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Terms & Conditions of Service

Terms & Conditions of Service

Terms and Conditions of Service

Policy 207 Effective May 1, 2024



Applications for membership may be accepted by the Board at the regular monthly meetings. 


Acceptance by the Board entitles members to all of the privileges and responsibilities of SECO Energy membership. 


In order to continue as a member of SECO Energy (SECO), one membership fee as detailed in the Rate Tariff shall be paid. In addition, for each electrical connection serviced by SECO Energy, such member must have paid any necessary deposits, connection or reconnection fees, line extension or other fees as may from time to time be required in keeping with policies adopted by the Board of Trustees, and such member must continue to receive electric service from SECO Energy at all times. 


If such member shall have a paid membership and requests the Cooperative to hold the membership fee for an inactive account for future reactivation, the member shall relinquish all rights as an active member but remains a member of the Cooperative in an inactive status. 



Membership in the Cooperative may be withdrawn without prior Board action by verbal or written request of the member. 


Should a member fail to meet any of the preceding conditions of continuing membership, such membership, upon approval of the CEO or their designee, shall cease and be automatically terminated. The membership fee of such member shall be returned, less any indebtedness due the Cooperative for electric energy and other accrued charges. Regular monthly reports of memberships, thus terminated, shall be made to the Board of Trustees. 



Membership fee shall be deemed returned for purposes of this policy when mailed to the member at the member’s last known address or when applied to indebtedness due the Cooperative for electric energy and other accrued charges. 


When membership in the Cooperative ceases, terminates or becomes inactive, the member’s right to vote as a member of the Cooperative shall also cease and terminate. 


The Cooperative will use reasonable diligence to furnish a regular and uninterrupted supply of energy, but does not guarantee uninterrupted service. The Cooperative shall not be liable for damages in case such supply should be interrupted or fail by reason of an act of God, the public enemy, accidents, labor disputes, orders or acts of civil or military authority, breakdowns or injury to the machinery, transmission lines, distribution lines or other facilities of the Cooperative, extraordinary repairs of any other cause whatsoever, or any act of the Cooperative, including the interruption of service to any consumer, taken to prevent or limit the extent or duration of interruption, instability or disturbance on the electric system of the Cooperative or any electric system interconnected, directly or indirectly, with the Cooperative’s system, whenever such act is necessary or indicated in the sole judgment of the Cooperative. 


Unless otherwise provided in a contract between the Cooperative and member, the point at which service is delivered by the Cooperative to the member, to be known as “delivery point,” shall be the point at which the member’s facilities are connected to the Cooperative’s facilities. The Cooperative shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage resulting from the member’s use of his equipment or occasioned by the energy furnished by the Cooperative beyond the delivery point. 


The member shall provide and maintain suitable protective devices on his equipment to prevent any loss, injury or damage that might result from single phasing conditions or any other fluctuation or irregularity in the supply of energy. The Cooperative shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage resulting from a single phasing condition or any other fluctuation or irregularity in the supply of energy which could have been prevented by the use of such protective devices. 



In the event of loss or injury to the property of the Cooperative through misuse by, or the negligence of the member, the cost of the necessary repairs or replacement thereof shall be paid to the Cooperative by the member. 



The Cooperative shall have the right during regular working hours and in emergencies to enter the premises of the member for the purpose of vegetation management, installing, inspecting, reading, removing, testing, replacing, upgrading, disconnecting, reconnecting or otherwise disposing of its apparatus and property, and the right of entire removal of the Cooperative’s property in the event of the termination of the membership for any cause. The Cooperative’s agent will, upon request, show their credentials and state the reason for requiring access. 


Members are responsible for providing clear and safe access to SECO Energy’s equipment that is free of hazards or obstructions. 



The member shall maintain lighting service for a minimum term of one year from the commencement of service and shall continue thereafter until terminated by either party with written notice or as outlined by contract. 



The Cooperative shall, whenever possible, ensure that all members are notified three days in advance of any planned interruptions of service of one hour or more, on any line where said service is interrupted for the purpose of making changes and/or repairs to said line. 


Notifications are issued via email, text (SMS) message, voice message or a combination of the three as chosen by the member through SECO Energy’s notification system. Members who opt out of notifications from SECO Energy’s notification system will therefore not receive advance notice of planned interruptions. 



