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SECO Energy’s Tracey Cottrell Elected to the Sunshine 811 Board of Directors

SECO Energy’s Corporate Security & Risk Management Specialist Tracey Cottrell has been elected to the Sunshine 811 Board of Directors. As an 18-year SECO employee, Mrs. Cottrell has extensive experience in both the utility industry and working with the Florida Sunshine 811 statewide underground utility locating system. Mrs. Cottrell has previously been involved with strategic planning and served as Vice-Chair for two years on the 811 Board’s Damage Prevention Committee.  


From Committee Volunteer to Sunshine 811 Board Member

Tracey Cottrell is a Sunshine 811 Board Member.
SECO Energy’s Corporate Security & Risk Management Specialist Tracey Cottrell

Mrs. Cottrell shared her excitement to join the 21-member board and projected the message of adhering to Florida’s safe digging law. Her SECO career began as a Member Services Agent in the Call Center and quickly transitioned to the Engineering Department where she worked directly with SECO’s contracted utility facilities locators, USIC. She acted as the liaison between SECO and the USIC to ensure tickets were completed on time in an effort to assist in moving utility locating projects forward to keep pace with SECO Energy’s substantial growth over the past decade. Mrs. Cottrell invested time and research into learning more about Sunshine 811 requirements.  


To ensure safe work practices, utilities are required to add many specifics on requests to locate underground facilities. Every utility that belongs to Sunshine 811 uploads its facilities onto their map and the 811 system assigns underground utility locating requests to the utility or utilities that have facilities located in the space where digging – whether the project is large or small – will occur. 


The Sunshine 811 system was enacted to reduce damage to facilities owned by utilities across the state. Mrs. Cottrell processes all damage claims for SECO, which relates closely to Sunshine 811. The bulk of SECO Energy’s damage reports are “dig-ins.” Homeowners and excavators will at times begin excavation before the locator service visits the location and places flags that mark underground facilities – electric, gas, water, telecom – showing the location of these lines. Digging before the utilities are marked is unsafe. Calling before you dig is the law in Florida, which is in place to ensure public safety and the safety of the excavator. 


Mrs. Cottrell is hoping to use her tenure on the Sunshine 811 Board to promote safety. She stated, “Through my Sunshine 811 Board service, I am very excited to share my knowledge of safe working practices as it relates to the Sunshine 811 system. Representing SECO Energy, I am willing to share my knowledge with my fellow Board members and continue to enhance the Sunshine 811 strategy to promote safe digging across Florida. Thank you to my fellow Sunshine Board members who have elected me to join their working ranks.” 


Florida's Sunshine 811 logoGregg Morrell, SECO Energy’s Chief Corporate Services Officer, stated, “Safety is SECO Energy’s top Core Value. Damage to SECO’s equipment can create extremely dangerous conditions, power outages, and subsequent repairs that are costly for the membership. SECO routinely educates its members about safe-digging practices and has processes to seek compensation for damaged equipment. We are very proud of Mrs. Cottrell’s election to the Sunshine 811 Board and trust that she will be a valuable resource and promotor of safe-digging practices.” 



“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


USDA Panel Discussion Features SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn

SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn participated in a panel discussion held Tuesday, May 16, at the White House Complex in Washington, D.C. As part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) program launch event, the panel’s focus was the $11 billion in funding from the USDA to expand clean, affordable, and reliable energy across rural America. Last year, the USDA appointed Wynn as one of 12 members of the newly established Equity Commission Subcommittee on Rural Community Economic Development.    


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn speaks during USDA panel discussion.
SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn speaks during USDA panel discussion.

The 1-hour dialogue related to the $11 billion in energy funding was comprised of representatives from other electric cooperatives, including the CEO of Seminole Electric Cooperative, Lisa Johnson. Seminole Electric is the wholesale provider of electric service distributed by SECO to its members. 


Panel moderator Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Administrator Andrew Berke asked how the funding could benefit each participant’s efforts to provide rural communities with “clean, affordable energy” while enhancing the quality of life.


Wynn began by commending the efforts of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) in shepherding the passage of the two RUS programs, Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) and New Empowering Rural America (New ERA). Funding for these initiatives is supported by the Inflation Reduction Act. 


