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SECO Energy Spreads Holiday Cheer Through Toys for Tots Drive

SECO Energy is proud to continue its longstanding tradition of sponsoring the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. Each year, SECO Energy holds an annual donation drive in which employees and members of the cooperative contribute toys and gifts for the Toys for Tots donation boxes located at any one of SECO Energy’s five Member Service locations. 


Founded over 85 years ago, SECO Energy was formed by members who banded together to bring electricity to rural areas of Central Florida, fulfilling a previously unmet need. Each year, the cooperative’s members and employees voluntarily donate gifts to support local communities across Central Florida, which serves as a reminder of this shared purpose. 


“SECO employees are a charitable group, and they particularly enjoy making contributions that benefit the communities we serve. The generosity of SECO Energy’s employees and members ensures that local children will have toys to unwrap and smiles on their faces on Christmas morning,” stated Curtis Wynn, SECO Energy’s Chief Executive Officer. 


The Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots’ purpose is to help bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to children across the United States through the gift of a new toy. Since 2001, the Toys for Tots program has been ranked as one of the top-rated charities by “Philanthropy 400.”  


This year’s Toys for Tots donation drive resulted in hundreds of toys donated through SECO Energy’s annual campaign. The toys remain within the community where they are collected, making a tangible difference for families in need. For some children, the gift of a toy from the program may be the only present they receive this holiday season. 


Kathy Judkins, SECO Energy’s VP of Communications, Community and Member Experience, who oversees the cooperative’s Toys for Tots initiative, added, “I’m incredibly grateful to the hundreds of SECO employees and many members who joined us in spreading holiday cheer this year. The smallest acts of kindness—like donating a toy—can have a lasting impact and bring happiness to children throughout our service area.” 


Toys for Toys Photo Collection:









“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.  



SECO Energy Launches Youth Tour Program for Local High School Juniors

SECO Energy is excited to introduce a new Youth Tour program for local high school juniors. The program is designed to inspire youth who are passionate about the energy industry, history, leadership, and adventure.


This unique initiative offers up to ten local high school juniors – who live in a home served by SECO Energy – the chance to attend the Tallahassee Youth Tour, an overnight conference from February 12-13, 2025. Participates will explore the Florida State Capitol and Legislative Chambers while gaining insight into the legislative process and the Cooperative Business model. SECO Energy will cover the cost of transportation, meals and hotel accommodation.


But that’s not all! After the Tallahassee Youth Tour, these ten participants will have a second opportunity to compete for one of two exclusive spots to represent SECO Energy at a once-in-a-lifetime, sponsored trip to tour our Nation’s Capital as a 2025 Washington Youth Tour Delegates.


In June 2025, the two selected delegates will join more than 1,800 peers from across the country for a weeklong trip to Washington, D.C., where they will visit iconic landmarks like the U.S. Capitol, Arlington National Cemetery, and the Smithsonian Museums. They’ll also have the chance to meet elected officials, explore potential career paths, develop leadership skills, deepen their understanding of electric cooperatives, and build lasting friendships as they learn about our great nation and experience Washington like never before.


Whether students are interested in the energy industry, politics, history, or simply seeking an exciting adventure, the Youth Tour is a memorable experience that provides personal and professional growth.


Don’t let a high school junior miss out! The application period ends Friday, December 20, 2024. Help shape the leaders of tomorrow and encourage them to apply online today at > Your Co-op > Youth Tour Application.

November 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In November 2024, the monthly average temperature fell by 4 degrees from October, while the total rainfall plummeted to just .6 inches. This was well below the normal precipitation level of 2.53 inches in November and 5.27 inches less than what fell in October. 


The average temperature in November was 71 degrees, 2 degrees below the normal average. The average high for the month was 80 degrees, 4 degrees less than the average high in October. Likewise, the average low temperature dropped to 61 degrees, 6 degrees lower than in October. 


The month’s high temperature was 87 degrees on November 3rd and 12th, and the lowest temperature, 42 degrees, was recorded on the final day of November. 


Measurable rainfall occurred on 7 days, with only two days experiencing more than one-tenth inch of rain. SECO Energy serves three counties that are listed as “Abnormally Dry” by the National Integrated Drought Information System as of November 28, 2024.


All of Levy County and parts of Marion and Citrus Counties are in an “Abnormally Dry” status.

Map source:



Thunderstorm activity was minimal in November. Only six cloud-to-ground lightning strikes were recorded by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE); all occurred on the 6th.


December Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for December 2024 predicts the first week will be sunny and warm, followed by two days of cooler temperatures and showers. From December 10 to 14, sunshine returns, accompanied by cool temperatures. This will be followed by an eight-day period of isolated showers and warmer conditions. The final week, including Christmas and New Year’s Eve, is forecast to be sunny and cold. 


The estimated average temperature for December is 64 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 1.5 inches, which is 1 inch below the average for the month.


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.

SECO News December 2024




I want to end the year by thanking you for your SECO Energy membership. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton, SECO Energy received thousands of phone calls, emails, letters, and social media comments expressing your unwavering support as we underwent a massive restoration effort. The SECO team is grateful for your patience and encouragement. I also want to thank the over 1,200 line and tree contractor crews, and food and service workers from across the nation who traveled to SECO to support one of the most extensive power restoration efforts in our history.


