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SECO Energy Supports Sumter PREP Academy Intervention Program

SECO Energy is a supporter of educational programs and initiatives. SECO recently provided funding to assist Sumter PREP Academy with its Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) bi-monthly progress monitoring breakfast meeting.


The breakfast meeting offers an opportunity for student advocates (district staff, Department of Juvenile Justice, Teen Court, zone-school administrators, parents and students) to discuss the academic and behavioral progress of the Academy’s students.


Sumter PREP Academy operates under the umbrella of Sumter County Schools. As a result of the positive behavioral intervention program, Sumter PREP Academy has reported a 93 percent success rate of students transitioning back to their zoned schools.


SECO Energy is an active corporate citizen and a good neighbor. The cooperative sponsors and donates to programs based on its commitment to the key cooperative principles Concern for Community and Education Training and Information. $36,000 in scholarships is available for 12 recipients in the SECO Energy 2020 Youth Scholarship Program. Graduating high school seniors interested in a career in the energy industry who live in a home served by SECO are encouraged to apply. Print an application online on our 2020 Youth Scholarship page. Completed applications due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 27.

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