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Energy Efficiency Sparks for Sorrento Elementary

Energy Efficiency Sparks for Sorrento Elementary

While summer school was still in session, SECO Energy Services Specialist Dustin Merritt introduced energy efficiency basics to students in Sorrento. As an energy efficiency expert, Dustin covered the simple ways kids can help their parents save energy at the home.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy is committed to educating the youngest members within the communities it serves about energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. SECO’s “Kids and Energy” presentation teaches elementary-age students about renewable types of energy such as solar, wind, water and biomass power. Students also learn ways they can be energy efficient at home. They test their new found knowledge with an interactive quiz at the end of the presentation and take home energy efficiency activity books, pencils and other small prizes.


Students as young as elementary age can increase energy efficiency in their homes by reminding parents to change older light bulbs to either the CFL or LED types and look for ENERGY STAR labels on light bulbs, electronics and appliances. Young children can be reminded to turn off lights in unused rooms, take shorter showers and keep doors and windows closed while the HVAC is running.


Dustin enjoys working with young students and stated, “The students I work with love this interactive presentation. Each child has their own personal “clicker” that allows them to answer the questions in the quiz. Kids this age are eager to learn and open to new ideas, this is the right age to begin teaching kids about saving energy and renewable energy. They want to be good stewards for the future. This generation will do more to be responsible with their energy consumption, to create less waste and invent new ways to become energy efficient.”


Are you interested in learning more about energy efficiency, renewable energy or electrical safety? SECO Energy offers a variety of speakers and presentations for groups of any age and size. Contact SECO to schedule a speaker and presentation. “Like” SECO Energy’s Facebook page and “follow” us on Twitter for cooperative updates and the latest news releases.

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