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Florida Fauna & Flora – Roseate Spoonbill


Florida Fauna & Flora – Roseate Spoonbill


One of Florida’s most unique and colorful birds is the roseate spoonbill. This species is the only spoonbill that is native to the Western Hemisphere. It has pink wings, long pink legs and a white neck and back. There is no color difference between males and females of the species.


Spoonbills get their name from their spoon-shaped bill. This bird uses its bill to sweep side to side to capture prey in shallow water. The bird’s pink color comes from the organisms they eat that are full of organic pigments called carotenoids.


Roseate spoonbills have a wingspan of 50 to 53 inches and grow to a length of 30 to 40 inches. Males retrieve nest-building materials while females build the nest. Females lay no more than 3 eggs, and both parents help with incubation duties while waiting about 24 days for the eggs to hatch.


Fun Fauna Fact: Roseate spoonbills were once threatened by hunters for their feathers. Because this practice is now illegal, the population has rebounded. The bird is still protected by the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act and is a Florida Threatened species.


Read the full April 2021 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Cane Toad


Florida Fauna & Flora – Cane Toad


Cane toads are native species from South America to southern Texas. The toads were introduced to Florida and have flourished as an invasive species. Also called a bufo, giant or marine toad, its body is reddish brown, dark brown, or gray. Some are uniform in color or could have darker markings.


Cane toads do not have ridges across their heads as seen on native southern toads. Cane toads are also much larger than native southern toads. They grow as large as nine inches, while southern toads grow to four inches.


Toads and frogs are often praised for their effective pest control abilities, but cane toads can be toxic or deadly to pets. They have enlarged glands behind their eyes which secrete bufotoxin as a form of defense against predators. Cane toad tadpoles are also poisonous if ingested.


Do not handle these toads without gloves and eye protection. Call ASPCA Pet Poison Control at (888) 426-4435 or your veterinarian if you suspect your pet has come in contact with a cane toad or tadpole.


Fun Fauna Fact: Cane toads were brought to Florida to control pests in sugar can crops in the 1930s and 40s. Escaped toads and the pet trade in the 50s and 60s are likely responsible for today’s large population.


Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission


Read the full March 2021 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Alligator Snapping Turtle


Florida Fauna & Flora – Alligator Snapping Turtle


Alligator snapping turtles look like a holdover from prehistoric times when dinosaurs roamed the earth. You can find this unique reptile throughout the southeastern United States and as far north as Iowa. It is the largest species of fresh-water turtle.


Alligator snapping turtles rarely venture onto land. Females lay eggs on the ground then quickly return underwater. This carnivore has a tongue with a bright-red piece of flesh that resembles a worm. The species lays on the bottom of a riverbed or lake with its mouth open to lure fish directly into its mouth. This turtle can hold its breath underwater for 40 to 50 minutes.


These turtles are giant – males may weigh up to 200 pounds. Alligator snapping turtles have no predators in the wild. They are not on the endangered species list, but their numbers are dwindling because humans like to trap them for their distinctive shells and meat. Many states have bans on killing these turtles.


Fun Fauna Fact: Prey has a hard time hiding from alligator snapping turtles. They can taste substances secreted by prey in the water that alerts them when a tasty meal is hiding nearby.


Source: The National Wildlife Federation


Read the full February 2021 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Orange Blossom


Florida Fauna & Flora – Orange Blossom


In 1909, the Florida State legislature chose the orange blossom as the state flower. Orange blossoms are the fragrant flowers that grace the millions of orange trees that are synonymous with Florida. Orange blossoms are found in perfume, French and Mediterranean cuisine, wedding bouquets and orange blossom honey.


The citrus industry is Florida’s second-largest industry after tourism. Florida bottles as much as 90% of the nation’s orange juice. The industry is facing a possibly insurmountable challenge. Almost 90% of Florida’s orange groves are infected with the Huanglongbing (HLB) bacterium. This bacterium attacks orange tree roots and prevents the fruit from ripening. A small insect called a citrus psyllid spreads the bacterium from grove to grove.


Some of Florida’s juice making factories are closing their doors, fruit packing operations are downsizing and fruit picking jobs are drying up. But there is hope. Recently both the amount of fruit produced and sales have increased. The Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred is creating solutions to combat HLB. Measures include enhanced root grafts and select fertilizer schedules.


Fun Flora Fact: In 1493, Christopher Columbus brought orange trees to the new world. Ponce de Leon’s explorers planted the first Florida orange trees near St. Augustine in the mid-1500s.


Sources: and


Read the full January 2021 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Ocala National Forest

The Ocala National Forest is located in SECO Energy’s backyard. This national landmark was established in 1909 and is the southernmost forest in the United States. In the forest’s beautiful 383,000 acres, you’ll find over 600 lakes, rivers and streams, as well as trails, animals, recreation areas and outdoor activities.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the core of the Ocala National Forest is the Big Scrub that was first placed under protection by President Theodore Roosevelt, making it the first National Forest east of the Mississippi River. Most of the forest is in Marion County, with smaller portions found in Lake and Putnam Counties. The Florida Trail is a 1,300-mile United States National Scenic Trail that travels through the Ocala National Forest.


When visiting the Ocala National Forest, look for various wildlife, including alligators, coyotes, white-tailed deer, wild boar and small animals such as squirrels, gopher tortoises, bats, river otters, bobcats and more. Within the forest boundaries, you’ll also find the highest concentration of wild Florida black bears.


