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Nature’s Reflections – Nine-Armed Sea Star

Once called a starfish, although it is not a fish


Sea stars are Echinoderms (Echinodermata) —a group of animals whose name means “spiny skin,” which includes sea urchins, feather stars, sand dollars and sea cucumbers. About two thousand species exist exclusively in oceans worldwide. None are found on land or in freshwater. Sea stars have tentacle-like structures called tube feet with suction pads situated along the extremities. Sea stars have an eye at the end of each tentacle, but cannot see color. An internal hydraulic-type system pumps fluids through the body, allowing the star to both move and feed. While predators themselves, most are covered with spiny skin for protection from other predators.


The Nine-armed Sea Star (Luidia senegalensis), is a millipede with long, slim tapering arms attached to a small circular center. This sea star grows between twelve to sixteen inches in diameter. The topside is a patchwork of closely packed spiny plates from brownish gray to tan. The underside of the sea star has small white spiny plates and a central band of translucent, orange tube feet. The mouth is at the center of the disc. Undigested food fragments are expelled through the mouth. Like other echinoderms, it has the ability to regenerate lost or broken appendages.


It is found at the beach in shallow water and in depths of up to 130 feet along the coasts of Florida, and as far south as Brazil. It dines on mollusks, small crustaceans, tiny fish and worms. Many foods are swallowed whole and ingested by turning its stomach inside out to consume its prey. It also buries itself in the sand, filtering it to extract tiny organisms.


Nature's Reflections August 2017, Nine-Armed Sea Star, coast of Florida


Breeding takes place throughout the year. Sea stars release egg/sperm cells into the sea. The eggs hatch into larva which drift along with the plankton to grow. After twenty-five days, the larva settle on the ocean floor and undergo a metamorphosis into juvenile sea stars.


Sea stars can be found in a stunning variety of shapes and colors in every ocean and reef around the world. They are best characterized by their unique symmetry. Most have five arms, while others have ten, and up to as many as forty arms. The lifespan of a sea star is reported to be from five to thirty-five years.


Column & photos by Sandi Staton –


Read the full Nature’s Reflections article in the August 2017 SECO News here.


Nature’s Reflections – Hurricanes & Wildlife

Where do animals go in a hurricane?


Florida’s wildlife is well adapted to the state’s weather extremes. Their early warning system lies in the ability to sense any change in the barometric pressure and move to safer locations. Members of the animal kingdom seem to find places to hide from a storm’s wrath.


Water birds and shorebirds move inland during storms. Many birds will fly to the outer edge of a storm and find a safe place to hunker down – sometimes hundreds of miles away. Birds have the ability to tighten their grip and hold on during high winds, just as they do when sleeping. Cavity nesters, like woodpeckers will often ride out the storm in the tree. Many species of wildlife know the areas of the forest where they will be best protected from the worst winds. Chicks in a twig or ground nest are at the highest risk for injury.


Natural disaster disrupts and affects everything in its path, including wildlife. Livestock and pets are not always able to get out of harm’s way on their own. A sad fact is that there is usually some loss to wildlife and habitat as a result of severe storms. The good news is that wildlife in general is amazingly resilient.


While we can never place animal life above human life, it is important to be sensitive to the needs of both wildlife and domestic animals as much as we can before and after a natural disaster.


Nature's Reflections - Hurricanes & Wildlife, Disaster disrupts and affects everything in its path, including wildlife


Following the 2004 hurricanes, FEMA brought in veterinarians from other states to help rescue and treat the thousands of domestic animals that resided in the Florida counties that were declared federal disaster areas.


The Humane Society collected pets found disoriented and wandering aimlessly and gave them food and shelter until the rightful owners could be found. Those unclaimed pets were later offered for adoption.


Volunteers from area wildlife rehab centers were busy with rescue and treatment of injured, displaced and orphaned animals following the hurricanes. Biologists from Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) monitored the impact to wildlife for weeks following the storms. Research shows that most of Florida’s ecosystems and wildlife populations recover, or adapt, quickly after even the severest storms.


