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SECO Purchases Local Students’ Livestock at Lake County Youth Fair

SECO Purchases Local Students’ Livestock at Lake County Youth Fair

SECO Energy continued its long-standing tradition of supporting youth agriculture activities by purchasing local students’ livestock at the Lake County Youth Fair. SECO Energy’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins attended the Lake County event and purchased one steer and two pigs during the sale.


SECO purchased a 268-pound pig from first-time-participant Paulina Groeger. Paulina is a seventh grader at Gray Middle School and a member of its FFA club. After paying her expenses from the sale proceeds, Paulina plans to add funds to her college account and save for next year’s swine project. SECO also purchased a 278-pound pig from high school junior Gretchen Farace. Gretchen attends South Lake High School and showed the school’s FFA Chapter-raised pig. She indicates the Chapter plans to use the funds to upgrade its facility and fund future projects.


On SECO’s behalf, Kathy Judkins also purchased a steer weighing 1,205 pounds from South Lake High School senior Ashton Clark. Ashton has been active in FFA for seven years. Ashton is dual-enrolled, attending Lake Sumter State College since her junior year. She will finish her Associate’s degree shortly after graduating high school. After earning her AA degree, she plans to continue her studies at the University of Florida where she will pursue a career in the medical field.


Kathy Judkins is impressed with this year’s Youth Fair participants. She stated, “These students are gaining skills that are preparing them for the workforce and companies such as SECO Energy are always seeking employees who have organizational, time management, dedication, teamwork, analytical and problem-solving skills.”


Visit SECO’s Community page to learn more about the not-for-profit cooperative’s community outreach efforts. Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to have your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar and donate the extra pennies for worthy causes like bill payment assistance for members in need. Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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