Prepared to Move ForwardUSDA RUS logo

Wynn continued by underscoring the importance of working “in concert” with Seminole Electric to achieve goals SECO has established as part of its 3-year strategy roadmap. He stated, SECO Energy is well positioned to tap into the grant funding, tax credits and low interest loan funding made available through the New ERA.  Our goal is to reduce the amount of funds we would otherwise have to borrow at rising interest rates to complete the enormous amount of work needed to keep pace with our region’s growth while meeting our member-consumers’ expectation of safe, affordable and reliable service. It really gives us an opportunity to provide the level of service that everybody deserves, especially our underserved communities, while keeping our rates as low as possible.”


The event commenced with remarks made by the USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation John Podesta, and Senators Debbie Stabenow, Tina Smith and Michael Bennet. Watch the event online. 


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


April 2023 Sunshine State Stats

Spring continued to blossom in April 2023. After a warmer-than-average first week, high temps took a 4-day dip into the mid-70s in the second week. The remainder of the month featured normal high and low temps ranging between the mid-80s to mid-60s, while above-average precipitation commenced mid-April.


April 2023 Sunshine State Stats SECO Energy temps


The average temperature for April 2023 was 75 degrees, which was 3 degrees higher than last month’s average. The average high was 84 degrees while the average low was 65 degrees. With the shifting temperatures from moderate to muggy during the month, members may notice increased kilowatt hour (kWh) usage as they used dehumidification and cooling in their homes. HVAC is the largest energy user in Central Florida homes – accounting for 35 to 40% of kWh usage on average.


The highest daily recorded temperature (data from the Leesburg KLEE weather station) in April was 92 degrees and the lowest was 54 – the highest daily recorded temperature in March was 92 degrees and the lowest 44. April 2023 rainfall totaled about 3 inches – falling almost entirely in the second two weeks. This is 50% more than the April average of 2 inches.


May forecast: May is set to begin with a much dryer weather pattern than during April’s exiting weeks. Temperatures continue to climb steadily through the month, with highs averaging in the mid- to upper 80s, and lows hovering near the 70 degree mark. Thunderstorm activity increases as June approaches, but overall a dip in precipitation from the month prior.


To check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.


SECO Energy Attends 2023 NRECA Legislative Conference

SECO Energy sent three representatives to the 2023 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. from April 16 – 19. The purpose of SECO’s attendance was to meet with federally elected officials and staff to encourage support for several key issues facing electric cooperatives today.  

SECO Energy Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson speaks with Congressman Gus Bilirakis
SECO Energy Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson speaks with Congressman Gus Bilirakis.


SECO Energy Board of Trustees President and District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson, District 7 Trustee Joseph Kusiak and SECO Energy’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins joined over 2,000 fellow cooperative attendees who gathered to affect a positive impact for the energy industry through information and education.  


In meetings held with US Representatives, Senators and staff, electric cooperative delegates took time to introduce, clarify and recommend remedies to mitigate burdens experienced by SECO Energy and other cooperatives. The co-ops called for action to improve three primary concerns when meeting with elected officials.


Supply Chain Bottlenecks

Having ample supplies and equipment on hand is crucial for electric cooperatives. Maintaining service, restoring power after natural disasters and sustaining the growing demand for electricity are paramount to consumer members. In recent years, stocking vital inventory at a reasonable price has been challenging. Compounding the uncertainty surrounding supply costs and availability are labor and raw material shortages. These pressures create an over-reliance on producers from outside the U.S.


Disaster Relief Assistance Reform 

US Rep. Daniel Webster (FL) and SECO President Gerald Anderson at 2023 NRECA Legislative conference
SECO Energy Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson speaks with Congressman Daniel Webster.

SECO Energy has a tried-and-true Disaster Relief Plan that is put into action during major storm events. The tab for power restoration after major storm events can run into the millions and a portion of these expenses is reimbursable through FEMA. When the speed and consistency of funding disbursement lags, recovery costs rise significantly. Without FEMA assistance, disaster-stricken areas would be confronted with escalated electricity rates. Commitments made by electric cooperatives to costly restorations of infrastructure are largely dependent on promised FEMA relief. Delays in the distribution of relief bring the burden of interest charges imposed on the cooperative.  


SECO Energy expressed support for legislation that would require FEMA to pay interest on loans used to restore electricity to communities while waiting for the federal reimbursements. The issue is expected to be addressed in the 118th Congress. 


Opening the Pipeline for Progress 

Nationally, there is concern about the health and sustainability of the electrical grid. Modernizing the nation’s electric grid is an arduous process with inefficient permitting requirements that are overly complicated. This burdensome red tape causes delays and a direct negative impact on communities slated to receive these infrastructure improvements. Infrastructure projects are potentially supported by Federal loans, but projects requiring environmental approvals can be delayed substantially. During this time, the carrying costs of the loans in the form of interest payments and labor costs to interact with inspection authorities must still be borne by the cooperative.  


