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Energy Insider – 4th Quarter

Energy Insider – 4th Quarter

SECO Energy 4th Quarter 2018 Insider Small Steps with Big Impact


Small Steps With Big Impact


Business challenges at your workplace include work-related injuries, chronic disease, absenteeism and sick employees who return to work before getting well. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an aging workforce also presents unique challenges such as stress, fatigue, depression – all which all contribute to declining productivity. The fact is that small changes at work can add up to big changes in productivity and for employees personally.


A healthy workplace starts with leadership taking the time to remind employees to take care of themselves. Starting small by implementing weekly or even daily safety huddles in a break room or on the tailgate can reap big rewards. Just 5 – 10 minutes spent talking about workplace healthy lifestyles can change attitudes. An example might be to encourage adding a few more steps during the day like walking during breaks or lunch and even taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If space permits, a designated walking path at your location could be a source of encouragement.


Besides coffee and conversation, give thought to implementing a morning stretch routine. Allow employees the time to perform a few basic exercises to limber up prior to beginning their work shift. Just a few minutes of stretching improves performance of physical activities and reduces the risk of injuries. Add a little music which has been shown to reduce stress and promote overall better health.


If your budget allows, consider hosting “Lunch and Learns” at your location by inviting area experts to share with your employees on health-related topics of interest. Your program plan could be as simple as having someone from a local health facility share tips on how to stay well during cold and flu season. Just a reminder to disinfect your phone, wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer and practice good hygiene habits can go a long way.


Something else you can do for your employees is to promote good food choices by providing healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts and vegetables in break room vending machines or through the addition of a micro-market.


For more information to help you get started visit the CDC’s Healthy Workforce Infographic.



SECO Energy Insider 4th Quarter 2018 Member Spotlight Camp Boggy Creek


Camp Boggy Creek


In the heart of SECO Energy’s service area is a unique one-of-a-kind camp beautifully spread across 232 acres east of Eustis. Camp Boggy Creek serves children ages 7-16 who have been diagnosed with chronic or life threatening illnesses. The camp provides a full-time doctor and nurse to help children and parents keep up with the medical needs of each individual camper or family.


Family retreat weekends for spring and winter and summer camp schedules are posted on the website and applications are now available. If you know someone who can benefit, make them aware. Camp Boggy Creek never charges the campers to attend and does not ask for them to contribute anything other than a positive attitude. Aside from all of the different fun activities that the camp provides (including horseback riding, fishing, rope climbs and drama), Camp Boggy Creek gives the opportunity for children and parents for fellowship with others whose circumstances are similar to their own. This serves as a reminder that they are not alone. They are able to form a support network with people who truly do understand their needs.


Founded in 1996 by Paul Newman and General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Camp Boggy Creek began with the premise that every child, no matter their illness, could experience the transforming spirit and friendships that go hand in hand with a great camp experience.


To learn more about this amazing camp, visit Camp Boggy Creek online. Download applications, gain information about the camp, learn about the medical group, volunteer and donate to the programs.



4th Quarter SECO Insider Your 2019 Expansion Plan


Your 2019 Expansion Plan


Whether you’re applying for a new electrical service, service modification, upgrade or have plans for a new subdivision, contact your SECO Energy account representative as soon as possible. With Central Florida growing by leaps and bounds, this is necessary to ensure all the right people are involved in your project early on and you receive a timely response to meet your expectations for service.


If you’re planning to add a meter, an application for service is required and should be made well in advance of the date the service is needed. Depending on the type of service requested, any or all of the following information may be necessary:


  • Exact location of the property where service is needed (site plan, recorded plat, street address, lot, block number and legal description)
  • Service size (main) and voltage
  • Size of air conditioning, heating, water heating, refrigeration, and cooking when applicable
  • Type and voltage of motor loads, number of phases, horsepower
  • Street/area lighting – type and size (if lighting is to be installed behind the meter)
  • Mechanical and electrical plans (in the case of service upgrades, these must include existing and new load along with a riser diagram)
  • Utility (water, sewer, gas) plans including elevations
  • Plans for paving and drainage


In addition to the above, there may be other considerations such as easements and permits. A new meter set will also require a deposit equal to two times the projected average bill. Deposits are accepted in the form of cash, surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit. Depending on the size load you’re adding, a written power purchase agreement may also be necessary.


Contact your account representative early in the design stage so that engineering, material procurement and construction can be scheduled to meet your timeline.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



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