This year also marked several key milestones. We announced SECO Energy’s Expansion and Improvement Plan, launched the SECO Smart Connect Program that rewards members for saving energy, and made significant progress in our systemwide upgrade to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). We increased the capacity at several substations to meet the growing demands of new residential and commercial developments, and began transitioning area lighting to LED fixtures for improved efficiency.


Furthermore, we advanced our mission to support rural communities through engagement at the White House’s Rural Communities in Action Event and by collaborating with officials and key community leaders to address local needs. We achieved a lot this year, and despite challenges that came our way, the resilience of SECO Energy employees shone brightly and demonstrated the dedication that defines who we are as a cooperative.


As we look to the future, we anticipate the demand for safe, reliable, affordable electric service will continue growing. We also want to continue our efforts to engage with you – our valued members – through our innovative energy services offerings. The entire SECO Energy team will continue to explore new ways to support and meet member needs right here in Central Florida.


From the SECO Energy family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!















Chief Executive Officer



Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems work best when serviced regularly (one to two times yearly) by a certified HVAC professional.

Don’t walk on thin ice waiting until unusual sounds are coming from the HVAC system, musty or burning-smelling odors, poor airflow in certain rooms, or high spikes in energy usage – schedule a service call and beat the rush before any cold snaps. Regular maintenance will help you feel comfortable at home and improve your HVAC system’s efficiency and longevity.


SECO Energy recommends setting your heating temperature between 68°F and 70°F. Why? When temperatures drop, the wider the difference between the outdoor temperature and the temperature in your home, the more energy your HVAC system will use to maintain the set temperature. This is why heating and cooling costs increase during cold and hot seasons.


Ensure your air vents or heating elements (like radiators) can adequately heat your home and aren’t blocked by furniture or rugs. Seal windows and exterior doors with caulk and weather stripping to help keep warm air in and cold air out. Open window blinds and curtains to let natural sunlight warm your home during the day and close them at night to block the chilly night air.


Increasing the heating temperature causes your HVAC to run longer, which will increase energy costs. Now is a good time to invest in a Wi-Fi-connected smart thermostat – use the programmable energy-efficiency settings to save energy and reduce your monthly bill. Finally, visit > Energy Solutions > Smart Connect Program to find out which Wi-Fi-connected thermostats are eligible to participate and how to earn incentives.


IT PAYS TO SAVE with the SECO Smart Connect Program! Click this link to learn more and enroll.







According to the Electrical Safety Foundation, there are an estimated 860 home fires each year caused by holiday decorations and another 210 home fires caused by Christmas trees. Safe decorations are the best decorations to keep you on the nice list and off the naughty list this year.



  • Keep decorations at least 3 ft. away from open flames and heat sources.
  • Inspect all decorations for frayed or pinched wires and replace any that are worn or damaged.
  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets with too many lights or appliances.
  • Refrain from connecting multiple extension cords or running them under rugs, carpets, or furniture.
  • If you have a natural Christmas tree, water it daily and discard it when it becomes dry or starts shedding needles.
  • Test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, and make sure they have fresh batteries.
  • Turn off all electrical decorations before leaving the house or going to bed.


Remember to enjoy the holiday season without adding decorations to SECO Energy poles. Decorative poles are not rated to withstand the added weight of decorations and holiday lights. It is extremely unsafe to nail or tack signs or decorations to wood poles; sharp objects can pierce our crews’ personal protective equipment and their skin. Poles are also not safe to use as a ladder stabilizer.


Santa always checks his list twice before Christmas, so make sure you’re following these tips to stay on Santa’s nice list and enjoy a festive and safe holiday season.

Source: Electrical Safety Foundation







Did you know SECO Energy offers 12 ways to pay your bill? Most payment options are available with no convenience fee.


Here are the top 5 most popular options:


1. SmartHub

Use SmartHub to pay your bill, view account history, set up hassle-free ongoing payments with bank draft, enroll in eBill to reduce clutter, and monitor your home’s energy usage. You can also make instant payments without registering your account.


2. Bank draft

Simplify your life; have your monthly SECO Energy bill drafted from a bank account of your choice. There is no fee to participate in bank draft, no stamps to buy, and no waiting on mail time. Bank draft is the most secure and convenient payment option.


3. Pay By Phone

Call 1 (877) 371-9382 to pay 24/7 using a card or electronic check. Note that the phone number to Pay By Phone will change to 1 (855) 938-3432 on January 27, 2025.


4. Pay In Person

For drive-thru and kiosk payments, visit Member Service Centers in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala, or Sumterville.


5. By Mail

Send payments to SECO Energy, P.O. Box 70997, Charlotte, NC 28272-0997.


Third-Party Payment Warning: SmartHub is SECO Energy’s only authorized online bill payment system to avoid potential delays, fees, or service disruption. If you are unsure about payment services, contact SECO Energy at (352) 793-3801.


Notice to Update Records:
Effective January 27, 2025, SECO Energy’s Pay By Phone number is changing to 1 (855) 938-3432, and members can no longer make payments by calling the former number.



Read the full December SECO News.