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SECO FUN-Raises $1,181 for Red Nose Day

At SECO Energy’s five Service Centers located across its Central Florida territory, employees and members joined the FUN-raising by donating to Red Nose Day, a charitable movement that encourages us to, “Laugh. Give. Save a Kid.” Wearing big, red noses may be funny, but Red Nose Day is serious support for many global charities.


SECO Energy, its employees and members brought the laughs and raised over $1,181 to support children through Red Nose Day. Donations contribute to meals for children in homeless shelters, antibiotics to treat pneumonia, eye exams, medical supplies and support homeless shelters for children.


SECO Energy Employees raise money for Red Nose Day


Vice President of Corporate Communications and Energy Services Kathryn Gloria states, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO believes in responsible corporate citizenship by supporting the communities it serves. We are all part of the global community and SECO is proud to support children in need all over the world. A thank you to the employees and members who came together for such a worthy but fun cause.”


In the last 25 years, Red Nose Day has raised over $1 billion to help kids all over the world. Visit for more information about the global charities supported through laughter.


SECO Energy Employees raise money for Red Nose Day


Find more information about SECO Energy’s commitment to community online at Members can join SECO in supporting local communities by enrolling in its Pennies from Heaven program. Pennies from Heaven automatically rounds members’ bills up to the nearest dollar. These extra pennies are distributed locally to SECO members for bill payment assistance.


SECO Energy Employees raise money for Red Nose Day



SECO Stands Storm Ready

With hurricane season beginning on June 1, 2016, and afternoon thunderstorms on the horizon, SECO Energy is assuring members that the cooperative and its employees are “Storm Ready.”


SECO remains Storm Ready by focusing on preventing outages throughout the year, not only during storm and hurricane season. Storm Ready is designing, building and maintaining a reliable system that delivers power to SECO members rain or shine. In 2015, SECO maximized its outage prevention efforts by inspecting almost 20,000 pieces of equipment, upgrading fiber optic lines to improve data communication and trimming or removing trees that could endanger overhead power lines.


When thunderstorms are approaching, SECO’s member services employees are ready to answer calls and assist members. SECO’s Corporate Communications department delivers updated storm and outage information to members via the website and social media channels.


SECO Stands Storm Ready


SECO’s System Operations Center is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week and uses advanced weather tracking to predict weather patterns affecting the area. They are ready to assist members outside of normal business hours and dispatch a cavalcade of employees and trucks to restore members’ power. SECO Operations employees work diligently to restore power quickly and safely – they are the good guys in the white hats.


Kathryn Gloria, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Energy Services encourages members to be Storm Ready as well. “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we are dedicated to helping our members’ prepare for storm season. Now is the time to assemble your emergency supply kit and update your contact information with SECO. SECO is committed to being our members’ first source for accurate storm communications and updates.”


To review a comprehensive emergency checklist, visit Bookmark SECO’s website in your desktop or smartphone browser to quickly report an outage through SECO’s Storm Center. Members who “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” us on Twitter have instant access to updates on storm activity, news releases and restoration efforts.

Don’t be a Safety Statistic

SECO Energy considers the safety of its employees its most important core value. SECO employees pay critical attention to electrical safety by wearing personal protective gear (PPE) and utilizing the latest safety standards and equipment.


Just as SECO Energy employees use specialized PPE to protect themselves while working with electricity, consumers should protect themselves from electrical hazards. Consumers use electricity daily to cook meals, cool our homes, power televisions and other electronic gadgets. Electricity may seem commonplace, but consumers need to remember that electricity can cause injuries such as burns and shocks, which can be fatal.


SECO Energy, Don’t be a Safety Statistic


Don’t be a safety statistic. The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports there are more than 400 people electrocuted each year. Electricity is the cause of more than 140,000 fires with 4,000 injuries and 400 deaths and results in property damage of $1.6 billion. Electricity is also to blame for 300 workplace fatalities and approximately 4,000 injuries at work according to the National Safety Council.


