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SECO Energy District 5 Members Elect Leslie Shannon Dean Wright As Trustee

SECO Energy District 5 Members Elect Leslie Shannon Dean Wright As Trustee

SECO Energy members who reside in District 5 elected Leslie Shannon Dean Wright as the new Trustee on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The meeting was held in the District on Tuesday, February 1, at Inverness Middle School in Citrus County for the purpose of electing a Trustee to represent District 5 on SECO’s Board of Trustees.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s service area is geographically divided into nine Districts. One Trustee is elected from each of the nine Districts to represent their fellow members on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the membership at large.


Along with Leslie Shannon Dean Wright, Troy Creel of Inverness, Dr. Karrie Markland of Lake Panasoffkee, David Rovaldi of Inverness and Lewis Smith of Inverness each submitted a letter of intent to run for Trustee in January. SECO’s Bylaws currently require that the cooperative hold District Meetings. Subsequently, Florida Statute requires SECO to hold in-person elections as the cooperative continues to hold District Meetings as a means of electing Trustees. A drive-thru voting option was available for members to practice social distancing and to reduce the size of the indoor meeting.


A SECO member since 2014, Mrs. Wright has spent her 30-year career in public service in adult education, law enforcement and state government. Trustee-elect Wright has served as the Northeast Regional Director with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology and a Master’s Degree in Adult Education.


Mrs. Wright is looking forward to serving as the District 5 Trustee. Mrs. Wright stated, “Thank you to all of the members in District 5 who attended the meeting and cast a vote. Thank you for entrusting me as your District 5 representative on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. Serving as the District 5 Trustee on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees is an honor that I am looking forward to. I am excited to work with the Trustees and SECO leadership to meet the challenges of the energy industry and ensure its future success.”


Board president Richard Dennison stated, “Congratulations, Mrs. Wright, on your election as District 5 Trustee. On behalf of my fellow Board officers and peers, we welcome you and look forward to working with you to ensure SECO Energy’s future success. In addition, I thank the other four candidates for stepping forward with their willingness to serve.”


Curtis Wynn CEO stated, “Mrs. Wright, thank you for your willingness to serve as District 5 Trustee, and congratulations on your successful election. The turnout at the District 5 was amazing and in fact record breaking. I am grateful to all who participated in our not-for-profit cooperative’s democratic process. I look forward to working with you and the rest of the SECO Energy Board of Trustees.”


If you were unable to attend and want to watch a video of the Business Meeting, SECO Energy will post a video of the meeting along with the Q&A session later this week.


View a brief bio of SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees and a District boundaries map on our Board of Trustees website section. “Like” SECO on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates. SECO Energy is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


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