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SECO Energy Trustee Richard Dennison Recognized for Service as Board President

SECO Energy Trustee Richard Dennison Recognized for Service as Board President

During the May SECO Energy Board of Trustees meeting, SECO Energy Board President Gerald Anderson and CEO Curtis Wynn recognized District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison with a Certificate of Appreciation presented on behalf of the entire Board.


Mr. Dennison is a longstanding resident of Marion Oaks and has been a SECO Energy member since 1999. He has served on the SECO Energy Board of Trustees since 2015, served as Board President from March 2020 to March 2022 and also currently serves on the Seminole Electric Board of Directors.


President Anderson stated, “The SECO Energy Board of Trustees honored Mr. Dennison’s distinguished service as President of the SECO Energy Board of Trustees from March 2020 through March 2022. Mr. Dennison’s strong leadership during the pandemic maintained the continuity of our governance processes. During his tenure, the Board of Trustees was required to exercise flexibility and perseverance, and he led that charge with grace and dignity.”


CEO Curtis Wynn echoed President Anderson’s sentiments and stated, “We are grateful for Mr. Dennison’s hard work and dedication in support of SECO Energy’s ongoing mission to provide reliable, affordable and innovative energy services to our members and communities.”


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees are members who live in SECO’s service territory. They are elected to oversee the governance of the cooperative. Each Trustee on the Board is elected by the members who reside in his/her District. Collectively, the Trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing and revising corporate policies and approving the cooperative’s budget.


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