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SECO Energy District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate

SECO Energy District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate

SECO Energy congratulates District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright on earning her Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) Certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Earning the CCD is the initial step in the NRECA’s Director Education program that is designed to assist cooperative Trustees to meet the challenges facing electric cooperatives.


To earn the CCD certification from the NRECA, directors/trustees complete five courses that focus on basic cooperative governance and the essential skills needed for cooperative directors/trustees. The CCD prepares directors/trustees to fulfill their fiduciary duty as elected officials serving on behalf of their membership. Upon completion of the five CCD required courses, directors/trustees are awarded the Credential Cooperative Director Certificate.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operating for and owned by its members. SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees consists of members who live in SECO’s service area. They are elected to oversee the governance of the cooperative. Each Trustee on the Board is elected by the members who reside in his/her District. Collectively, the Trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing and revising corporate policies to ensure that SECO continues to preserve reliable, affordable service for all members.


Trustee Wright welcomes the opportunity to expand her energy industry knowledge. Mrs. Wright stated, “I am excited to learn more about the electric cooperative business model and the energy industry through Director Certificate Program courses from the NRECA. Serving my fellow SECO Energy members, neighbors and my community through my Board of Trustees service is a rewarding experience. I am very thankful for the opportunity.”


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn stated, “Congratulations, Mrs. Wright, on earning your Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate, and taking the first steps on your continuing education path. Thank you for your community involvement and dedication to the SECO Energy membership through your Board service.”


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.

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