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Start New Service

Start New Service

In applying for service, you become a MEMBER of our not-for-profit electric cooperative. You will be more than just a customer. As a member, you will share in the margins of our company and vote to elect a member in your District to serve on the Board of Trustees.


Find out if the service address you’re considering is located within SECO’s service territory using our interactive map. If the residential location falls within our boundary, click the Start New Service button below. You will be re-directed to our SmartHub portal. Service connections are performed Monday – Friday excluding holidays.


For Residential or Agriculture sites with no established electric facilities, download and complete the Single-Site Residential or Agricultural Notification of New Construction. Commercial or Industrial accounts without established electric facilities, apply using the Commercial/Industrial Notice of New Construction. If the Commercial or Industrial account has current electric service, email New Construction or call (352) 793-3801 to begin the application.

To reconnect or transfer residential electric service with established facilities, click on the orange button above. You will be re-directed to SECO Energy’s SmartHub portal to confirm the service address. Have your full Social Security Number (SSN), date of birth (DOB), and driver license (DL) number (or other government-issued ID number, if applicable), as well as contact information (Full Authentication includes: Complete SSN, DOB and Driver License Number).


For Residential or Agriculture new services with no established facilities, download and complete the Single-Site Residential or Agricultural Notification of New Construction. Commercial or Industrial accounts without established electric facilities, apply using the Commercial/Industrial Notice of New Construction. If the Commercial or Industrial account has current electric service, email New Construction to begin the application.



The SSN and DOB are necessary to process a utility score check via Equifax to determine if the deposit can be waived. SECO also relies on Equifax for verification to protect against identity theft and fraud. If you prefer not to provide your personal information, apply by visiting a local Member Service Center, present a government-issued photo ID and pay the required deposit prior to service connection. To prevent unauthorized use, a DL number or other government-issued ID number is requested as an extra layer of account security. If necessary SECO may request confirmation of the ID number to prevent fraudulent activity.

Cooperatives are owned by the members who use its services. When you apply for service with SECO Energy, you become a member-owner. SECO is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, as such, we generally have an excess of revenues over expenses. This excess, called Capital Credits, is allocated annually to members based on their energy purchases during the year. For more information see Capital Credits.


Individual Membership: Permission to start or disconnect service, billing and charges inquiries and online account access is available to the individual member of record only. However, you can add an account manager (for example: Spouse). See the question below referencing “add an additional contact.” This membership type accrues allocated Capital Credits in the individual member’s name on all of his/her SECO accounts.


Joint-Membership: Permission to start or disconnect service (requires full authentication for both members), billing and charges inquiries and online account access is granted to both members of record who must be spouses. For this membership type, spouses jointly accrue allocated Capital Credits on their joint membership (on all SECO accounts in both names).  Please note: With a joint membership, the heir (spouse) receiving all applicable Capital Credits at a discounted lump sum is not an option.

SECO allows members (after identity authentication) to add an additional contact/account manager to their account(s). For identity verification purposes, a Member Services representative will require the additional contact’s full personal information directly from the contact. The additional contact may make certain account-related inquiries and changes such as mailing address, billing inquiries (i.e., bill amount, due date, usage), request payment arrangements, make payments, report service problems and more.

No, only a member of record may register and/or vote at a District or Annual Meeting. The member’s spouse may register and/or vote in place of the member, even if the spouse has not been added to the account as an additional contact. Remember to bring a government-issued photo ID to meetings for identity verification. Only one vote (registration) per member(ship) regardless of the number of active SECO accounts.

Transfers, reconnections and disconnections of service typically require notice of one business day. However, depending on weather and outage-related situations, requests could take up to three business days.

Contact Member Services to request disconnection at (352) 793-3801 or Most email inquiries are answered within two business days. SECO requires advance notice of one business day for service disconnection. Only the member of record may disconnect service. For members on Auto-Pay bank draft, the final bill as well as any other bill with a due date occurring after the disconnection date will not automatically draft. Expect to arrange an alternate method of payment.

If SECO holds a deposit on your account and you request service disconnection, the deposit amount will be applied to your final bill. Any remaining deposit credit is mailed to you in the form of a check. Once the account disconnection is finalized, it could take up to ten business days to receive a check.

If you move from our service area, the allocated Capital Credits on your account will remain in your name. Capital Credits are typically retired (paid) annually with Board of Trustee approval. Once your retirement amount exceeds $10, SECO will mail a check to the current mailing address on file. Please provide SECO with your most current mailing (forwarding) address when disconnecting service so that your final bill, your deposit (when applicable) and future Capital Credits can be forwarded to you.

Yes, for individual memberships the heir of the member of record is able to collect on all applicable Capital Credits at a discounted lump sum; however, for a joint membership, this is not an option. The (shared) Capital Credits will remain with the surviving joint member. The account will be transferred into the survivor’s name as an individual membership, and he/she will receive Board-approved Capital Credits annually in his/her name.