The preceding notification requirement does not apply to any interruption which may be caused by storms or other causes over which SECO Energy has no control nor will interruption of service caused by the failure of the power supplier be considered as the responsibility of the Cooperative. 



Where more than one member is served from a single meter, that meter shall be billed on non-residential rates; for example, two mobile homes on one meter (two separate buildings must be commercial rate). However, a separate meter for a workshop, garage, pool or tennis court, etc., which is essentially an accessory use of the home, is considered residential and will be billed as such. Pumps separately metered for residential purposes only also fall into this category for residential billing. 



The Cooperative shall not provide service to two wire installations, except in special conditions such as small water pumps, etc. 



SECO Energy will not locate a meter on an inside location. All meter locations shall be spotted by an authorized SECO Energy employee or contractor and shall be spotted so that the service may be provided as near the load center as possible. SECO Energy will determine the location of the service/meter. 


If the member relocates the meter location without approval of the Cooperative and impedes safe access to the Cooperative’s equipment, the member will be responsible for moving the meter to a new location approved by the Cooperative at the member’s expense. 



The Cooperative is responsible for the maintenance of its facilities including the meter. The member shall be responsible for maintenance of their portion of the service from the weatherhead to the main switch. 



No employee of the Cooperative shall do any house wiring, installation of electric facilities or any other work related to house wiring or installation on the premises of a member of the Cooperative or any other individual unless the employee is instructed by their supervisor to do so and they are compensated for this work by the Cooperative. This type of work will not be done during off duty hours by an employee. 



Under normal situations the meter is the point of jurisdiction between the Cooperative and the member. When a member requests that energy be delivered at a point or in a manner other than that designated by the Cooperative, the member shall pay the additional cost of such service if the Cooperative grants the member’s request. 



Any time the Cooperative’s facilities located on a member’s premises are relocated solely for the convenience of the member, the member shall pay the Cooperative the actual or estimated total cost of making such relocation. The cost shall be itemized by major categories and shall include the Cooperative’s normal overheads and be credited with the net value of any salvageable material. 



When a member’s premises are located in areas where electrical inspection laws or ordinances are in effect, the Cooperative may withhold furnishing electric service to new installations until it has received evidence that the electrical inspection laws or ordinances have been met. No responsibility shall accrue to the Cooperative because of any waiver of these requirements. 



The Cooperative reserves the right to discontinue the supply of electric service to any member or members without notice for any of the following reasons: 

  1. Fraudulent representation as to the use of electric service. 
  2. Disapproval of member’s equipment or installation due to defects, unsafe, or hazardous conditions. 
  3. For repairs or emergency operations. 
  4. Wherever such action is necessary to protect SECO Energy from fraud or abuse. 
  5. Upon cancellation of membership. 
  6. Upon the order of code or a law enforcement officer, as soon as practical. 



With notice of five working days, the Cooperative reserves the right to discontinue service for: 

  1. Non-payment of bill. SECO Energy MyWay PrePay account types are excluded from the 5-day notice of disconnection. 
  2. Entry to its meter, meters, or other equipment is refused or if access thereto is obstructed or hazardous. 
  3. Terms and Conditions of the Cooperative are violated. 



The Cooperative may thoroughly investigate any and all complaints or incidents where any person or persons may have tampered with meters and/or other equipment or property of the Cooperative. If the Cooperative determines that such person or persons is a member/consumer (or at the request of a member/consumer or with prior knowledge by a member/consumer) and did tamper with the meter and/or other equipment or property in any manner, service to that member or consumer may be immediately discontinued and the member may be expelled from membership in the Cooperative. 


Each member will be held responsible for any tampering with, interfering with, or breaking of seals of meters or other equipment of the Cooperative installed on the member’s premises. No one except representatives of the Cooperative shall be allowed to make any internal or external adjustments to any meter or any other piece of apparatus which is the property of the Cooperative. Fees such as Unauthorized Access, Meter Tampering, and Current Diversion and applicable reconnect fee may apply. 


