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Tropical Storm Emily Heading to Central Florida

Tropical Storm Emily Heading to Central Florida

SECO Energy is monitoring Tropical Storm Emily as it passes through its service area today and Tuesday.


Tropical Storm Emily, formerly named Tropical Depression Six, formed off the coast of Tampa early Monday morning. The storm is heading east at 8 miles per hour and is expected to trek eastward across Central Florida today, impacting SECO’s service area.


The storm is predicted to produce heavy rains and winds less than 35 miles per hour. The forecast is still mostly uncertain, Tropical Storm Emily developed very quickly from a depression to a tropical storm overnight. The storm should make initial landfall near the Tampa Bay area.


The system is not expected to develop intensity and will be through Florida and into the Atlantic waters early Tuesday morning.

SECO Energy is Storm Ready, Tropical Storm Emily is predicted to produce heavy rains and winds less than 35 mph


SECO employees are Storm Ready and waiting to respond if outages occur from Tropical Storm Emily. Tropical Storm Emily will be the first storm to impact Central Florida during the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season. SECO is prepared for the possibility of inclement weather and would like to remind members that it is best to be informed and prepared.


SECO offers storm preparation tips and an emergency checklist online. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is dedicated to being our members’ first source for accurate storm information. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” the company on Twitter to stay updated about storms affecting our area.

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