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PURPA – Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978

The purpose of PURPA is the encouragement of investments in conservation and efficient use of facilities by electric utilities and equitable rates to electric customers. In 2009, PURPA required qualified electric utilities to consider three new 111(d) standards pursuant to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA).


Most recently, the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) required non-regulated cooperatives (such as SECO Energy), municipal utilities, and state regulators (for regulated utilities) to consider adopting two new PURPA standards under Section 111(d).


There are two new PURPA 111(d) Standards Under IIJA that SECO Energy considered:


1. Demand-Response Practices
(A) In General – Each electric utility shall promote the use of demand-response and demand flexibility practices by commercial, residential, and industrial consumers to reduce electricity consumption during periods of unusually high demand.
(B) Rate Recovery
(i) In General – Each State regulatory authority shall consider establishing rate mechanisms allowing an electric utility with respect to which the State regulatory authority has ratemaking authority to timely recover the costs of promoting demand-response and demand flexibility practices in accordance with subparagraph (A).
(ii) Nonregulated Electric Utilities – A nonregulated electric utility may establish rate mechanisms for the timely recovery of the costs of promoting demand-response and demand flexibility practices in accordance with subparagraph (A).


2. Electric vehicle charging programs
Each State shall consider measures to promote greater electrification of the transportation sector, including the establishment of rates that—
(A) promote affordable and equitable electric vehicle charging options for residential, commercial, and public electric vehicle charging infrastructure;
(B) improve the customer experience associated with electric vehicle charging, including by reducing charging times for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles;
(C) accelerate third-party investment in electric vehicle charging for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles; and
(D) appropriately recover the marginal costs of delivering electricity to electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.


Determination Process to Consider Adopting new PURPA Standards:


Following direction from NRECA, SECO did not conduct a live hearing. Instead, a public comment and response period was held between April 1, and June 1, 2023, enabling our members to be heard throughout this process. Also, an opportunity for Board Meeting attendance was provided wherein members were allowed to be heard on matters affecting the Cooperative. Consideration of standards focused on how implementation is consistent with the purpose of PURPA:


  • the promotion of energy conservation
  • optimization of the efficiency of use of facilities and resources, and
  • equitable rates to electric consumers

At the October 24, 2022, Board Meeting, SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees approved a Resolution to determine the hearing process to consider the standard and to engage in a public comment period. Notice of these objectives was published in November 2022 SECO News. During the open public comment period, members had the ability to share their views regarding the two new PURPA Standards SECO considered under the IIJA.


Review SECO Energy’s Initial Comments regarding the two PURPA Standards in The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Of 2021.


Read the SECO Energy Board of Trustees’ Final Resolution which was approved at the October 23, 2023, Board Meeting.


Energy Insider – 1st Quarter 2023

In today’s world of divided government, it is rare that major legislative acts are passed through Congress. President Biden recently signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 into law. The law involves impacts on climate change, healthcare and taxation revenues. All these changes will have effects on your business. For small and large businesses alike, it’s important to appreciate what the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 could mean.


SECO Energy Insider Q1 2023


In the area of healthcare insurance, premium subsidies for the Affordable Care Act will now extend to 2025 instead of ending this year. The law allows the government to now negotiate drug costs for its Medicare patients. It also capped out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare patients to $2,000 a year.


In the area of taxation, it requires all corporations to pay a minimum 15% tax rate for revenues over $1 billion. No matter the deductions, this is the lowest rate for these companies. In essence, this tax change alone is expected to generate $300 billion in revenues yet only affect 150 companies. The law also provides $80 billion to cover the cost of IRS reinforcement.


And lastly, in the area of climate change, billions of dollars of subsidies and tax credits are being provided for over twenty programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These credits and deductions are to provide for businesses to invest in advanced energy projects, credits for electric commercial vehicles and charging, biofuels- first and second generation, renewable energy production, and it also supports carbon capture and storage of renewable energy just to name a few.


The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will affect businesses as they make changes to policies, practices and possibly even pricing. Now is the time to prepare your business for the upcoming changes. For more details, review House Bill 5376 or contact the IRS.



Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Manager of Key Accounts & Revenue Programs
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 250-2863

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant Dustin Merritt


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9782
CELL: (352) 303-3183



Find, Feed & Restore Awarded $2500 SECO Energy Foundation Grant

The SECO Energy Foundation joined the battle to aid local homeless families in need by approving a $2,500 grant for Find, Feed & Restore to support the Restore Lake Project. The $2500 SECO Energy Foundation Grant supports its Health and Human Services efforts by sponsoring Find, Feed & Restore’s Love & Laughter Event on May 6 at the Clermont City Center to raise money for the housing solutions project.


