The SECO Energy Board of Trustees elected its 2024 Officers during their March Trustee Meeting. District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson was re-elected Board President. Scott Boyatt, District 1 Trustee, was elected to once again serve as Board Vice President and District 9 Trustee Morgan Hatfield was re-elected to continue her role as Secretary/Treasurer.
SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative owned by its members, who elect representatives from their respective Districts to serve on the SECO Energy Board of Trustees for three-year terms. Collectively, the nine-member SECO Board of Trustees represents all members by meeting monthly to monitor the cooperative’s governance process, provide fiduciary oversight, and participate in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.
District 3 Trustee and Board President Gerald Anderson was re-elected for a third consecutive term. Mr. Anderson has been a SECO Energy member since 2013 and resides in The Villages. His first election to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees was in 2019. During his tenure, he has earned his Credentialed Cooperative Director’s Certificate (CCD), Board Leadership Certificate (BLC), and maintained the prestigious Director Gold Credential (DGC) from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).
President Anderson stated, “I’m truly moved and honored to continue serving our members as President. Leading such a talented and diverse team is a privilege and responsibility. Together, we’re not just facing challenges but seizing opportunities to make SECO Energy even stronger for our members.”
District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt retained his office as Vice President. Mr. Boyatt has been a SECO Member since 2004 and resides in Clermont. His first election to the Board was in 2013. Since joining the SECO Board, he has completed the Credentialed Cooperative Director’s Certificate (CCD) and Board Leadership Certificate (BLC) and has achieved Director Gold Credentials from the NRECA.
Vice President Boyatt reflected on his continued service with a sense of purpose and commitment, saying, “Being a part of this Board has been a rewarding experience. Each decision we make is an opportunity to positively impact our community and ensure the sustainability of our service area. As we navigate growth and transformation in our region, I’m eager to shape a future where every member benefits from reliable, sustainable, and efficient energy solutions.”
District 9 Trustee Morgan Hatfield was re-elected to serve a second term as Secretary/Treasurer. She has been a member since 2019 and resides in Paisley. Her first election to the Board was in 2021. Ms. Hatfield successfully holds her Credentialed Cooperative Director’s Certificate (CCD), the Board Leadership Certificate (BLC), and Director Gold Credential (DGC) from the National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (NRECA).
Ms. Hatfield expressed her enthusiasm and dedication to her role, stating, “It’s genuinely an honor to serve in this capacity. I enjoy contributing to the cooperative’s welfare and success to ensure our cooperative’s financial health and operational efficiency lay a strong foundation for a sustainable future.”
SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn applauded the Board’s commitment and vision. “Our Board of Trustees embodies the Mission, Vision, and Core Values of SECO. Their dedication is pivotal to our success as we continue to grow. These Officers have demonstrated their ability to help lead SECO Energy in a direction that will not only meet but exceed the needs of our members, ensuring we remain a reliable and trusted energy provider for years to come.”
The NRECA offers the Director Certification Program to equip cooperative trustees with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective governance, preparing them to address current and future challenges within the electric cooperative sector. This program also awards the Director Gold Credential (DGC) to those continuously seeking to expand their knowledge and fulfill their governance duties to the highest standard.
For more information about SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees, initiatives, and how the cooperative serves its members, visit>Your Co-op.
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