Column & photos by Sandi Staton –


Read the full Nature’s Reflections article in the July 2017 SECO News here.


Nature’s Reflections – The Green Anole

One of Florida’s best natural pest control experts


This lively little garden critter is the Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis), pronounced uh’no-lee, of the Iguanidae family. It is the only anole native to Florida and not to be confused with the non-native Brown Anole. Its long-pointed snout and smooth skin distinguishes it, as does its ability to change color from green to brown or gray as a camouflage technique and in reaction to temperature. When temps are above 70°F, it tends to be green. In cooler weather it turns brown. Following a territorial dispute, the winner turns bright green while the loser turns brown. Although it is often called a “chameleon,” it is not. Chameleons are natives of Africa and Madagascar, have eyeballs that move independently, and tails that curl into spirals.


SECO News June 2017, Nature's Reflections - The Green Anole. It has adhesive toe pads, enabling it to climb and cling to vertical surfaces.


Like all lizards, the Green Anole is equipped with moveable eyelids and external ear holes. Adults molt often, casting off skin in pieces. It has adhesive toe pads, enabling it to climb and cling to vertical surfaces. Males grow to eight inches. Females are smaller.


Its long, slender tail makes up half of its length and breaks off at the slightest pressure – allowing for a quick escape. The tail then grows back over several weeks.
Males have a brightly colored patch of skin called a throat fan or dew lap. It appears to inflate, but is actually displayed using a flexible rod of cartilage. The behavior is often accompanied by push-ups and head-bobbing maneuvers when courting a mate or defending territory. Breeding takes place from late March to early October. Females lay single eggs every two weeks in moist soil including the soil in flower pots. The tiny 1/4- to 3/8-inch leathery eggs take five to seven weeks to hatch.


SECO News June 2017, Nature's Reflections - The Green Anole. Anoles and other lizards are valuable contributors to the environment and economically important as natural pest controllers – an essential element in the balance of nature.


Anoles feed on insects, but only live prey. Anoles have excellent eyesight and are frequently seen quietly stalking prey or basking in the sunlight. It is not unusual to see it gobbling up wood roaches or other bugs. Amazingly, this little lizard can grab and swallow prey almost its size. Anoles and other lizards are valuable contributors to the environment and economically important as natural pest controllers – an essential element in the balance of nature.


Column & photos by Sandi Staton –

Nature’s Reflections – Backyard Florida

Playing in the water brings out the kid in all of us


Since Florida is surrounded on three sides by saltwater with 1,197 miles of coastline, 2,276 miles of tidal shoreline and 663 miles of beaches, it is a great place to come play in the water – a natural water park. But, that is just the perimeter. There is a lot of water within the State’s interior.


The interior of Florida has more than 11,000 miles of streams, rivers and waterways with three million acres of freshwater and 27 first magnitude springs – more than any other state in the nation. These are springs that discharge water at a rate of at least 100 cubic feet of water per second. Florida’s longest river is the St. Johns at 273 miles. The state also has 10,000 lakes with 7,700 of them larger than ten acres and the largest, Lake Okeechobee, is 700 square miles. It is the second largest freshwater lake in the U.S. In fact, Florida’s total water area is 4,308 square miles.


SECO News, May 2017 - Nature's Reflections - Florida’s natural splendor beckons boaters, canoeists, anglers, wildlife and nature observers, as well as water-sports enthusiasts.


Florida’s natural splendor beckons boaters, canoeists, anglers, wildlife and nature observers, as well as water-sports enthusiasts. The goals of Florida’s conservation efforts include the preservation of natural habitats and ecosystems for wildlife and recreational opportunities for everyone, young and old alike.


