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SECO Earns Tree Line USA Utility for Tenth Year

SECO Earns Tree Line USA Utility for Tenth Year

SECO Energy is proud to announce it has once again been recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Line USA Utility. This is the tenth year SECO has earned the honor of this designation.


According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the Tree Line USA program exists to recognize best practices in public and private utility arboriculture, demonstrating how trees and utilities can co-exist for the benefit of communities and citizens.


SECO successfully earned its Tree Line USA Utility designation by adhering to the Arbor Day Foundation’s five core standards. SECO practices quality tree care, trains utility employees and contractors annually about best practices, sponsors tree planting and public education, offers a tree-based energy conservation program and participates in an Arbor Day Celebration.


Dan Lambe, Arbor Day Foundation President, praised SECO’s tenth Tree Line USA designation. Lambe stated, “Your commitment to proper tree-care practice benefits your customers in numerous ways, including providing cleaner air and water, increasing property values and improving quality-of-life. Trees also conserve energy and reduce peak demand, a crucial benefit to customers and providers alike.”


John LaSelva, SECO’s Vice President of Operations stated, “I am extremely proud of the Vegetation Management team for its decade-long commitment to the Arbor Day Foundation. SECO’s team of certified arborists have the tools and knowledge to promote a healthy urban forest while reducing tree-caused outages.”


Enjoy a family-friendly event and visit with SECO’s Vegetation Management team at Earthfest at Arbor Day in the Great Outdoors on Saturday, April 22. The event is located at Tuscawilla Park, at 829 NE Sanchez Avenue in Ocala.


Learn more about tree-line safety and how trees can save energy on our Reliability page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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