Follow these top ten electrical safety tips so that you don’t become a safety statistic:

  1.  Before working near electric equipment, survey the work area for hazards
  2.  Always assume any overhead line is energized and dangerous
  3.  Report downed lines as soon as possible
  4.  Remain clear of downed power lines
  5. Keep ladders and equipment away from overhead lines
  6.  Repair appliances that smoke, spark or shock
  7.  Unplug appliances during cleaning or servicing
  8.  Replace frayed power or extension cords
  9.  Caution children to never play near underground transformer boxes or substations
  10.  If you are in a car accident involving downed wires, stay in the vehicle until help arrives


CEO Jim Duncan states, “SECO Energy employees are dedicated to safety and are acutely aware that our industry is dangerous. We don’t compromise safety standards, and we watch out for each other, our members and the general public.”


For more information about electrical safety visit SECO Energy’s Safety page at Are you a member or leader of a group who is interested in a presentation about electrical safety? SECO has speakers and presentations about electrical safety available for all age groups. Contact SECO online, or call 352-793-3801 to request a speaker for your group.

SECO Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life

On Friday, April 29, SECO’s team of employee volunteers participated in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Fundraiser for Sumter County. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event; and it raises donations that contribute to cancer research as well as providing support for cancer patients and their caregivers.


This year’s theme was “Stopping Cancer in its Tracks,” inspired by the iconic television show Soul Train. SECO team members and other volunteers boogied through the night and into the morning to represent their commitment to continue the fight against cancer. The SECO team’s fundraising efforts paid off. It raised over $12,000 for the American Cancer Society.


The SECO team danced to the DJ and brought the ‘70s back to life with bright lights, disco balls and psychedelic colors. SECO Energy’s Service Center Manager Donna Etts and Accounting Analyst Tanya Mikeals wore the grooviest costumes of the night and won the ‘70s themed costume contest.


SECO Energy Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life


The SECO team members took turns walking or running laps to remind the community that cancer never sleeps. At the event, SECO team members walked special laps dedicated to cancer survivors and patient caregivers. A quiet memorial lap was walked in honor of loved ones who have lost their cancer fight. The memorial lap is particularly moving to many SECO team members.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO supports the communities it serves through strong corporate citizenship efforts. SECO employees embody the cooperative spirit by playing an active role in the communities where they live through volunteering and monetary donations. SECO employees make a difference in their communities every day.”


For more information about SECO Energy and its corporate citizenship, visit

$36,000 Awarded to Scholarship Recipients

Jim Duncan, CEO of SECO Energy, is congratulating the 12 graduating seniors from SECO’s service territory who have each been awarded a $3,000 scholarship.


SECO’s Board of Trustees first approved the scholarship program in 1996. In the 20 years since SECO began awarding the scholarships, it has pledged over $500,000 to 257 deserving high school seniors that live in the communities it serves.


“As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Concern for Community is one of the seven cooperative principles that is near and dear to all of us here at SECO. I am thankful that our Board of Trustees has approved the continuance of the scholarship program for 20 years. As a business leader, it is exciting to meet future leaders first-hand as they begin to achieve their goals for their future,” said Duncan.


SECO Energy Scholarship, $36,000 Awarded to Scholarship Recipients


SECO’s Board of Trustees President Ray Vick looks forward to meeting the 2016 scholarship awardees. “As the Board President, I am proud that SECO continues to enable young people in the community to begin their career path by assisting in their education expenses. SECO has a number of technology focused careers available and I hope to have the opportunity to work with some of our scholarship awardees in the future.”


The applicants were evaluated based on their scholastic achievements, school and community service activities, and financial need. The 12 SECO scholarship awardees for 2016 are:


SECO Scholars

  • Merari Flores Saldana from Ocala – West Port High School
  • Megan M. Elliott from Tavares – Tavares High School
  • Citlali Barragan-Hernandez from Summerfield — Belleview High School
  • James C. Cato from Summerfield — Lake Weir High School
  • Cayley L. Buckner from Silver Springs – West Port High School
  • Melissa L. Moreno from Ocala – West Port High School
  • Shelby C. Smith from Webster – South Sumter High School
  • Ana J. Mata from Summerfield — Belleview High School
  • Elijah T. Hughes from Bushnell – South Sumter High School
  • Karla G. Carvajal from Wildwood – Wildwood Middle-High School
  • Raul A. Bayas from Ocala – Vanguard High School
  • Richanda M. Pierre from Ocala – West Port High School

The applicants were judged by SECO Energy’s Scholarship Committee of independent educators. The Committee chose 12 outstanding seniors based on the application materials each student submitted. Scholarship awardees and their families will be honored at a special reception at SECO Energy’s headquarters building in Sumterville on Monday, May 23, at 4:00 p.m.

