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SECO Donates to Habitat for Humanity

SECO Donates to Habitat for Humanity

SECO Energy is adding to the beauty of the urban forest and energizing the community by donating trees and shrubs to Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter. The collection of cypress trees, loropetalum bushes, bougainvillea and lily hybrids will be planted at various Habitat projects in Lake and Sumter counties.


SECO Energy is nationally recognized as a Tree Line USA utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation for nine years in a row. SECO achieved Tree Line USA by meeting five program standards. Utilities must follow industry standards for quality tree care; provide annual worker training in best tree-care practices; sponsor a tree-planting and public education program; maintain a tree-based energy conservation program; and participate in an Arbor Day celebration.


Ken Lacasse, Manager of System Reliability, explains that trees and utilities can co-exist in an urban landscape. “To get the most benefit from your trees, plant the right tree in the right place to save energy and keep it away from overhead lines. As a certified arborist, I recommend planting tall trees such as oaks and pines at least 70 feet away from overhead lines and low-growing trees such as azaleas and crape myrtles at least 15 feet from lines. Larger trees near the home will offer more shade, which will reduce cooling costs, and won’t interfere with power lines.”


SECO Energy Donates to Habitat for Humanity


SECO’s donation to Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter makes a difference in the communities it serves. Habitat for Humanity of Lake-Sumter’s programs are designed to meet the needs of local communities. To learn more about Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter, visit


To learn more about how trees can help consumers save energy, visit At SECO Energy’s website, consumers can find more information about planting the right tree in the right place and about SECO’s vegetation management program. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” SECO on Twitter for cooperative updates and news releases.

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