It shall further be the policy of the Cooperative that the information gathered in the investigation is reviewed by the appropriate Cooperative personnel. Charges may be brought against said party in order that prosecution may follow. Other persons charged with any offense in destroying or tampering with the property of the Cooperative may also be prosecuted in the same manner. In cases where the incident may be a violation of Federal Law, the United States District Attorney may be notified in order that the evidence may be submitted to a Federal Grand Jury, etc. 



No new meter installations shall be performed after normal working hours, unless extenuating circumstances exist that will justify the additional expense. 



The member is responsible for providing and installing the meter base or can, including the meter socket, for single-phase residential or commercial installations, including multi-position sockets, rated at 320 amps or less. All meter bases installed on the Cooperative’s system must be approved by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and pass inspection by the applicable building code agency. The Cooperative will not install a meter in a meter base that cannot be adequately secured and locked or is not compatible with Cooperative service wires/cables and meters. 


The Cooperative will provide three-phase meter bases and enclosures for metering electric services that require the use of instrument transformers, but the original installation of this equipment, as well as any removal and replacement for maintenance purposes, is the responsibility of the member.



All meters are to be read monthly by the Cooperative, when possible. All electric meters will be read as nearly as possible according to the same reading schedule each month. It shall be the member’s responsibility to see that no hazards, unsafe conditions or obstacles exist to prevent an accurate meter reading each month. 


The Cooperative will, upon request of the member, test any meter suspected of improper registration. There is a meter testing fee as listed in the Cooperative’s published Rate Tariff for each meter test in excess of one per year. Such tests, witnessed by the member when possible, will be conducted using a properly calibrated meter standard. Any meter found registering correctly will be resealed and the date and results of the tests entered on the Cooperative’s records. If the meter is found to be registering improperly, outside of established guidelines, appropriate adjustments to the meter will be made and the meter testing fee will be refunded. 


Meter tests conducted by the meter manufacturer will be accepted as a valid meter test. If a member requests a meter test within one year of the accepted manufacturer test, the applicable meter testing fee will be charged. 


Accounts that opt out of automated metering infrastructure (AMI) will be required to pay a monthly manual meter reading fee that is published in the Cooperative’s Rate Tariff. The manual meter reading charge represents the partial cost of dispatching an employee to read the non-AMI meter when other meters in the billing cycle are being read by automated metering. There are no additional charges for the installation of the non-AMI meter. Manually read meters will be inspected periodically to protect the Cooperative from current diversion and meter tampering loss. 


To be eligible to opt out of the AMI program, the payment and account record history must be in good standing with no prior meter tampering or current diversion. Accounts with unsatisfactory payment history and account record are subject to have the AMI opt-out rescinded as determined by Management of the Cooperative. The AMI opt out is not available for rate classes that require AMI functionality (ie: accounts with interconnected solar arrays, time-of-use rate (TOU), EV Super-Off Peak Incentive, Special Interest/Medically Necessary Service). Account must be current with no past due balance. 



All electric accounts shall be billed monthly. Neither rates nor bills shall be discounted. Bills are due and payable by the date shown on the bill. Bills not paid by the date shown on the bill are subject to a late payment fee. See the Rate Tariff for fee schedule. Bills are payable at locations designated by the Cooperative. 


The billing period shall cover usage from the last meter reading date to the next meter reading date or until receipt of notice from the member to disconnect or upon disconnection by the Cooperative for breach of Terms and Conditions of the Cooperative. 



The member is required to pay the applicable monthly customer charge for electric service as long as service is available. If for any reason other than fire, flood or other natural disaster, service is disconnected and at a later date reconnected at the same location for use by the same member, in addition to the reconnect fee, the member will be billed the applicable daily customer charge for electric service times the number of days the service has been disconnected, not to exceed 365 days.



A monthly bill is a statement made by the Cooperative, of all charges made by the member, including any applicable taxes required by law, and accrued late payment fees, deposits and other fees or charges. 


The bill shall be the first notice. A second and final notice will be mailed if payment is not received by the date shown on the first notice stating that service will be subject to disconnection without further notice if payment is not received by the date shown on the second and final notice. 


A payment delinquency initiates an account deposit reassessment. Deposit calculation is equal to two times the average monthly bill for the service address during the 12 preceding occupied months. 


When electric service has been disconnected due to non-payment of the bill, service will not be reconnected until the bill, plus applicable fee(s) and an increased deposit, if required, has been paid. Fees are published in the Rate Tariff. 