Our treasury of clean waterways brings thousands of visitors to Florida annually. The sale of fishing gear and related equipment, licenses and rental fees makes a tremendous contribution to the state’s economy and provides residents with a wonderful place to play, relax and have a good time. Fishing is a fun and wholesome activity that everyone can enjoy.


Boating and other water sports are popular too. With thousands of registered vessels and personal watercraft, boating safety is a priority in Florida. Both residents and visitors are encouraged to take one of the many boating safety courses offered.


SECO News, May 2017 - Nature's Reflections - Backyard Florida


Florida is indeed “a great backyard” and with our excellent weather, it’s no wonder people come from all over the world to play in the water here. Whatever your preference, fishing, boating, skiing, swimming, operating a personal watercraft, or watching from the shoreline, with so much water in Florida, you’re bound to find something you like.


Column & photos by Sandi Staton –

Nature’s Reflections – Florida’s Live Oak

One of the most majestic trees of the South


The huge old Florida live oaks (Quercus virginiana) draped in Spanish moss, are among the most magnificently beautiful trees. Standing forty to fifty feet in height, they grow in a variety of soils. These long-lived, pest-free trees are among our most valuable and historic shade trees. The Spanish moss and resurrection ferns grow on live oak branches but are not harmful to the trees. Loved by some and disliked by others, these three plants have historically grown together in harmony.


Many of the largest live oaks are actually registered and thought to be more than two hundred years old. As a native hardwood, the live oak ranks the heaviest – weighing 55 pounds per cubic foot when air dry (75 pounds per cubic foot, fresh weight). These trees are known for their resistance to disease and incredible density. Periodic pruning helps to decrease the tremendous weight of the branches and keeps the tree from splitting under its own weight.


Today, the live oak is a prized shade tree. In past centuries, the trees were used to build naval ships. In 1828, the United States set aside 1,300 acres of land in the Florida Panhandle known as the Naval Live Oaks, which is now part of the National Park Service. Among the ships constructed from live oaks were the revolutionary privateer the Hancock, “Old Ironsides” herself – USS Constitution, and the USS Constellation, built in the 1790s. The wood was also used for: cart hubs, axles, screws and cogs of mill wheels, waterwheels and pilings. The wood is attractive for use as furniture or flooring, but proves to be too hard to work and finish easily.


Nature's Reflections, April 2017 - These trees are known for their resistance to disease and incredible density.


When planting, leave a lot of room for growth. The key is not to plant them too close together, or in areas likely to suffer road, building or power line construction.


In January–February, live oaks shed their leaves when the old leaves are actually pushed off by the new growth. Acorns mature in September through October, average 390 per pound and germinate soon after falling. Acorns are favored by all kinds of wildlife and are of great nutritional value to many birds and mammals.


Column & photos by Sandi Staton –

Nature’s Reflections-Pileated Woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker, (Melanerpes carolinus) is the largest and most famous of Florida’s seven woodpeckers. It was the inspiration for the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker. A mature bird is fifteen to nineteen inches tall and weighs about twelve ounces.


This woodpecker is easily identified by its bold black and white striped head and neck, long bill, white wing linings and the distinctive flame-red crest found on both male and female. Only the male has a red mustache stripe on the side of his face. The juvenile is similar, with a shorter crest.


Its long, straight, pointy beak is just right for making unique rectangular holes and its long, sticky tongue is equipped with a sharp end for spiking ants, larvae and a variety of other bugs lodged in tree bark. Carpenter ants are its primary food. It also eats nuts, berries and wild fruits and has been known to visit bird feeders.


It has an extra-thick skull. Its pecking or drumming (14 to 17 beats per second) is a distinctive loud hammering sound. Pairs establish territories which can cover as much as 4,000 acres. Although the Pileated mates for life, each bird normally sleeps alone. Roost cavities provide protection from weather and have multiple entrance and exit holes for alternate escape routes from predators.