SECO News, May 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, May 2016


If you were one of the over 3,000 SECO members and guests who attended SECO Energy’s 2016 Annual Meeting of the Membership, you will probably agree that our 78th Annual Meeting was one of the most comprehensive in recent memory. Members joined us for breakfast biscuits, cookies, coffee and donuts; and to listen and dance to classic and recent country music hits by Margo Rochelle & the Rodeo Drive Band.


Several hundred SECO employees arrived before dawn to prepare for a very large crowd of excited SECO members and guests. The light rain didn’t deter attendees from enjoying breakfast biscuits, browsing energy saving displays at the Energy Showcase, receiving gifts, winning door prizes, hearing an update on the business side of the cooperative and enjoying the renowned hospitality of SECO employees.


SECO News May 2016, Annual Meeting


The 78th Annual Meeting boasted some of the newest product ideas and displays designed to save energy and help members lower their electric bills. The revamped Energy Showcase tent displayed a working rooftop and ground mounted solar panel system along with a touchscreen tool to estimate the amount of utility-supplied energy a home might off-set using a rooftop solar panel system.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy is operated for and owned by its members; as such, SECO does not share dividends with investors or stockholders. Members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting for an update on cooperative business and information on how your cooperative is meeting the challenges occurring within the industry and controlling costs. SECO’s Board of Trustees, senior staff and 400+ employees are committed to successfully managing the challenges SECO faces in a changing arena while continuing to offer members low rates, reliable power and excellent customer service.


SECO News May 2016, Hot Bucks Bill Decrease


SECO Energy is expanding its presence on social media with the goal of engaging its 200,000 members online. These communication channels save the cooperative money and improves satisfaction. Members who “liked” SECO’s Facebook page and uploaded a photo to or commented on the Annual Meeting page during the event were entered into a drawing to win a $300 electric bill credit. The photos make it clear that members having a good time with the Facebook Help Squad and were treated to our one of a kind SECO hospitality. You can “like” SECO’s Facebook page today for outage information, company news and future chances to win.


A number of members voiced their concerns about how the EPA’s Clean Power Plan will affect the reliable service and low rates SECO offers. These members pledged $25 annually to The Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE). This political action committee uses contributions to fund candidates who support the interests of electric cooperatives such as SECO.


SECO Energy 2016 Annual Meeting Slideshow, Facebook contest winner


Prize winners and event photos are posted on SECO Energy’s Facebook page. The video of the Business Meeting with reports is available at here. Next year’s meeting date will be announced in the coming months once the Board of Trustees approves the date. I invite members to come for breakfast and stay for the band. From the number of line dancers and two-steppers who kicked up their heels this year, SECO may need a larger dance floor next year! Thanks again to all who attended. It is our privilege to host this event every year for you.



SECO News May 2016, SECO is storm ready


SECO is Storm Ready


Whether it is an afternoon thunder and lighting storm, tropical storm or hurricane, at SECO Energy our members can count us to be Storm Ready. SECO Energy’s Dispatch center is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and uses the latest technology available to track weather patterns affecting our area. A brigade of employees stands ready to respond to members experiencing power outages. They jump when called, brave the storm and work quickly and safely to restore power.


SECO is Storm Ready, and as a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we are committed to being our members’ first source for accurate storm communications and updates. SECO utilizes today’s mainstream communication channels to inform members when inclement weather is approaching. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and follow us on Twitter to stay in touch with SECO and receive instant updates on storm activity and news releases.


As a member, how can you be Storm Ready and stay up-to-date on the latest restoration efforts in the event of a storm that takes down lines and poles? If you haven’t already, invest in a smartphone or tablet and batter-operated or solar charger. Pack the charger in your emergency supply kit with water, flashlights and other emergency items.


Bookmark our website on your desktop browser and smartphone for quick access to SECO’s Storm Center to report a power outage and stay updated on restoration efforts.


SECO is Storm Ready. Are you?



SECO News May 2016, Winner Winner! $300 Electric Bill Credit!


Winner, Winner! $300 Electric Bill Credit!


Congratulations to SECO Energy member Richard (Rich) Scheiterle from Center Hill. Rich’s name was randomly selected from those who correctly answered three trivia questions related to our 2015 Annual Report on SECO’s Facebook page.