The Restore Lake Project provides transitional housing for ten to 14 local families with children. In an effort to combat homelessness, Find, Feed & Restore provides housing solutions, including transitional housing, no-cost housing, permanent housing, Women’s Mental Health and Domestic Violence Shelter and homelessness avoidance in Lake County. The programs help families who are struggling with financial difficulties avoid homelessness. Restore Lake’s facility provides no- or low-cost housing, financial education resources and a case manager to help families into future homeownership, job opportunities and more. The facility’s goal is for its families to reach mental and physical balance and become self-sufficient.


The SECO Energy Foundation Board of Directors District 1 Director Sara Meyer is pleased the SECO Energy Foundation is making a difference in local communities. Ms. Meyer stated, “Affordable housing options for low to moderate income families have drastically decreased by Florida’s recent increased population boom. To improve the quality of life in SECO Energy’s service area for residents, the Restore Lake Project will help the families most impacted by the COVID pandemic, increasing costs and housing prices on the rise. I am extremely pleased that my fellow Directors and I unanimously approved a health and human services grant for Lake County citizens who desperately need our assistance.”


Find, Feed & Restore Vice President of Development Stephen Shylkofski is grateful for the SECO Energy Foundation’s partnership. Mr. Shylkofski stated, “We are thankful for the opportunity to build on the partnership with the SECO Energy Foundation to grow our programs in Lake and Sumter Counties. Along with the SECO Energy Foundation and our other community partners, we can begin to achieve our goal of eradicating homelessness from our communities.”


The SECO Energy Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3 entity funded largely through SECO’s electric bill roundup program and will be supplemented by grants the Foundation applies for through other private and federal funding programs that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals. Participating members’ extra pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities served by SECO Energy.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn stated, “Concern for community is a key co-op principle that ties in with health and human services in our local communities – especially for its most vulnerable members. Surveys tell us that members want to be part of an organization that does more for their consumers and communities than sell goods and services. The SECO Energy Foundation’s focus is to improve the quality of life in and around SECO’s service area. The Foundation’s support of the Restore Lake Project creates a difference in our communities.”


To learn more about the SECO Energy Foundation, visit>Your Co-op>Foundation. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.


February 2023 Sunshine State Stats

The temperatures in February 2023 varied drastically between very cold and very hot landing in the 30s and 80s in the same month. Temperatures dropped to as low as 37 degrees on February 14 (data from the Ocala KOCF weather station) in SECO Energy’s service area and highs climbed to 88.


February 2023 Sunshine State Stats temps


The average temperature for February 2023 was 70 degrees, which was 7 degrees higher than last month’s average. The average high was 81 degrees while the average low was 58 degrees. With the shifting temperatures from very cold to hot during the month, members may notice increased kilowatt hour (kWh) usage as they used both heating and cooling in their homes. The HVAC is the largest energy-user in Central Florida homes – accounting for 35 to 40% of kWh usage on average.


The highest daily recorded temperature (data from the Leesburg KLEE weather station) in February was 88 degrees and the lowest 46 – the highest daily recorded temperature in January was 85 degrees and the lowest 35. February 2023 was dry with rainfall measuring only .3 inches which was well below the average of 2.87 inches.


March forecast:


Expect spring temperatures to reach into the 80s most days in March 2023 with the possibility of a slight mid-month cool down when lows will reach into the 40s and 50s. The best chance for rain is in the middle of the month.


To check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.


SECO Energy Foundation Approves $5,319 Grant for Marion County Fire Rescue

The newly established SECO Energy Foundation approved a grant of $5,319 to benefit public safety for Marion County Fire Rescue (MCFR). MCFR requested $5,319 to equip three MCFR fire engines with updated material.


The new equipment for the three MCFR fire engines consists of line pressure gauges, gate valves and three-way ball valves. The improved equipment prepares the local fire rescue team to respond to emergency calls, provide service to citizens and protect its team of first responders who put their lives in danger to assist the community in fire, rescue and medical emergencies.


According to the Marion County Fire Rescue’s website (, MCFR is a progressive, professional fire rescue department dedicated to the community’s health, safety and well-being providing excellent service, education and prevention in partnership with the citizens of Marion County.


The SECO Energy Foundation Board of Directors President James LaMotte is excited to begin the process of approving grants that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals and objectives. Mr. LaMotte stated, “The SECO Energy Foundation was founded to improve quality of life and expand services within the communities in SECO Energy’s service territory in the areas of public safety, educational STEM projects, environmental projects, scholarships, Veterans’ initiatives, health and human services, energy-related projects and bill payment assistance. Safety is SECO Energy’s most important Core Value and funding public safety initiatives is one of the Foundation’s goals. I am extremely pleased that my fellow Directors and I were able to unanimously approve a grant that will improve safety for Marion County citizens through the Marion County Fire Rescue team.”