Pileated woodpecker, March 2017 Nature's Reflections


All woodpeckers have feet especially adapted for hanging onto trees. Two toes go forward and two go backward, like having an extra thumb. That, along with very sharp claws, helps the woodpecker keep its grip. Stiff tail feathers give added support.


Each spring, a pair works together to excavate a new nest cavity in a dead tree where two to four eggs are laid. Both parents incubate the eggs during the day, but the male takes the night shift. The eggs hatch after two weeks and the young fledge in about a month. The young depend on their parents for several months while learning to feed themselves, and then gradually wander away to find a mate the following spring. The new pair establishes their own territory, and mate for life, but may take a new mate if one dies.


Florida woodpeckers don’t migrate but live here year round. The oldest known lived twelve years.

Nature’s Reflections-Florida’s Cattle Egret

The Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), native to Africa and Asia, is believed to have traveled across the Atlantic to South America in the late 1800s. From there, it migrated north to the US in the early 1940s. Over the next fifty years, it became one of the most prolific herons in all of North America. Today it is found in almost every state and on every continent except Antarctica. It is a year round resident of Florida.


The Cattle Egret generally lives in pastures and wetlands. During the breeding season, it seeks out woods near water, but generally remains far away from water. This small white heron is commonly seen in groups along roadsides and in pastures as constant companions to cattle. Often it is seen perched on the backs of cattle where it gobbles up the bugs, ticks and other parasites that plague livestock – their diet benefits cattle, ranchers, farmers and themselves. It is an opportunistic feeder and will travel great distances to follow a tractor plowing, or mowing a field to catch grasshoppers, crickets, spiders and moths that are stirred up by farm machinery.

Florida's cattle egret profile


Both male and female are similar in appearance, standing eighteen to twenty-two inches tall with a three-foot wingspan. Coloration is generally white with a yellow bill and dark green legs. Breeding age begins at two to three years of age. During its twenty-day courtship, the bill and legs of breeding egrets turn a vivid red and display orange-buff colored plumes on the head and back. Non-breeding egrets remain white.


Cattle Egrets form colonies and prefer to roost and nest in trees near water. Males establish and defend a territory while the female lays two to six light blue-green eggs in a shallow, platform-like nest of twigs. Both parents incubate the eggs for twenty-one to twenty-four days. Down-covered young have dark legs and a black bill. The young leave the nest about three weeks after hatching and are on their own at six weeks.

Flock of cattle egret


In captivity the Cattle Egret has been known to live more than ten years – lifespan in the wild is unknown.


Column and photo by Sandi Staton

Nature’s Reflections-West Indian Manatee

A Unique Native Floridian


The West Indian manatee, (Trichechus manatus), is found throughout Florida’s shallow, slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays and coastal areas. This large aquatic mammal with its innocent looking face reaches ten feet in length and weighs more than a thousand pounds. It has two flippers and a round elongated body that tapers to a flat, paddle-shaped tail.


Manatees spend most of their day traveling slowly, resting and eating five to ten percent of their weight per day. It breathes air through unique nostrils that close when it goes underwater and holds its breath for up to twenty minutes. Even when sleeping, manatees surface to breathe fresh air and submerge again without ever waking up. Manatees shed their old teeth and regrow new ones, as needed.


Female manatees mature at five years of age, and males at nine years. On average, one calf is born every two to five years after a 13 month gestation period. Mothers nurse their young for one to two years.

West Indian Manatee


This plant-eating giant has no natural enemies and may live fifty to sixty years. Its friendly nature is its greatest threat. It associates the sound of boats and people with food and ventures too close to speeding boats. Manatee zones help to reduce watercraft collisions and provide better protection. They are protected by both federal and state laws making it illegal to harass, hunt, capture or kill this marine animal.


Sensitive to cold temperatures, manatees congregate in Florida’s springs where water temperatures remain constant and power plants that discharge warm water. Manatees can be killed or harmed by cold temperatures, ingesting fish hooks and line, litter, entanglement in crab trap lines, poaching and loss of natural habitat.


