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Trustee Completes Advanced Education Certificate

Trustee Completes Advanced Education Certificate

SECO Energy congratulates District Four Trustee, Richard Dennison of Ocala, for earning his Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) Certificate.  Mr. Dennison became a SECO member in 1999 and began his Board service in 2015.


The CCD courses, provided by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), are designed to provide cooperative board members with knowledge on basic governance and the essential skills needed for a cooperative director.  SECO’s Board of Trustees use this knowledge to guide the fiduciary duties of the board and to serve as elected officials on behalf of SECO’s membership.


Ray Vick, Board of Trustees President, stated, “Education, Training and Information is a key cooperative principle and I applaud Mr. Dennison’s efforts to learn more about electric cooperative governance and cooperatives themselves.  As a Board member, Mr. Dennison provides oversight and sound financial judgment that is instrumental in SECO’s continuing success.  I am proud of the commitment Mr. Dennison has made to SECO’s Board of Trustees and to its members.”


Mr. Dennison enjoys his role as a SECO Energy Trustee, “It is a pleasure to serve as a SECO Trustee and be a voice and a representative for its members.  The energy industry is changing and by continuing my education, I can keep abreast of industry advancements and continue to work for our members.”


SECO’s Board of Trustees, CEO and senior leadership celebrated Mr. Dennison’s accomplishment during its November Board Meeting.


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