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Students Consider a Future in Energy

Students Consider a Future in Energy

On Thursday, January 19, SECO Energy representatives met with The Villages Charter High School students at their College and Career Expo. SECO’s Operations and Engineering staff members, as well as SECO’s District 3 Trustee Richard Belles, joined the cooperative’s Human Resources team to spread the word to students about their possible future in the energy industry.


The Villages Charter High School students were encouraged to visit with businesses, colleges, military and vocational/technical institutions to begin planning their education and career path after high school. The Expo also invited parents of students and alumni to stop in and visit with businesses that are currently hiring.


On Thursday, February 2, high school students from Citrus, Levy and Marion Counties attended the 2nd Annual Youth Career Expo for High Schools sponsored by Career Source CLM. SECO Energy I.T. Human Resources professionals met with hundreds of students and provided information about careers at SECO Energy in its Information Technology department.


SECO’s Human Resources department also attended the Crystal River Middle School Career Day on Friday, February 3. Middle school-aged students are just beginning to decide what their interests are and what they would possibly like to do in the future. SECO was on hand to offer middle schoolers a glimpse of careers in energy and possibly spark an interest.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO is actively recruiting for open positions within the company. Not only are we currently hiring, but we are hoping to attract the bright, talented young people who live in our area to our industry. With the newly announced Villages of Fenney expansion, it is clear that Central Florida is growing and not only are there current job opportunities, there will be positions available in the future as well.”


Duncan added, “SECO is also currently offering graduating high school seniors who live in a home served by SECO, the chance to win a $3,000 scholarship. The application deadline is March 31, 2017. Applications are available online, at SECO’s five Member Service Centers and from school guidance counselors in our service territory.”


Visit SECO’s Community section online to learn more about the scholarship program and other corporate citizenship initiatives.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

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