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Members Re-elect Earl Muffett District 6 Trustee

Members Re-elect Earl Muffett District 6 Trustee

On Tuesday, February 7, members voted to re-elect Earl Muffett to represent District 6 on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. Muffett has been a SECO member since 1979 and has served on the Board for over 25 years.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO members vote for the person they choose to represent the members in a particular district and to make governance decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large. SECO’s Board of Trustees are members themselves and provide governance and financial oversight to the cooperative.


A crowd of members gathered at the Village View Community Church in Summerfield to cast their vote for the representative of their choice. Both Muffett and Oxford resident Michael Tucker had submitted their letter of intent in January and expressed a willingness to serve.


Muffett stated, “I am excited to continue my board service and be a strong representative for District 6 members as I have for over 25 years. Thank you to all members in my district who believe I am the best choice to represent them. I look forward to continuing my work on the Board with my fellow trustees and representing the members of District 6.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “I would like to congratulate Mr. Muffett, and I am proud to work with him and his board peers. With the Board’s guidance, SECO has kept members’ rates low, upgraded our system to offer members world-class reliability and earned two consecutive J.D. Power awards for member satisfaction. As a CEO, I couldn’t ask for a better Board to work with, and I am thankful for their service.”


View photos of the Trustees and a District map online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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