Request for reconnection after 9:00 p.m. will occur on the next working day. 


NOTE: Member may choose to wait until the next working day for reconnection if payment is made after 5:00 p.m. If so, the applicable Monday – Friday business hours reconnection fee will apply. 


The administration of this policy shall be under the direction of the CEO or designee, and they are directed to use discretion if unusual circumstances arise in the administration of this policy that may jeopardize the interests of the members of the Cooperative. 



In the event any member disputes the accuracy of any bill received for electrical service, the member must immediately contact the Call Center or a Customer Service Center of the Cooperative. The member shall be afforded the opportunity to dispute a current bill and to present any information on their behalf. 



The Cooperative reserves the right to require additional deposit funds if the member’s account becomes delinquent or at any time the credit record necessitates. This charge will be made to the member’s account and must be paid by the due date of the next bill or service is subject to disconnection. 


Upon account closure, the deposit will be credited toward the final bill and any other unpaid balances for services. If monies are still left, a refund will be made to the member of record. In the event that a balance remains unpaid on the account after the deposit is applied, the Cooperative reserves the right to begin collection activities which may include: 30, 60 or 90 day notices; balance transfers; door hanger; referral to the consumer’s credit file; referral to a credit information service; referral to a third party collection agency; or legal action.



Review the Rate Tariff for the current minimum deposit amount for a residential account. 

  1. Deposits are required to be paid prior to the time a service connection or change of account order is issued unless other arrangements have been made and approved by Cooperative Management. 
  2. Deposits are not transferable from one member to another except with a valid, notarized Cooperative affidavit. 
  3. Upon termination of service, the deposit will be applied against any unpaid bills of the member. 
  4. Any remaining balance will be returned to the member. 
  5. Members who terminate service and have an unpaid balance that is delinquent by more than 30 days from their final bill date shall forfeit their membership and shall not be entitled to capital credit or any other membership privileges until all outstanding balances are paid in full. 



New applicants for an existing service shall be required to pay a membership fee. The Rate Tariff lists the current miscellaneous connection, transfer, new service, and reconnection fees as applicable. 


The membership fee is refundable upon termination of service and full payment of all amounts owed to the Cooperative. The connect or change of account fee is a non-refundable charge. 


A New Service – Connect fee is required for the installation of a meter at a new location that has not had previous service. See the current Rate Tariff for fee amounts. 



The deposit policy is designed to assess the credit risk associated with all applications for new or continuing service, while protecting the assets of our membership. 


The Cooperative will use available resources and technologies to determine identity and assess credit risk at the point of application, and charge deposits only to those potential members and existing members who pose credit risk. 


The Cooperative shall consider the status of the applicant and act according to the following criteria: 

  1. Applicants who pose no credit risk will be charged no deposit. 
  2. Applicants who pose a credit risk will be charged the minimum deposit as published in the current Rate Tariff. 
  3. Any existing customer who is not current in payment (i.e. disconnected for non-payment, appearing on the cut-off list, having a return check, receiving an extension, tampering with a meter, or engaging in current diversion) may be deemed to have an unsatisfactory payment or account record and may be required to pay a deposit equal to two times the average monthly consumption during the preceding 12 months to continue service. 
  4. A customer who has an unpaid bill with another utility shall pay the maximum deposit as listed in the current Rate Tariff. 
  5. A service applicant who provides a social security number that is returned as deceased, non-issued, belonging to a person under the age of 18, or belonging to a person other than the applicant, or is fraudulent, will be asked to provide a valid social security number as well as additional proof of identity (i.e., valid driver’s license, Social Security Card, etc.) 
  6. Applicants who refuse to provide their social security number pose a greater credit risk and shall be charged the maximum deposit as outlined in the current Rate Tariff. 
  7. All residential deposits may be adjusted upward or downward to reflect the actual energy usage, billing experience and the payment habits of the customer. 



Bills are due and payable by the date shown on the bill. Bills not paid by the date shown on the bill are subject to a late payment fee. See current Rate Tariff for fee schedule. 



