Beat the Heat – Conserve Energy Warning

Beat the Heat – Conserve Energy Warning

SECO Energy is preparing for some of the hottest summer temperatures recorded. For over a month, the heat index or “feels like” temperature has soared into the triple digits in Central Florida. Every day in August the temperature has reached 90 degrees and above, and SECO Energy members have set records several times in recent […]

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SECO Energy Announces 2023 Energy Scholarship Awardees

SECO Energy Announces 2023 Energy Scholarship Awardees

SECO Energy has announced its 2023 SECO Energy Scholarship Awardees. Each of the seven scholarship awardees will receive $3,000 to advance their education. SECO Energy’s scholarship program targets local students intending to prepare for a career in the energy industry.    SECO Energy Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors graduating in May or June […]

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SECO Energy’s Tracey Cottrell Elected to the Sunshine 811 Board of Directors

SECO Energy’s Tracey Cottrell Elected to the Sunshine 811 Board of Directors

SECO Energy’s Corporate Security & Risk Management Specialist Tracey Cottrell has been elected to the Sunshine 811 Board of Directors. As an 18-year SECO employee, Mrs. Cottrell has extensive experience in both the utility industry and working with the Florida Sunshine 811 statewide underground utility locating system. Mrs. Cottrell has previously been involved with strategic […]

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SECO Energy Attends 2023 NRECA Legislative Conference

SECO Energy Attends 2023 NRECA Legislative Conference

SECO Energy sent three representatives to the 2023 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. from April 16 – 19. The purpose of SECO’s attendance was to meet with federally elected officials and staff to encourage support for several key issues facing electric cooperatives today.      SECO Energy Board of Trustees […]

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Trout Lake Nature Center Project Receives Grant from SECO Energy Foundation

Trout Lake Nature Center Project Receives Grant from SECO Energy Foundation

The SECO Energy Foundation announced a grant has been awarded to Trout Lake Nature Center (TLNC), located in the Eustis area. The $22,000 Environmental Projects grant was approved during the SECO Energy Foundation’s first quarterly Board of Directors Meeting. The funding will provide backing to TLNC, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation, to replace a portion […]

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SECO Energy Board of Trustees Elects 2023 Officers

SECO Energy Board of Trustees Elects 2023 Officers

SECO Energy Board of Trustees elected its 2023 Officers during the March Trustee meeting. District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson was re-elected Board President, Scott Boyatt District 1 Trustee was re-elected as Board Vice President and District 9 Trustee Morgan Hatfield was elected Secretary/Treasurer.     SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned […]

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SECO Energy Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Director Gold Credential

SECO Energy Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Director Gold Credential

SECO Energy District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright has successfully completed the requirements to earn the Director Gold Credential (DGS) from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).   According to the NRECA, the DGC recognizes directors/trustees who desire a tangible credential that demonstrates their ongoing commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty […]

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