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SECO Celebrates NRECA’s 75th Anniversary

SECO Energy and its fellow electric cooperatives across the nation are teaming up to bring a tree to life at National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.


SECO Energy’s Vegetation Management employees collected soil from its Sumterville headquarters and sent it to the NRECA. The NRECA will use the soil collected from SECO and its other electric cooperative members across to the country to plant a commemorative tree in honor of its 75th Anniversary.


The NRECA is the service organization for electric cooperatives, including SECO Energy, working to promote and support co-ops and be a champion for the cooperative business model. In the way that the NRECA and its member cooperatives nourish and support each other, the collected soil will used to nourish and support the 75th Anniversary commemorative tree.


SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO is pleased to partner with our fellow electric cooperatives by sending a small piece of SECO to celebrate the NRECA’s 75th Anniversary. Collectively, NRECA’s electric cooperative members across the country are a strong, tight-knit unit of co-ops delivering safe, affordable electric service to over 42 million homes and businesses every day.”


Learn more about SECO Energy and its cooperative roots. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.