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Tis the Season for Scammers

Tis the Season for Scammers

During the Christmas season, scammers believe that people are more vulnerable to falling for their tricks. SECO Energy is reminding members to be cautious of any person claiming to be from the utility whether in person or on the phone. Be especially cautious of demands for immediate payment.


SECO has numerous employees and contractors working in the field who come in contact with members on a regular basis. All SECO employees and contractors carry company-issued identification. Members should ask for identification or call SECO and verify an employee or contractor’s identity. Be extremely cautious of any person who is asking for entry into your home or business. SECO employees will not arrive to conduct an energy audit or conduct a solar assessment on a home without a pre-scheduled appointment.


Phone scams are also a concern. SECO members, residential and commercial, have reported receiving phone calls threatening disconnection of service unless payment is made immediately. Be warned, SECO does not call and demand credit card payment over the phone. SECO uses a robo-call system after hours to remind members of late payments. A SECO employee will never arrange for a member to meet them at an off-site location and demand a cash payment.


Kathryn Gloria, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Energy Services, stated, “Be extra wary of scams during the Christmas season. A scammer’s main objective is to make a quick buck. They are likely to leave the property or end a call quickly if they believe their scam will be exposed.”


Gloria adds, “Be alert and call SECO immediately if you want to verify the identity a SECO employee or contractor or if you are questioning the legitimacy of a phone call from SECO. If at any time you feel your safety is at risk, call 911 immediately.”


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