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Nature’s Reflections – Backyard Florida

Nature’s Reflections – Backyard Florida

Playing in the water brings out the kid in all of us


Since Florida is surrounded on three sides by saltwater with 1,197 miles of coastline, 2,276 miles of tidal shoreline and 663 miles of beaches, it is a great place to come play in the water – a natural water park. But, that is just the perimeter. There is a lot of water within the State’s interior.


The interior of Florida has more than 11,000 miles of streams, rivers and waterways with three million acres of freshwater and 27 first magnitude springs – more than any other state in the nation. These are springs that discharge water at a rate of at least 100 cubic feet of water per second. Florida’s longest river is the St. Johns at 273 miles. The state also has 10,000 lakes with 7,700 of them larger than ten acres and the largest, Lake Okeechobee, is 700 square miles. It is the second largest freshwater lake in the U.S. In fact, Florida’s total water area is 4,308 square miles.


SECO News, May 2017 - Nature's Reflections - Florida’s natural splendor beckons boaters, canoeists, anglers, wildlife and nature observers, as well as water-sports enthusiasts.


Florida’s natural splendor beckons boaters, canoeists, anglers, wildlife and nature observers, as well as water-sports enthusiasts. The goals of Florida’s conservation efforts include the preservation of natural habitats and ecosystems for wildlife and recreational opportunities for everyone, young and old alike.


Our treasury of clean waterways brings thousands of visitors to Florida annually. The sale of fishing gear and related equipment, licenses and rental fees makes a tremendous contribution to the state’s economy and provides residents with a wonderful place to play, relax and have a good time. Fishing is a fun and wholesome activity that everyone can enjoy.


Boating and other water sports are popular too. With thousands of registered vessels and personal watercraft, boating safety is a priority in Florida. Both residents and visitors are encouraged to take one of the many boating safety courses offered.


SECO News, May 2017 - Nature's Reflections - Backyard Florida


Florida is indeed “a great backyard” and with our excellent weather, it’s no wonder people come from all over the world to play in the water here. Whatever your preference, fishing, boating, skiing, swimming, operating a personal watercraft, or watching from the shoreline, with so much water in Florida, you’re bound to find something you like.


Column & photos by Sandi Staton –

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