Fun Flora Fact: The 1946 movie The Yearling starring Gregory Peck and Jane Wyman based on Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’ novel of the same name was filmed in the Ocala National Forest.


Read the full December 2020 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Northern Bobwhite Quail

Northern bobwhite quails are medium-sized birds with round bodies, short tails and short necks. Their plumage is reddish-brown with white and gray streaks. Bobwhites are named for their distinctive “bob-white” call.


Bobwhite quails feed and roost in coveys of 8 to 25 birds. They forage on the ground for seeds, insects, fruits and plants. Females lay 12 to 16 eggs in a shallow nest built on the ground hidden beneath vegetation. Adults measure about 10 inches from the tip of beak to tail.


This quail is found throughout most of Florida except the southern tip. Muted plumage makes them hard to spot in their preferred habit of grassy fields and pine woods. Pesticide use and loss of habitats are contributing factors to the decline in northern bobwhite quail numbers. Its conservation status is “near threatened.”


Fun Fauna Fact: Northern bobwhite quails are the only galliform (an order of ground-feeding birds that includes turkey, pheasant, chickens, peafowl and more) native to eastern North America.


Read the full November 2020 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Eastern Coral Snake


Florida Fauna & Flora – Eastern Coral Snake


The extremely venomous eastern coral snake is found throughout Florida. Coral snakes should not be confused with the non-venomous scarlet king and scarlet snakes. These three snakes look similar but knowing the difference could save your life.


Eastern coral snakes have wide black and red bands separated by slender bands of yellow on their bodies. Remember the old saying, “If red touches yellow, kill a fellow.” Coral snakes grow to less than three feet in length. Its nose is black, and the head is narrow and unlike a pit viper’s triangular-shaped head. Coral snakes have short, fixed
fangs and a small mouth.


This snake spends much of its time in rotting logs, brush piles and decaying vegetation. It feeds on lizards, frogs, other snakes and small animals. Coral snakes are related to other deadly snakes including cobras, mambas and sea snakes. This snake does not strike – it chews into flesh to bite and release venom.


Coral snake bites to humans are rare – most bites happen when they’re stepped on or picked up. Nowadays with the availability of antivenin, coral snake bites are rarely fatal, but if bitten, seek medical treatment at once.


Read the full October 2020 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Hurricanes and Pets

Don’t forget a hurricane or disaster plan for your family pet. According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), take your pets with you if you decide to evacuate before a storm arrives. Service animals that meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements are usually welcome in general population shelters.


You can also look locally for a pet-friendly shelter. Contact the shelter before you go to make sure there is availability for you and your pet. Pet-friendly hotels and motels are also an option. Check with your local Humane Society to find pet-friendly options.


If you’re staying home during the storm, don’t forget to add your pet’s food, medicine and essentials to your supply kit. Have enough pet supplies on hand to last at least seven days. Just as humans enjoy snacks when waiting out a storm, your pets do too! Stock up on some extra bones and treats to show your furry or feathered friends some love.
Bring your pets indoors before a storm arrives. Many pets who enjoy spending time outside become lost after a strong storm. Bring them indoors where they will be safe.


Read the full September 2020 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Ruby-throated Hummingbird


Florida Fauna & Flora – Ruby-throated Hummingbird


The most common hummingbird found in Florida is the ruby-throated hummingbird. You may also see black-chinned and rufous hummingbirds according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension. The ruby-throated hummingbird is also eastern North America’s only breeding hummingbird.


Ruby-throated hummingbirds are tiny. They measure only three inches long and weigh less than a penny. Males have the signature ruby-red feathers on their throats. Their back feathers are green, and they have two sets of green and black tail feathers. As is the case with many birds, females are less colorful; their feathers are green, white and black.


Hummingbirds do not hum. The noise is the rapid flapping of their wings. Ruby-throated hummingbirds beat their wings about 53 times per second. Hummingbirds can hover in the air, move forward and backward, down and upside down. Hummingbirds cannot soar, and their very short legs prevent them from walking or hopping.


Fun Fauna Fact: Hummingbirds have excellent color vision. Like many birds, they can see into the ultraviolet spectrum which humans can’t see.


Read the full August 2020 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – The Cabbage Palm

The Florida state tree is the cabbage palm. You may know this palm as a sabal palm, sabal palmetto or cabbage palmetto. Cabbage palms are one of fifteen species of palmetto palms. South Carolina has also adopted the cabbage palm as its state tree.


The cabbage palm appears in the background of Florida’s state seal. The seal depicts a Seminole woman spreading flowers on a shoreline with the sun’s rays near the horizon and a sailing steamboat and two cabbage palm trees. “Great Seal of the State of Florida” and the state motto “In God We Trust” encircle the seal.


Cabbage palms can grow to heights of 65 feet, and thus should not be planted under or near power lines. This palm is native to the southern United States, Cuba, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Bahamas. It is very salt-tolerant and often grows near the coast along the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. It requires hot summers to grow well.


FUN FLORA FACT: Have you ever eaten swamp cabbage? Cabbage palms have a cabbage-like inner core that is harvested and eaten. If you haven’t tried swamp cabbage, you may find it on a salad bar and know it better as hearts of palm. It’s delicious!


Read the full July 2020 SECO News online.