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Legislative Corner

Legislative Corner

As a not-for-profit electric co-op that adheres to the co-op principles, SECO Energy encourages member participation in the democratic process on a state and federal level. To support that mission, we provide our Member-Owners with information on their legislators in Florida and Washington, DC. Our members’ participation and influence play key roles in maintaining affordable, reliable energy.


Hundreds of energy industry related bills are introduced by legislators. Before those bills are passed into legislation, SECO Energy along with other electric cooperatives throughout the U.S. educate legislators on the possible effects of those bills on the utility grid infrastructure, the environment and the cost of energy for their constituents. From time to time, we ask our Member-Owners to take action in letting legislators know how an introduced bill could significantly raise energy cost.


How can you help? Make a difference in state and federal elections by registering to vote and speaking out.

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America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC is a nonpartisan political action committee that represents the interests of electric co-ops, their members, and employees. Co-op Member-Owners can join and support their electrical co-op by joining the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).


NRECA leaders, along with co-op leaders across the nation, visit Washington, DC, on your behalf to educate lawmakers on regulations or legislation that could significantly raise energy costs.


To continue promoting policies that protect electric cooperatives, America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC needs the support of members like you. If you would like to support these efforts, view America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC Contribution Options here.


Contributions to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal.​ Federal law prohibits contributions from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status. Any contribution guidelines presented are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the suggested amounts, or not at all. NRECA will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute.​​


America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC raises personal, voluntary contributions from NRECA’s eligible membership. Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals other than NRECA and member-systems’ eligible employees, boards of directors, consumer-owners and the families of such individuals. Contributions from ineligible individuals will be returned.