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SECO Energy Awarded 5-Star Status in ‘Co-ops Vote’ National Program

SECO Energy Awarded 5-Star Status in ‘Co-ops Vote’ National Program

SECO Energy announced today it has been named a “5-Star Co-op” by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). NRECA is the national organization that represents the nation’s 900+ not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperatives. With 42 million members in 48 states, electric co-ops can stand together as a powerful voice in this year’s elections.


The 5-star designation recognizes SECO Energy’s high level of participation in Co-ops Vote, a national get-out-the-vote campaign. The non-partisan campaign seeks to engage voters and boost turnout in areas served by electric co-ops. The 5-star status marks the highest level of engagement in Co-ops Vote and is achieved when a participating co-op completes five or more program activities.


SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Voting is an important right that too many citizens across the nation don’t embrace but SECO is fortunate to have a higher-than-average level of participation in the Central Florida counties we serve. Elections are important and SECO uses the Co-ops Vote program to increase awareness of civic duty on Election Day and every day. We’re honored to be recognized by NRECA for being a Co-ops Vote award winner.”


SECO Energy encourages member participation in the democratic process on a local, state and federal level. The cooperative’s members can find out more about legislation affecting the energy industry, how to register and where to cast their vote by visiting our Legislative Corner.


The Co-ops Vote program makes a difference in the communities SECO serves by giving a voice to SECO Energy members related to issues affecting affordable, reliable electric service. Learn more about Co-ops Vote and subscribe to updates at seven cooperative principles include the premise of participation in the political process. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO supports these principles and encourages its members to engage in the political process and make their voices heard at the local, state and national level.


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