US Sen. Marco Rubio meets with Coop Electricity delagation.
Senator Marco Rubio speaks to Florida Cooperative Representatives.

CEO Curtis Wynn recognized the SECO Energy delegates’ attendance at the 2023 NRECA Legislative Conference. Wynn stated, “Thank you to President Anderson, Trustee Kusiak and Ms. Judkins for representing SECO Energy 2023 NRECA Legislative Conference. Their presence gave a voice to electric cooperatives’ challenges in supply chain constraints, expediting FEMA funding after natural disasters and our ability to align resources to harden our local and national electrical infrastructure while reducing permitting red tape. Our elected officials were receptive to the challenges cooperatives face in today’s economy.” 


Wynn continued, “Electric cooperatives provide power to millions of Americans and we at SECO are committed to member satisfaction in the communities we serve. With the support of our elected officials, electric cooperatives will continue to thrive in our state and in our nation.” 

“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.

SECO News May 2023

Dear Members,


SECO Energy is continually working to expand its online interactive tools to engage with you through new platforms and increase member engagement. I invite you to log on to > Newsroom > System Improvement Map to view one of our latest resources.



With SECO crews or contractors spread throughout our 2,100-square-mile service area, the System Improvement Map displays when and where crews are working on projects that improve service reliability and maintain existing infrastructure. The map also displays recently completed projects.


Want to know if we are working in your area? Input your service address in the search bar and click on your address when it appears. The map displays your location. Use the zoom plus/minus buttons to view events occurring in your area that improve reliability and maintain our expanding electric system.


Vegetation management assessments, tree trimming, facilities inspections, pole replacements, substation voltage conversions, area light work, underground equipment maintenance and other projects that improve the quality of your electric service are shown on the Reliability Projects tab. To learn more about a project, click its corresponding icon on the map that shows work type, status, and project duration. The “Additional Info” hyperlink provides more details, including possible planned outages for crews to work safely.



SECO Energy’s electric facilities investment has grown to over $1 billion. With Florida’s population boom, we’re not slowing down. The Expansion Projects tab displays where we are building new infrastructure to support growth. You’ll see icons for new and upgraded radio communication towers, substation upgrades and fiber installations.


The Expansion Projects map shows two substations under construction. The first in South Lake County near Clermont, called Sawgrass, will handle the booming growth in that area. The second substation, Landstone, is in Sumter County for The Villages, which continues its expansion.


If you have questions about Reliability or Expansion Projects, click the FAQ tab or use the Contact Us tab to drop us a line. Follow us on social media for cooperative events, promotions, prize drawings and news releases.



Our interactive maps are complemented by a communications system that generates emails, text and/ or voice notifications to proactively alert you when crews are conducting a system improvement project in your locale. View or update your communications preferences by visiting > StormCenter > Manage Notifications. Atlantic hurricane season arrives June 1, be sure your contact information and communications preferences are updated to receive outage alerts.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News May 2023 Safety Corner - Generator Safety


Learn how to use a generator properly and safely if you plan to use a portable or stationary generator as a backup power source during a power outage. Become familiar with the generator, read and follow the owner’s manual and safety instructions prior to operation. Always test the equipment at the start of hurricane season.Generator Safety QR code link


    • A qualified electrical contractor must install the generator with a disconnect and transfer switch and should perform repairs or service.
    • An incorrect connection to an electrical panel could electrocute the user or endanger our employees and contractors.
    • A permit is required to install a permanent generator and only a qualified electrician should perform the work.
    • Prior to running your generator, always disconnect it from your metered electric utility service.
    • Never run a portable generator indoors or in a garage; operate it only in well-ventilated areas away from open windows. Generators create deadly, odorless carbon monoxide (CO).
    • Store fuel away from children in approved containers. Do not fuel the generator while it is running. Extinguish flames and cigarettes when handling fuel.
    • Keep a charged, approved fire extinguisher near the generator.
    • Use undamaged and appropriately gauged extension cords.
    • Never remove or tamper with a generator’s safety devices.
    • Generator engines become very hot during operation. Severe burns may result through contact. Keep children away.


Using or installing an electric generator improperly can cause property damage, severe injury or even death. Members using a generator to operate life-saving equipment should verify the generator’s compatibility. Learn more about proper generator use and safety tips on our website generator safety video.