Any existing account that becomes delinquent (i.e. disconnected for non-payment, appearing on the cut-off list, having a return check, receiving an extension, tampering with a meter, or engaging in current diversion), may be deemed to have an unsatisfactory payment or account record and may require a new or additional deposit equal to two times the average monthly consumption during the preceding twelve (12) months to continue service. 


In addition, if a member has been sent written notice which states that an increased deposit has been assessed, this additional deposit amount is due and payable with that bill. Failure to pay the additional deposit and the bill due may result in immediate termination of service. 



A member, who is presently receiving electric service from the Cooperative and has been current in their payments for such service for twelve (12) months and has established an excellent payment and account record may apply for additional service without the necessity of making a security deposit for such additional service unless in the judgment of appropriate Cooperative personnel a deposit is required to reasonably protect the Cooperative against financial loss. 



In all of the preceding cases, the security deposit may be increased to protect the financial interest of the Cooperative if deemed necessary by appropriate Cooperative personnel. The amount should be such that it will protect the Cooperative against financial loss but should in no cases exceed twice the average monthly billing for electric energy. 



If a member, who is current in their payments to the Cooperative, requests that their service be reconnected at a later time for either electric service or lighting service, The applicable fee as stated in the Rate Tariff will apply. Multiple reconnects for an applicant to be performed on the same day within a radius of five miles will be charged one reconnect fee. If such member shall have been current in the payment of their electric account for the preceding twelve months, then and in such event the security deposit shall be in the same amount as before the voluntary disconnection. 



Security deposits shall not be deemed as an advance payment of electric bills and are not to be applied to members’ accounts until service is discontinued. When security deposits are required, connection or reconnection can be refused unless such security deposits are made in an amount as shall reasonably protect the Cooperative against loss considering the usage requirements of the service rendered. If an account is closed, the deposit will be credited toward the final bill and any other outstanding balances with the Cooperative of the member. In the event that a balance remains on the account, the Cooperative will begin Collection Activities (see Delinquent Accounts/ Collection Activities – 207.6 C). 




For the purposes of this policy, a member shall be considered “current in their payment” if their electric account does not appear on the cut-off list, if their account has not been disconnected for non-payment, if they have not received an extension, if there has been no return checks, meter tampering or current diversion. 



Residential members may establish credit and receive a refund/waiver of their deposit(s). 

  1. The Member must have maintained an active account with the Cooperative for a period of twenty-four (24) months, with an established excellent payment history and account record, the Member may receive a refund of their deposits, upon request and account review. For deposit refund purposes, “excellent payment history” shall mean that during the past twenty-four (24) months the member has had no delinquent notices; no disconnects for non-payment; no dishonored checks; no incidents of meter tampering or current diversion; and no payment extensions. 
  2. The deposit requirement, including additional residential accounts, may be waived if one of the following criteria is met: 

• A residential member with satisfactory credit rating from a SECO Energy approved reporting agency. 

• A residential member with preceding 24 consecutive months of satisfactory payment record.  


Accounts that indicate substantial credit risk are not eligible for a deposit refund until their service is terminated or they no longer pose a substantial credit risk. 



An applicant who has declared bankruptcy indicates substantial credit risk and may require a maximum deposit of the individual who has a bankruptcy returned as part of their credit record. 



Any applicant who has a bill from another utility that remains unpaid, and is returned as part of the credit check, indicates significant credit risk and shall require a maximum deposit. 



An adverse action letter will be printed and provided to each applicant who is denied service or charged a deposit. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) mandate that a consumer who is charged a deposit based upon credit information be given notification as to where that information was obtained and detailed procedures as to how they might dispute the information. 


It is clearly an adverse action to charge a higher deposit to applicants whose credit history indicates enough credit risk to warrant a deposit. Credit check matches for unpaid utility bills are also considered adverse action. 



The Cooperative will not accept a Letter of Credit in lieu of credit screening. Deposit decisions will be based on credit evaluations and not Letters of Credit from another utility. Exceptions may be made for non-residents of the U.S. and for residents of U.S. states that do not lend themselves to credit reporting.


