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SECO Purchases Tyler Willis’ Angus Steer at Citrus County Youth Fair

SECO Purchases Tyler Willis’ Angus Steer at Citrus County Youth Fair

SECO Energy once again participated in the Citrus County Youth Fair & Auction. SECO Energy Vice President of Engineering Ben Brickhouse and Manager of Engineering Mike White attended the Citrus County event and bid on a number of students’ livestock. Ben reported that prices were much higher than previous years. Remaining within SECO’s allotted budget, Ben was able to purchase one steer through the buyback process and provide add-on dollars to several other students’ projects.


SECO was outbid three times before being able to purchase a steer belonging to Tyler Willis. Tyler is 12 years old and a member of the Ease’s Rough Riders 4-H. This is Tyler’s second year of showing a steer. The steer weighed in at 1,320 pounds and is an Angus steer. Tyler also gave a gift basket of appreciation to Ben and Mike after the purchase! Ben stated, “It is always a pleasure to interacting with the youth fair students.”


SECO Energy’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins is impressed with this year’s Youth Fair participants. She stated, “These students are gaining skills that are preparing them for the workforce and companies such as SECO Energy are always seeking employees who have organizational, time management, dedication, teamwork, analytical and problem-solving skills.”


Learn more about SECO Energy’s community outreach efforts. Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to have your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar and donate the extra pennies for worthy causes like bill payment assistance for members in need. Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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