SECO News May 2023 PCA Adjustments


The Price of Energy is DECREASING on Bills Calculated After May 1.


As our CEO Curtis Wynn reported in his March 23 Annual Meeting update, SECO forecasted a positive Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) in the coming months. The natural gas market (the main fuel used to generate power) has been volatile during the last year. The PCA, titled “Power Cost ADJ” on your billing statement, allows SECO to adjust for the rise or fall of fuel costs in real-time.


For several months, members who have used 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity during a billing cycle were charged an additional $15 to cover the PCA. On May 1, the PCA decreases to zero. Effectively, adjustments to the energy rate, customer charge and PCA result in a $9 decrease for an average residential bill using 1,000 kWh.



SECO Energy Foundation

SECO Energy Foundation


The SECO Energy Foundation’s mission is to fund grants for Bill Payment Assistance, Energy-related Projects, Educational STEM Projects, Scholarships, Veterans’ Initiatives, Public Safety Programs, Environmental Projects, and Health and Human Services initiatives. The three grants issued thus far in 2023 support Public Safety, Health and Human Services, and Environmental causes.




The Foundation awarded $5,319 to equip three MCFR fire engines with updated material. The improved equipment empowers the rescue team to respond to emergency calls, provide civic services, and protect a team of first responders who risk their lives to help the community in the event of a fire, rescue, or medical emergency.


Marion County Fire Rescue Lieutenant Henry Herrera expressed, “The Marion County Fire Rescue team is thankful for the grant award that will help MCFR to respond to and provide service and protection to Marion County residents. The grant will purchase needed equipment to meet new challenges the MCFR team faces in responding to fire, rescue and medical emergencies.”




Joining in the fight to help homeless families, the SECO Energy Foundation awarded a $2,500 grant to Find, Feed & Restore to support the Restore Lake Project. The Restore Lake Project provides temporary housing for ten to 14 local families with children. Find, Feed & Restore provides transitional, free and permanent housing, as well as women’s mental health and domestic violence centers in Lake County.


Find, Feed & Restore Vice President of Development Stephen Shylkofski applauded the Foundation’s support, saying, “We are thankful for the opportunity to build on the partnership with the SECO Energy Foundation to grow our programs in Lake and Sumter Counties. Along with the SECO Energy Foundation and our other community partners, we can achieve our goal of eradicating homelessness from our communities.”



A $22,000 grant to support Environmental Initiatives was awarded to the Trout Lake Nature Center (TLNC). The funding will aid TLNC, a nonprofit 501c3 corporation, in rebuilding a portion of a vital boardwalk that crosses the 230-acre preserve. In the past eight years, the Trout Lake Nature Center has hosted over 500 field trips and reached 215,708 students.


Trout Lake Nature Center’s Executive Director, Eileen Tramontana, shared, “People from throughout SECO’s service area come to TLNC. Almost every visitor uses the boardwalk, and most education programs do also. Renovating this boardwalk should have a significant impact on education efforts at TLNC.”


The SECO Energy Foundation is funded primarily by members who round their bills up to the nearest dollar. The average donation is $6 per year. The Foundation can also apply for grants that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals.


Members who wish to discontinue rounding up to donate the extra pennies to the Foundation can visit > Contact. You can also log into SmartHub and change your enrollment status, email, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585.



SECO News May 2023 Hurricane Season Forecast: A Message From District 8 Trustee Bill James





Looking ahead to this year’s hurricane season, Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology Project Forecast summarized 2023 will have slightly below-average activity. They forecast this hurricane season will be close to the historical average, with 13 named storms. Not to be overlooked is their estimate that two storms will be major hurricanes (Category 3 and above).


SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared to respond to outages caused by summer thunderstorms, tropical storms and hurricanes. Members can report a new power outage and check the status of a current outage via StormCenter 24/7 using a mobile device or call our automated IVR phone assistant.


If a member of your family has special needs, add your name to the Special Needs Registry at and review shelter, evacuation and emergency services details. SECO Energy’s restoration priorities are feeders that serve shelters, schools, hospitals and government/ public safety facilities. Next, we focus on restoring service to feeders with the highest member count. Those who require continuous electric service for life-sustaining medical equipment should have a backup power source or prepare to evacuate to a shelter.


Essential supplies disappear quickly when a hurricane approaches. For help getting started with a supply plan, review our Hurricane Handbook at > Safety > Hurricane Handbook.