SECO News, February 2017

SECO News, February 2017

Duncan’s Digest: 2017 Annual Meeting

It’s that time of year, and we are gearing up for our 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership. The event takes place on Saturday, March 25, at our Sumterville Compound at 293 S. Highway 301. Gates open at 8:00 a.m., registration opens at 8:30 a.m. and the business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m.


Our Annual Meeting is about you – our member. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is operated for the benefit of and owned by the members. SECO does not share dividends with stockholders or investors. Instead, and per the requirements of our business model and bylaws, our margins are allocated to the members themselves, used as equity for the financial health of the cooperative and returned/retired to the members upon Board of Trustee approval.

Fun, Food and Prizes


However, the meeting isn’t all business – we have fun around here too. Join us for breakfast biscuits, coffee, sodas, doughnuts and cookies. Browse our Energy Showcase to learn more about energy savings and visit with SECO’s energy partners. Kick up your heels to some of the best live entertainment by Margo Rochelle and the Rodeo Drive band. And visit with the Facebook Help Squad to learn how to enter the Facebook drawing for the $300 bill credit.


If you’ve attended before, you know that we give away prizes galore! The grand prizes up for grabs this year are $1,500 in cash, a truck and a golf cart. SECO is also giving away a $1,000 cash prize, two $500 cash prizes and a $300 Facebook bill credit. Additionally, we have a host of door prizes – many of which are donated by local businesses and vendors that are also our members.


All registered members receive a special SECO gift and a copy of our 2016 Annual Report, with an additional gift available in the Energy Showcase. A Q&A session wraps up the business meeting, so don’t be shy about asking a question. The door prizes start after the business meeting portion, so be sure to stay for the entire meeting. Given that we host nearly 4,000 guests in a short timeframe, parking is a pretty well-oiled machine managed by SECO employees supported by local law enforcement.

Annual Meeting Invite 2017


Your official Annual Meeting notice will arrive in either your February or March billing statement – depending on the date of your billing cycle. You don’t need to bring the notice to the meeting with you as we’ve developed an electronic check in process that works best with a copy of your bill. Join me, along with your fellow cooperative members, the SECO Board of Trustees and many of SECO’s employees for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Membership.


Let’s pray for mild weather this year. I hope to see each of you there.


Read the full February 2017 SECO News here.

2 thoughts on “SECO News, February 2017

  1. andrew pchola - February 25, 2017 at 1:23 am

    how do I register to attend annual members meeting?

    • Amanda Richardson - February 25, 2017 at 2:51 pm

      Hi Andrew, you don’t have to pre-register to attend. Registration is near the parking area. Don’t forget to “like” SECO’s Facebook page as a first step to be eligible to win the $300 bill credit at the Annual Meeting. See you there!

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