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SECO Contributes $3,000 to Sumter County’s Schools Enhancement Foundation

SECO Contributes $3,000 to Sumter County’s Schools Enhancement Foundation

SECO Energy has contributed $3,000 for Sumter County school students through the Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation. As a local not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO believes its contribution bolsters the community and provides much needed financial assistance to dedicated educators.


Through its partnership with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations (CFEF), the Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation maximizes the individual and collective strength of Florida local education foundations to support local partners and schools. The CFEF builds partnerships between local education foundations and businesses that impact students in the classroom.


Collectively, CFEF member education foundations raise $63 million annually to fund initiatives that increase Florida’s students’ achievements. These investments fund programs not covered by tax dollars. Investments include student scholarships, mentoring and drop-out prevention strategies, teaching innovation and recognition programs, classroom grants, college readiness and access programs, literacy improvement strategies, technical/career education initiatives and targeted support for low-performing students and schools.


SECO Energy’s $3,000 contribution can also be used to support back-to-school activities, teachers’ luncheons, training sessions and classroom supplies. The donated funds are provided for the benefit of teachers and students in Sumter County schools.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “As a not-for-profit cooperative, SECO supports its members by participating in community endeavors that support education. We have deep roots in Sumter County – our corporate headquarters is located in Sumterville and we serve over 62,000 families and businesses in this county alone. Financially supporting education is an investment in future community leaders, members and possibly future employees. SECO is honored to donate $3,000 to the Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation to strengthen education in the community.”


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