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SECO Energy District 2 Members Elect Joyce Anderson as New Trustee

SECO Energy District 2 Members Elect Joyce Anderson as New Trustee

SECO Energy members residing in District 2 elected Joyce Anderson as their new Trustee. District 2 members gathered at the Sumter County School Board building on February 11 to elect a Trustee to represent their District on SECO’s Board of Trustees. Ms. Anderson lives in Sumterville and is the first woman to be elected to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO members who reside in the District elect one of their fellow members to serve on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.”


Along with Ms. Joyce C. Anderson of Sumterville; from The Villages Mr. John F. Baileys; Mr. Joe W. Elliott; Mr. Peter N. Hill; Mr. Neil R. Hoffman; Mr. Lee R. Linn; and Mr. Dale J. Williams declared their willingness to serve the members of District 2 by submitting their letter of intent to run for Trustee. Elected Trustees serve a three-year term. Trustee-elect Anderson will attend her first official Board of Trustees’ meeting on Monday, March 30.


Trustee-elect Anderson stated, “I am excited and honored to serve as a SECO Energy Trustee, and proud to be the first woman elected to the Board. I greatly appreciate the support of my fellow District 2 members. SECO members and continued member satisfaction will be my highest priority.”


President Jerry Hatfield stated, “Congratulations, Ms. Anderson on your election as District 2 Trustee. On behalf of my fellow Board officers and peers, we welcome you and look forward to working with you.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Congratulations Ms. Anderson on your election as District 2 Trustee. Thank you to the members in District 2 who assembled to democratically elect your new Trustee to represent your District on the Board. In District 2, a total of seven candidates expressed a willingness to serve their fellow members and the membership at large.”


Duncan continued, “Thank you Mr. Baileys, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Hill, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Linn and Mr. Williams for your interest. It is truly amazing to have seven candidates eager to be of service to their cooperative and our members.”


Visit our Board of Trustees page to view a photo and brief bio of SECO’s Trustees along with a District Map. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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