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SECO Energy District 6 Members Elect Michael E. Muffett as New Trustee

SECO Energy District 6 Members Elect Michael E. Muffett as New Trustee

SECO Energy members voted to elect Mr. Michael E. Muffett as their new District 6 Trustee. District 6 members gathered at the Village View Community Church on February 4 to elect a Trustee to represent their District on SECO’s Board. Mr. Muffett lives in Summerfield and has been a SECO member for over 35 years.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO members who reside in the District elect one of their fellow members to serve on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.”


Along with Mr. Michael E. Muffett, Mr. Tom Ford and Mr. Mark L. Wade from Summerfield declared their willingness to serve the members of District 6 by submitting their letter of intent to run for Trustee. Elected Trustees serve a three-year term. Trustee-elect Muffett will attend his first official Board of Trustees’ meeting on Monday, March 30.


Trustee-elect Mr. Muffett is looking forward to his Board service. Mr. Muffett stated, “First, I want to thank the members for attending last night’s District 6 Meeting and thank you to my fellow candidates who were prepared to serve our fellow District 6 members of SECO’s Board. I am excited to begin my Board service and eager to use this opportunity to expand my service to our local communities.”


President Jerry Hatfield stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Muffett, on your election as District 6 Trustee. On behalf of my fellow Board officers and peers, we welcome you and look forward to working with you.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Thank you District 6 members for gathering this evening to elect your new Trustee. Congratulations, Trustee-elect Muffett, on your election as District 6 Trustee. I would also like to thank Mr. Ford and Mr. Wade for their interest to serve as District 6 Trustee and the membership at large.”


View a photo and brief bio of SECO’s Trustees along with a District Map online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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