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SECO Buys Leland Fudge and Jenna Mears’ Swine at Sumter Youth Fair

SECO Buys Leland Fudge and Jenna Mears’ Swine at Sumter Youth Fair

SECO Energy once again participated in the Sumter County Youth Fair & Auction. SECO Energy Manager of Consumer Billing Tim Wallace bid on a number of students’ livestock. Remaining within SECO’s allotted budget, Tim was able to purchase two pigs from local students.


Tim purchased Leland Fudge’s swine on SECO’s behalf during the March 13, 2019, Sumter County Youth Fair. Leland has been participating in the youth fair for the past six years, is in the ninth grade and attends South Sumter High School. Tim also purchased Jenna Mears’ swine on SECO’s behalf during the resale process. Jenna is a member of the South Sumter High School FFA Chapter. She plans to set the funds she collects aside for her future college tuition at UF where she plans to major in Botany.


SECO Energy’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins is impressed with this year’s Youth Fair participants. She stated, “These students are gaining skills that are preparing them for the workforce and companies such as SECO Energy are always seeking employees who have organizational, time management, dedication, teamwork, analytical and problem-solving skills.”


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