Do you want to be our next winner? Log in and head over to SECO’s Facebook page today. First, please “like” SECO Energy’s page. Second, correctly answer the three outage prevention trivia questions on SECO’s Facebook page for a chance to win a $300 electric bill credit. All answers can be found in SECO Energy’s 2015 Annual Report, available on our website at


Outage Prevention Trivia Questions:

SECO Energy works diligently to offer members reliable power by inspecting and upgrading its distribution and transmission poles, underground equipment and substation infrastructure each year. We invest in a comprehensive vegetation management program that dramatically reduces outages as well.

  1.  How much does SECO spend on vegetation management annually?
  2.  How many distribution poles were inspected in 2015?
  3. What web address (URL) can members visit online to find SECO Energy’s website?


Want to double your odds with another chance to win? “Share” the trivia post on your page for a second entry into the drawing. Not tech savvy? If you’re not a Facebook user, there’s a simple way to win every month. Just look for the last six digits of your account number in this month’s SECO News for a chance to win a $25 restaurant gift certificate. You can email us at or call if you number appears. Good luck!



SECO News May 2016, Safety Corner: Generators


Safety Corner: Portable Generators


During storm and hurricane season, a portable generator can come in handy if your power is interrupted, but portable generators must always be used with safety in mind. Read and follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions contained in the generator operations manual.

According to the National Safety Council,, portable generators should NEVER be used in an enclosed space; always run the generator outdoors away from windows, vents and doors. Portable generator engines emit carbon monoxide (CO) that if inhaled can be fatal to humans and pets. CO is a colorless, odorless, invisible killer. Do not attempt to use a generator when it is wet, this poses a risk for electrocution and death.

For more information about generator safety, visit our generator safety page or contact us for additional assistance.

Permanent Generators:

Are you thinking of installing a generator at your home or business for use during power interruptions? If so, heed these tips before purchasing and installing:

  1. Installing a generator is not an average do-it-yourself project.
  2. A qualified electrical contractor must perform the installation of the emergency generator, as well as the disconnect and transfer switchgear.
  3. Do not attempt to connect the generator directly to your electric panel.
  4. Always properly disconnect from SECO’s service before starting your generator.
  5. Before use, read and follow the safety instructions contained in the generator operations manual.

Improperly installing or using a generator can lead to property damage, injuries or even death. Learn more about generator safety here or contact us for additional assistance.


Read the full May 2016 SECO News here.


Nature’s Reflections – Stinging Caterpillars

Curious? Stop! Severe pain follows just a touch


Beware of beautiful caterpillars packing a powerful and painful sting. Four of Florida’s seven stinging caterpillars are common to this area. These caterpillars do not have stingers, but irritating hairs or bristled spines connected to poison glands that produce the stinging sensation, swelling and severe pain. Reactions experienced are sometimes so severe that people often seek medical attention thinking they may be having a heart attack or life threatening event.


The Io moth caterpillar (Automeris io), photo above, is a light green caterpillar with yellow and red stripes. It’s about two inches long. The nettling spines are usually yellow with black tips. They are often seen in groups raising the onlookers curiosity as to what it may be.


The Puss caterpillar (Megalopyge opercularis), inset photo gets its name from its resemblance to a pussycat. At just one inch in length, it’s covered with light brown hairs. When touched, these hairs, attached to poison glands, and break off in the skin causing severe pain. It is commonly found in oaks and citrus trees, but may feed on a variety of broadleaf trees and shrubs.


Nature's Reflection Stinging Caterpillars


The Saddleback caterpillar (Sabine stimulea) is brown and green with a brown oval on its back that looks like a saddle on a green horse blanket. It is also about an inch long with a stout body. Stinging spines and hairs that inflict pain to the unwary.


The Hag caterpillar (Phobetron pithecium), is light-to dark-brown also with stinging hairs. Three less common stinging caterpillars in Florida are the Buck moth caterpillar (Hemileuca maia), the Spiny oak-slug caterpillar, (Euclea delphinii), and the Flannel moth caterpillar, (Norape ovina).


If stung, remain as calm and quiet as possible. Notify a companion in case assistance becomes necessary. According to the Poison Control Center, apply adhesive tape over the affected area and pull off to remove the spines from the skin. Ice packs, followed by a paste of baking soda and water may help reduce the stinging, or burning. If you suspect a serious reaction, then it is advisable to seek medical assistance right away.


Column & photo by: Sandi Staton