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SECO Energy Donates Cell Phones to Troops for the Holidays

SECO Energy and Florida Senator Dennis Baxley worked together to ensure overseas active-duty servicemen and women receive 355 new and gently-used cell phones. This worthy cause will help service members call home from overseas at no charge this holiday season.


In 2004, two teenagers, Robbie and Brittany Bergquist, decided troops should be able to call their families from overseas for free; thus “Cell Phones For Soldiers” was born. Cell Phones For Soldiers is a national nonprofit relying on generous cash contributions and donations of gently used cell phones to provide free communication services for active-duty service members. Since 2004, the Cell Phones For Soldiers organization has received more than 15 million cell phones and has acquired more than 300 million minutes of free talk time through fund donations equating to more than 5 million calling cards donated to servicemen and women.


“From time to time, SECO Energy upgrades its computers, cell phones, and other electronic equipment. Rather than utilizing the traditional recycling process, SECO has elected to donate those items to schools and charitable organizations within its seven-county service territory in the spirit of patriotism and community service,” said Jim Duncan, CEO.


Duncan added, “Today, it is our honor to contribute these new and gently-used cell phones to the troops of this great nation through an organization that is near and dear to Florida State Senator Dennis Baxley’s heart. These phones will enable our servicemen and women to communicate with their families while being so far away from home.”


Senator Baxley stated, “Thank you to SECO, a fantastic community partner, for working with us to redistribute technology to nonprofits and the needy. This is what makes the community work.” Hiers-Baxley Funeral & Cremation Life Event Center located at 3975 Wedgewood Lane in The Villages is just one of more than 4,000 public cell phone collection locations across the nation for Cell Phones For Soldiers. Visit the Cell Phones for Soldiers website to find a donation location in your area.


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