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SECO Energy Employees Pledge $66,000 to United Way

SECO Energy Employees Pledge $66,000 to United Way

SECO Energy employees generously donated over $66,000 to local United Way agencies for the employee-led 2019 United Way Pledge Drive. Employee generosity increased dramatically this year with a $13,000 or 25 percent increase over the 2018 pledge amount.


SECO’s 400+ employees live in or near the seven counties served by the cooperative, which delivers reliable, affordable power to over 200,000 Central Florida families and businesses. During the pledge drive, employees who contribute are able to choose the county where their donated dollars will benefit.


The bulk of SECO members reside in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties and the majority of SECO employees live and work in these counties as well. In Citrus County, employees pledged $6,656; in Lake County, employees pledged $15,591; in Marion County, employees pledged $19,790; in Sumter County, employees pledged $20,598; and other regional counties received $3,484.


United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. Education, income and health are the United Way’s key focuses. Visit United Way to find a local branch, volunteer or donate.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “During this Christmas season, let us all pledge to give back within our local communities. SECO employees are blessed with a giving spirit. Their increased pledges represent substantial individual generosity toward the collective goal of assisting others who are less fortunate. Our employees’ pledges will make a difference in the lives of those in need across our service territory.”


Deputy Director of Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs Kathy Judkins manages SECO’s giving programs, and is a board member of a local United Way agency. Judkins stated, “I know first-hand that every donation provides solutions to health and human services in our community. It is all of us giving collectively to a local cause that unites us.”


SECO members can donate their extra pennies to help fellow members in need or to support local, worthy causes – by enrolling in SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program. Once enrolled, members’ bills are automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. The donated pennies provide assistance through the Angel Fund.


Angel Funds are used to provide bill payment assistance to members, help those in dire and unique circumstances or support other causes in the counties we serve. Requests for Angel Fund assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 2-1-1.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates. Visit our Community page online to learn more about SECO’s corporate citizenship and other community outreach initiatives.

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