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SECO Energy Trustee Scott Boyatt Earns Board Leadership Certificate

SECO Energy Trustee Scott Boyatt Earns Board Leadership Certificate

SECO Energy Board District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt has been recognized for earning his Board Leadership Certificate through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).


According to the NRECA, the Board Leadership Certificate is a series of courses that focus on specific industry and governance issues that directly impact electric cooperatives. Participants learn more about risk management, power supply, parliamentary procedure, technology and policy development. The Board Leadership Certificate is designed to prepare directors and trustees of electric cooperatives to navigate the issues and challenges facing electric co-ops today and in the future.


A SECO member since 2004, Boyatt lives in Clermont and has represented the District 1 members on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees for five years. Boyatt was first elected to SECO’s Board in 2013.


Trustee Boyatt stated, “The NRECA’s Director Certificate Programs provide a solid foundation of skills that are helpful in serving SECO members on SECO’s Board of Trustees. Continuing my education through the NRECA provides meaningful skills that enhance my ability to serve members’ interests. I am thankful for the opportunity to expand my knowledge of the utility industry and to put those skills into practice while representing members in District 1 and SECO’s membership at large through my years of Board service.”


CEO Jim Duncan praised Trustee Boyatt’s commitment to enhancing his education to benefit SECO members. Duncan stated, “I am proud of Trustee Boyatt for taking the next step in his Trustee education by engaging in the NRECA’s Board education program. I commend Mr. Boyatt’s willingness to serve SECO members as the District 1 Trustee and salute his commitment to our members.”


Photos and brief bios of the Trustees along with an interactive District map are available online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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