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SECO Energy Employee Donations Make a Difference at Christmas

SECO Energy Employee Donations Make a Difference at Christmas

SECO Energy’s generous employees are Making a Difference at Christmas by donating hundreds of toys for its annual Marine Toys for Tots donation drive. Members also joined in the gift-giving by adding toys to the donation boxes at SECO’s five Member Service Center locations.


SECO employees’ and members’ donations provide toys and smiles for local children on Christmas day. The toys donated through Toys for Tots remain in the community where they are donated. For many local children, a toy donated through the generosity of SECO employees and members will be the only present received for Christmas.


Among the hundreds of toys were 75 bicycles and tricycles donated by SECO employees. SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program chipped in this year to purchase bicycles and tricycles to match the number donated by SECO employees. In all, over 140 local children will receive a new bicycle or tricycle courtesy of SECO employees and members who participate in Pennies from Heaven.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO employees are a charitable group and they especially enjoy contributions that benefit the communities we serve. As a fellow marine, I’m proud of the Marine Toys for Tots organization whose volunteers work tirelessly to bring joy to children at Christmas. I am grateful to our generous employees and members who are willing to share their Christmas spirit with others.”


Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs Kathy Judkins manages the Toys for Tots donation drive companywide. Judkins stated, “I am so thankful for the hundreds of employees and many SECO members who chose to join SECO in supporting Toys for Tots this year. Making a Difference at Christmas brings happiness to children across our service area.”


Members who want to partner with SECO Energy to improve quality of life in local communities served by SECO can enroll in the Pennies from Heaven program that rounds up monthly bills to the nearest dollar. The small change donated through Pennies from Heaven supports financial assistance to local worthy causes in SECO’s service area. Requests for Angel Fund bill payment assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 211 or visiting 211 online.


Watch a slide show of donated toys from SECO’s Toys for Tots toy drive photos on SECO’s YouTube channel. Learn more about SECO Energy’s community involvement online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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