without stopping.


SECO utility pole replacementDistracted driving may have accounted for the first vehicle accident. That may have also been the case with the second vehicle that struck the fallen wires as the driver clearly did not recognize the hazard in the roadway ahead and didn’t make the appropriate effort to avoid it.


The consequences of the outage were costly for Cemex, a sand mine that lost productivity for much of the day due to the lack of electric service. Crews installed a set of temporary switches to isolate the outage and expedite the restoration for 16 members and E. R. Jahna Industries, another sand mine located off CR 474. Not only was a large commercial account interrupted, but SECO residential members were out of power for a significant amount of time.


The SECO facility damage was significant also. Due to driver negligence, SECO spent costly hours repairing power lines, replacing three poles and re-energizing services amid heavy rain and nearby electrical storms. SECO Energy crews replaced all broken poles, repaired lines and restored service to all members affected by the outages by 3:11 p.m.


In addition to the loss of revenue associated with power lines torn down by avoidable distracted driving, the risk of injury or even death to line workers is considerable. Public safety is at risk, too; often downed lines remain energized and can kill or significantly injure a member of the public who encounters downed power lines.


CEO Wynn Cautions Drivers

Lightning strike during line repairCEO Curtis Wynn is concerned with the number of vehicle accidents that damage SECO Energy facilities. Wynn stated, “SECO Energy crews are trained to perform power restoration in all weather conditions, day or night, rain or shine. Linework is inherently dangerous, but the possibility of injury increases when wind, rain, storms and road traffic are present. With the high number of heavy-duty vehicles on the road for new construction tasks and an increasing number of Florida citizens driving, our local roadways are becoming more dangerous.”


Wynn continued, “This is a reminder to limit distractions while driving. Members of the public who notice downed power lines, call 911 immediately. Stay away from downed lines and instruct your family to do the same. Our number one priority is for all of our SECO employees to return home safely to their families at the end of every workday.”


It is also important to emphasize the importance of the Florida “Move Over” law requiring motorists to slow down and/or move over one lane for emergency responders. It includes tow trucks, municipal vehicles and utility vehicles. Recently, Governor DeSantis signed a bill that takes effect on January 1, 2024, that requires motorists to slow down and/or move over one lane for all disabled vehicles. Drivers who do not slow down and move over could receive a noncriminal moving violation and be hit with a hefty monetary fine.

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