Marion County Fire Rescue Lieutenant Henry Herrera is thankful for the grant award. Lieutenant Herrera stated, “The Marion County Fire Rescue team is thankful for the grant award that will help MCFR to respond to and provide service and protection to Marion County residents. The grant will purchase needed equipment to meet new challenges the MCFR team faces in responding to fire, rescue and medical emergencies.”


The SECO Energy Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3 entity that is funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round up program and will be supplemented by grants the Foundation applies for through other local, state and federal funding programs that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals. Participating members’ extra pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities served by SECO Energy.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn stated, “Concern for community is a key co-op principle and remains a high priority. Surveys tell us that members want to be part of an organization that does more for their consumers and communities than profit from the goods/services it sells. Our ability to support public safety, is one example of the Foundation’s focus to help improve the quality of life in and around SECO’s service territory.”


To learn more about the SECO Energy Foundation, visit >  Your Co-op >  Foundation. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op>About. 


SECO News March 2023


Dear Members,


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. Our business model requires and encourages member participation in District and Annual Meetings. One of the seven cooperative principles is Democratic Member Control which gives members a voice in the cooperative’s governance process. 


Our service area covers 2,100-square miles and is divided into nine Districts. SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees is a nine-member Board. One member from each District is elected by the members in that District to serve a three-year term.  


Collectively, the Board of Trustees represents the membership as a whole and meets monthly to monitor the cooperative’s financial status. The Board provides fiduciary and policy-making oversight to serve the best interests of the membership at large.  


This year SECO Energy held three District Meetings (Districts 2, 4, and 6) for members to elect a Trustee to serve on the Board. 


In District 2, four candidates submitted letters of intent to run. From those candidates, members re-elected incumbent Joyce Anderson as the District 2 Trustee. Mrs. Anderson has been a SECO member since 2017 and was first elected to the Board in 2020. She has earned the Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), which is its highest Trustee accreditation. Mrs. Anderson also currently serves on the Board as Secretary-Treasurer. 


In District 4, members re-elected incumbent Richard Dennison as the District 4 Trustee. Mr. Dennison was first elected to the Board in 2015 and has been a SECO member since 1999. He too has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA. 


Mr. Dennison has served previously as Board Vice President and President.  


In District 6, members re-elected incumbent Mike Muffett as the District 6 Trustee. Mr. Muffett was first elected to the Board in 2020 and has been a SECO member since 1984. He also has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA.     


Please join the SECO team in congratulating Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Dennison and Mr. Muffett on their re-elections to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees. We look forward to continuing to support SECO Energy’s Mission, Vision and Core Values through the execution of our Strategy Map. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer


Gerald Anderson

President, Board of Trustees



SECO Energy Foundation

SECO Energy Foundation


In January we launched the SECO Energy Foundation as an enhancement to our existing Pennies from Heaven. The Foundation is funded by members who round up their bills to the nearest dollar. The average donation is $6 annually. 


The enrollment mode changed in January from opt-in to opt-out. This decision was made with much forethought, research and more than anything, with strong consideration for improving the quality of life in the communities we serve. Like Pennies from Heaven, the Foundation will be funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round-up program. As a tax exempt nonprofit 501c3 entity, the Foundation can also apply for grants through other local, state and federal funding programs that align with SECO Energy’s and the Foundation’s goals.   


Just like Pennies from Heaven, participating members’ pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities we serve. The SECO Energy Foundation will have more funding for our United Way partners and social service agencies to apply toward bill payment assistance for members in need and will also fund the scholarship program starting this year.  Equally important, the Foundation will also be able to accept a variety of grant applications that support SECO Energy initiatives outlined in our Strategy Map. 


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees voted in March 2022 to create the Foundation and change the enrollment method. SECO Energy incorporated the SECO Energy Foundation, Inc. and it has complied with IRS and Florida’s Check a Charity registration requirements. Foundation Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation were filed appropriately and are posted on our website. Our research showed that an opt-out enrollment is becoming more mainstream.  


Contributions are tax-deductible for members who donate and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers. 


Helping people in need and reducing costs are critical in today’s economic environment but we understand that supporting the Foundation is a personal choice. Any Pennies unknowingly/unintentionally donated will be fully refunded upon member request.  


If you want to stop your bill from rounding up to donate the extra pennies to the Foundation, visit > Contact > SECO Energy Foundation. You can log into SmartHub and change your enrollment status, email, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585. 


Our ability to help disadvantaged members, to reduce our carbon footprint and lower costs for all members will be impacted by the Foundation’s focus on supporting SECO’s energy-efficiency initiatives. 

Read the full March 2023 SECO News online.