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SECO Employees Pledge $52,200 for United Way

SECO Employees Pledge $52,200 for United Way

SECO Employees Pledge 52,200 to United WaySECO Energy’s yearly United Way pledge drive concluded on Giving Tuesday, and once again SECO employees demonstrated their personal commitment to local communities by pledging generously. This year, SECO employees pledged $52,214 for United Way’s 2018 Live United campaign.


The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is recognized as Giving Tuesday – a global giving movement to help neighbors in need. SECO employees’ pledges aid in endowing local service programs benefitting the communities in SECO’s footprint and beyond. The United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. Yearly, 61 million people across the world benefit from the programs and services funded by the United Way.


Much of the pledged funding is locally designated by each employee to the agency of their choice and administered through the United Way. 2018’s United Way campaign hit close to home for SECO employees who witnessed first-hand the devastation from Hurricane Irma this summer. As of Giving Tuesday 2018, the cooperative’s employees had topped the 2017 pledges of $50,171 – beating it by $2,043.


CEO Jim Duncan states, “SECO employees consistently display their goodwill toward others, and I am grateful to work with employees who care about our members and our communities. I applaud our employees’ generous spirit with their promise of $52,214 to support local United Ways. This giving spirit reflects the very essence of our not-for-profit electric cooperative business model.”


Kathy Judkins, SECO Energy’s Deputy Director of Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs stated, “On Giving Tuesday, commit to volunteering your time or donating monetarily to help others in need. I am so proud of SECO employees’ willingness to share a portion of their paycheck with local communities through their United Way pledges, and through their personal altruistic endeavors throughout the year.”


To learn more about the United Way, find a volunteer opportunity or to be connected with a local agency, visit To learn more about SECO Energy’s corporate citizenship initiatives.


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