Column & photo by Sandi Staton

Nature’s Reflections – Florida’s Scenic Dora Canal

Mile-long canal connects Lakes Eustis and Dora


The Dora Canal, originally known as the Elfin River, was once home to the Timucuan Indians, followed by French, Spanish and British settlers. In the late 1800s the waterway was dredged out and widened to accommodate easier passage of small steamboats and subsequently became known as the Dora Canal.


This scenic passage is a one-and-a-quarter mile-long waterway located in Lake County. It connects Lake Dora and Lake Eustis and is part of the Harris Chain of Lakes – nine lakes connected by streams and canals that extend north to the Ocklawaha River. Many of the county’s 1,000 lakes, with connecting canals, are part of the Ocklawaha Chain of Lakes. In the 1800s, steamboats, were vital to the area before the arrival of the railroad. The scenic Dora Canal connects the six-mile-long Lake Dora with other lakes leading to the St. John’s River, Jacksonville, and Atlantic Ocean.


This pristine, jungle-like waterway is part of a large wetland swamp, fed by underground springs and abundant rainfall. Its beautiful, stately old Bald Cypress trees draped with Spanish moss provide a picturesque canopy for the abundant flora and fauna below. During winter months, the cypress, although conifers, lose their leaves. The canal is different in the summer when the foliage is full.


SECO News December 2016, Nature’s Reflections – Florida’s Scenic Dora Canal 02


The opportunity to see wildlife in this sanctuary makes it a favorite location to observe many creatures in their natural habitat. A plethora of wading birds, herons, egrets, anhinga, wood ducks, ospreys, eagles, otters, alligators, turtles, snakes and fish are commonly seen here. The canal provides great subjects for photography, or an opportunity for a peaceful, quiet and enjoyable ride.


In 1951, the Dora Canal location was used to reshoot some of the river scenes in the now-classic movie, African Queen, starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn. Although it had been originally filmed in Africa, the Dora Canal was selected for the retakes because, other than a few residences at the southern end of the canal, it looks much like a wild river running through an uninhabited jungle.


Column & photo by: Sandi Staton



Nature’s Reflections – Florida Panther: Our Biggest Cat

A subspecies of the western cougar


The Florida panther (Felis concolor corti) was first listed as an endangered species in 1973 and protected by both state and federal laws. These large, tawny-colored, long-tailed, elusive cats average 80-130 pounds. They are reported to live about twelve years in the wild. These large cats are mostly nocturnal and rarely seen. Panthers are solitary, skilled hunters who live and hunt in large home ranges up to 200 square miles. They maintain boundaries by scent markings and rarely fight over territory. Deer and feral hogs are the preferred food, but panthers also eat raccoons, rabbits, armadillos, alligators, fowl and other small animals.


Habitat loss and collisions with vehicles are the principal reasons for population decline. In the early 1990s genetic defects from inbreeding and mercury poisoning also threatened their survival.




In 1995, Florida imported eight female Texas cougars to breed with the panthers and strengthen their genetic diversity. The kittens produced from the cross-breeding are considered Florida panthers and protected the same as the purebreds. Today, panthers roam remote swamplands like the Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. Others go mostly undetected, roaming remote areas in central and north Florida, making it difficult to get an exact count. Female panthers begin breeding at about two and a half years of age. After a three-month gestation period, a litter of one to three kittens are born in a simple, secluded den. Spots on their tawny coats help them blend with dense vegetation. Weaned at two months, the kittens follow their mother for up to two years to learn hunting and survival skills. Once trained, the mother leaves her kittens at a kill and doesn’t return, leaving them to make their own way.


Current plans focus on securing and enhancing available habitat and breeding panthers in captivity, then reintroducing them into the wild. Let’s hope endeavors to help save this symbol of Florida’s wilderness are successful.


Column & photo by: Sandi Staton