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Don’t be a Safety Statistic

SECO Energy considers the safety of its employees its most important core value. SECO employees pay critical attention to electrical safety by wearing personal protective gear (PPE) and utilizing the latest safety standards and equipment.


Just as SECO Energy employees use specialized PPE to protect themselves while working with electricity, consumers should protect themselves from electrical hazards. Consumers use electricity daily to cook meals, cool our homes, power televisions and other electronic gadgets. Electricity may seem commonplace, but consumers need to remember that electricity can cause injuries such as burns and shocks, which can be fatal.


SECO Energy, Don’t be a Safety Statistic


Don’t be a safety statistic. The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports there are more than 400 people electrocuted each year. Electricity is the cause of more than 140,000 fires with 4,000 injuries and 400 deaths and results in property damage of $1.6 billion. Electricity is also to blame for 300 workplace fatalities and approximately 4,000 injuries at work according to the National Safety Council.


Follow these top ten electrical safety tips so that you don’t become a safety statistic:

  1.  Before working near electric equipment, survey the work area for hazards
  2.  Always assume any overhead line is energized and dangerous
  3.  Report downed lines as soon as possible
  4.  Remain clear of downed power lines
  5. Keep ladders and equipment away from overhead lines
  6.  Repair appliances that smoke, spark or shock
  7.  Unplug appliances during cleaning or servicing
  8.  Replace frayed power or extension cords
  9.  Caution children to never play near underground transformer boxes or substations
  10.  If you are in a car accident involving downed wires, stay in the vehicle until help arrives


CEO Jim Duncan states, “SECO Energy employees are dedicated to safety and are acutely aware that our industry is dangerous. We don’t compromise safety standards, and we watch out for each other, our members and the general public.”


For more information about electrical safety visit SECO Energy’s Safety page at Are you a member or leader of a group who is interested in a presentation about electrical safety? SECO has speakers and presentations about electrical safety available for all age groups. Contact SECO online, or call 352-793-3801 to request a speaker for your group.