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SECO Energy Announces 2025 Virtual Annual Business Meeting

SECO Energy will host its 2025 Annual Business Meeting virtually on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 6 p.m. Members can join the webcast by visiting and clicking the virtual Annual Meeting banner at the top of the homepage. Links to the broadcast will also be published on SECO Energy’s Facebook, X, and Instagram pages.


Members who tune into the Virtual Annual Meeting will be introduced to SECO Energy’s nine-member Board of Trustees, Board President Gerald Anderson will deliver the President’s Report, and CEO Curtis Wynn will provide a cooperative update.


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn encourages members to take part in the upcoming Annual Meeting and make their voices heard.  “Members, we need your vote on Annual Meeting business,” said Wynn.


SECO is giving away 100 Annual Meeting prizes including five $1,000 cash prizes, SECO bill credits of up to $500, and randomly selecting 15 members during the live broadcast to win a $50 bill credit. To be entered into the prize drawing chance to win, submit voting ballots online at, complete the ballot included with the Annual Meeting Notice, or call (352) 793-3801.


On the evening of the Annual Meeting, a live Member Engagement Panel will open for questions and comments starting at 5 p.m. Members may participate by emailing or by calling (352) 329-MEET. Selected questions and comments appealing to the broader SECO Energy membership may be addressed live during the panel.


Member votes will be tallied, and prize winners will be announced at the end of the Annual Meeting broadcast on March 27. The list of prize winners will be available at after the Meeting’s conclusion. Cash prize winners will be contacted to arrange delivery. Bill credit prizes will appear on the winners’ next billing statements.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit, cooperatively structured utility that believes in fostering member engagement and offering innovative energy services. As SECO Energy’s membership continues to grow, the shift to a Virtual Annual Meeting format has been proven to reduce costs while increasing member participation in Annual Meeting voting and business matters.


Visit to read the 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes and vote to approve. Members without internet access may pick up a copy of the 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes at one of SECO Energy’s five Member Service Centers located in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala, and Sumterville.