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SECO News February-March 2024

SECO News February-March 2024

I am proud to report that SECO Energy continues to be a member satisfaction leader. SECO Energy completed its annual member-wide customer satisfaction survey, where over 1,700 members were asked to participate. The member responses were sent to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®), a company that measures customer satisfaction across multiple industries throughout the entire United States.


Wynn's Wire


For 2023, SECO Energy received an ACSI score of “89” out of a maximum score of “100.” [1] SECO’s score is higher than all publicly measured investor-owned utility scores, cooperative utility scores, and municipal utility scores. SECO Energy’s score of “89” places the not-for-profit electric cooperative 17 points higher than the average investor-owned utility score of 72, as well as 18 points higher than the average municipal utilities score of 71, per the industry ratings in the 2023 ACSI Utility Sector Report.


Not only is SECO’s 2023 ACSI score of 89 higher than the average investor-owned utility or municipal utility score, but our score is also higher than the average cooperative utility. SECO scored 15 points higher than the average cooperative utility. For more information, please visit


ACSI is the only national cross-industry customer satisfaction measure representing the U.S. economy. A wide range of industries and organizations of all types count on ACSI methodology to obtain science-based insights across the complete arc of the customer experience.


Thank you, members, for recognizing our commitment to outstanding member satisfaction and engagement. We are 100% committed to engaging with you and making sure SECO and its 400+ employees fulfill our mission to provide reliable and innovative energy services. Earning your trust is an accomplishment like no other.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer


[1] Results based on data provided by SECO Energy, collected between December 4 and 8, 2023. ACSI did not regulate the survey administration or sample size. ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.



SECO News February - March 2024 A Message from Shannon Wright SECO Energy 2024 Scholarship Program


SECO Energy practices the seven Cooperative Principles through our efforts to achieve our Mission, Vision and Core Values. Our annual Scholarship Program is one such initiative that embodies the principles of Concern for Community and Education, Training, and Information.


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees has approved $36,000 to fund the 2024 Scholarship Program. Up to twelve graduating high school seniors living in a home served by SECO will be awarded a $3,000 scholarship designed to ease the financial burden of pursuing higher education at an accredited institution in Florida.


As the labor pool in the energy industry narrows, cultivating and retaining local talent is critical. SECO Energy is seeking applicants who stand out in math and science and are keen on forging a career in energy-related fields. Whether technology, business, engineering, or mathematics, we support students with a passion for powering the future.




• Eligible candidates must graduate from high school by the end of the 2023-2024 academic year (May/June) and enroll in a Florida-based college, university, or technical school by the conclusion of the same year.
• Applicants must reside in a household within SECO Energy’s service area or live with a parent or legal guardian who is an active SECO Energy member.
• Special consideration will be given to those seeking a STEM-related degree or aiming for a career in the energy sector. Relevant majors include computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical, nuclear, environmental, civil, agricultural/biological, industrial, materials science, and various branches of mathematics.




When assessing applicants, SECO Energy will weigh financial need, academic accomplishments, community engagement, quality of the personal statement or essay, and relevance of the candidate’s major in preparation for a STEM-related or energy sector career.


Applications for the 2024 Scholarship Program are available online at > Your Co-op > Scholarships. Completed applications must be submitted to SECO Energy by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 1, 2024.


For inquiries regarding SECO Energy’s 2024 Scholarship Program, please contact our Communications team.





SECO News February - March 2024 StormCenter and LightFinder Power and Area Light Outage Reporting

StormCenter is SECO Energy’s online outage reporting center. Not only can you report power outages using your smartphone or tablet, but SECO will also send you outage updates via email, text, voice message, or all three.


Reporting a new outage or checking the status of an existing outage with your smartphone or tablet is easy. To report an outage, visit > StormCenter and click
“Report Outage.” Enter the account holder’s last name and house number (or the account number or phone number). To find the status of a current outage, click on the “Check Status” tab.


Make sure you’re enrolled in outage notifications via email, text or voice message or a combination of the three. Once service is restored, we’ll send you a message that includes the outage cause and restoration time. You can also set do not disturb times. To choose notification preferences, visit > StormCenter and click the “Manage Notifications” tab.


StormCenter allows you to report an area light malfunction, too. Choose LightFinder through the StormCenter platform to report area light malfunctions 24/7, including weekends, quickly and conveniently online. To report an area light that is completely out, flickering, or shining during daylight hours, visit > StormCenter and choose “LightFinder.” In the search bar at the top left of the LightFinder map, enter the pole number or closest address. An icon represents each light. Working lights are shown as a green icon, while a red icon is a light that has already been reported as malfunctioning. The icon is orange if the light has been repaired in the last 24 hours. A gray icon represents an inactive light, and a blue icon is a member-owned light, which is the member’s responsibility to repair.


After completing the brief reporting form, remember to provide your email address to receive timely updates regarding the status of the light repair. Area lights are repaired as soon as possible. In most cases, repairs are completed within 24 hours.



SECO News February - March 2024 Energizing 2024 Landstone Substation Fuels Growth in Sumter County


The massive construction of Middleton, one of the newest communities in The Villages, continues rapidly. New homes, businesses, and schools are being built to support Sumter County’s population increase. As the community grows, so will the demand for reliable, affordable energy. SECO Energy’s newest advanced substation, our 50th called Landstone, plays a vital role in meeting this demand.


Central Florida and SECO Energy’s service area is growing. With this growth comes the critical need for a reliable and robust electrical infrastructure. SECO is strategically building and planning for growth to continue long into the future. Landstone, with its two 56-megavolt amp (MVA) power transformers, is the key to ensuring thousands of homes and businesses receive the necessary electricity.


Landstone utilizes two Duke Energy transmission lines in a looped configuration, creating redundancy that increases reliability for members served from the nearby Federal substation. By design, crews can restore service to members served by either substation through distribution backfeeding. This redundancy decreases the length of service interruptions and supports growing demand.


To view your area’s system improvements and expansion projects, visit us online at > Contact > System Improvement Map.


Read the full February-March 2024 SECO News.

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