The Cooperative shall require a security deposit sufficient to reasonably protect the Cooperative against financial loss in the sale of electricity to its non-residential account members subject to the following provisions: 



  1. Deposits are required to be paid prior to the time a connect or change of account order is issued unless other arrangements have been made and approved by Cooperative Management. 
  2. Deposits are not transferable from one member to another except with a valid, notarized Cooperative affidavit. 
  3. Government entities, city, county, state, or federal institutions will be exempt from deposits, (i.e., schools, office buildings, prisons, utilities, etc.) 
  4. Upon termination of service, the deposit will be applied against any unpaid bills of the member. 
  5. Any remaining balance will be returned to the member. 
  6. Members who terminate service and have an unpaid balance that is delinquent by more than 30 days from their final bill date shall forfeit their membership and shall not be entitled to capital credits or any other membership privileges until all outstanding balances are paid in full. 



New applicants for an existing service shall be required to pay a membership fee. Multiple connects for an applicant to be performed on the same day within a radius of five miles will be charged one connect fee. The Rate Tariff lists the current miscellaneous connection, transfer, new service, and reconnection fees as applicable. 


The membership fee is refundable upon termination of service and full payment of all amounts owed to the Cooperative. The connect or change of account fee is a non-refundable charge. 


A New Service – Connect Fee is required for the installation of a meter at a new location that has not had previous service. See current Rate Tariff for fee amounts. 




Available resources and technologies will be used to determine identity and assess credit risk at the point of application. Security deposits are required for all new non-residential services and are due prior to applicant receiving service unless other arrangements have been made and approved by Cooperative Management. 


Established members with a good credit history making application for existing service will be required to pay a deposit for said service but will not be subject to re-depositing of all their accounts. 


Established members with a poor payment history or account record making application for an existing service will be required to pay a deposit for said service and may be subject to an increased deposit equal to two months average billing for all accounts. 


The Cooperative shall consider the status of the applicant and act according to the following criteria: 

  1. The deposit amount will be an amount equal to two times the average billing for the service location during the preceding twelve (12) months of normal use. If the service address is new and has not had service before, the deposit will be an amount equal to two months estimated usage based on an estimated load factor for that type of account. 
  2. An applicant who provides a social security number that is returned as deceased, non-issued, belonging to a person under the age of 18, or belonging to a person other than the applicant, or is fraudulent, will be asked to provide a valid social security number as well as additional proof of identity (i.e. valid driver’s license, Social Security Card, etc. Applicants who refuse to provide their social security number, if applicable, pose a greater credit risk and shall be charged the maximum deposit. 
  3. Applicants providing a federal identification number, in lieu of a social security number, will be asked to provide proof of identity if they are representing the company for which service is being established and information will be noted accordingly in the Customer Information System. 
  4. All non-residential deposits may be adjusted upward or downward to reflect the actual energy usage, billing experience and the payment habits of the customer. 



Bills are due and payable by the date shown on the bill. Bills not paid by the date shown on the bill are subject to a late payment fee. See the Rate Tariff for fee schedule. Bills are payable at locations designated by the Cooperative. 



Any existing account that becomes delinquent (i.e. disconnected for non-payment, appearing on the cut-off list, having a return check, receiving an extension, tampering with a meter, or engaging in current diversion), may be deemed to have an unsatisfactory payment history and account record and may require a new or additional deposit equal to two times the average monthly consumption during the preceding 12 months to continue service. 


In addition, if a member has been sent written notice which states that an increased deposit has been assessed, this additional deposit amount is due and payable with that bill. Failure to pay the additional deposit and the bill due may result in immediate termination of service. 



An Irrevocable Letter of Credit or Surety Bond may be accepted in lieu of a deposit of $1,000.00 or more. 



An applicant who has declared bankruptcy indicates substantial credit risk and may require a maximum deposit of the individual or company who or which has a bankruptcy returned as part of their credit record. 



Any applicant, who or which has a bill from another utility that remains unpaid, and is returned as part of the credit check, indicates significant credit risk and shall require a maximum deposit. 



An adverse action letter will be printed and provided to each applicant who is denied service. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) mandate that a consumer who is charged a deposit based upon credit information be given notification as to where that information was obtained and detailed procedures as to how they might dispute the information.


It is the responsibility of the Management and employees to communicate, support and ensure compliance with this policy, and to inform the Members that they are responsible for their own compliance with this policy.


It is the responsibility of the management and employees to communicate, support and ensure compliance with this policy, and to inform the members that they are responsible for their own compliance with this policy.