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January 2025 Sunshine State Stats

In January 2025, the monthly average temperature fell by 9 degrees from December, and the total rainfall was just .51 inches. 


The average temperature in January was 53 degrees, which is 7 degrees cooler than the typical average. The average high for the month reached 65 degrees, also 7 degrees lower than the average high in December. Similarly, the average low temperature fell to 44 degrees, 8 degrees lower than in December. 


The highest temperature of the month was 81 degrees on the last day of January, and the lowest was 34 degrees on January 25th. 


January 2025 weather stats


The January 2025 rainfall of just over one-half inch was well below the January average of 3.12 inches and 1.5 inches below the December 2024 total. Measurable rainfall occurred on six days, with only three days experiencing more than .1 inch of rain. 


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred on just one day: January 19, during which a total of 64 cloud-to-ground strikes were recorded. The image below shows the location of the strikes as documented by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE).



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)


Cloud to Ground Lightning – January 19, 2025 

Data and charts provided by



February Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that February in Central Florida will bring a mix of cool temperatures, rain, and sunshine. The month starts off with rainy periods and cool weather from February 1-12, so keeping an umbrella and a light jacket handy will be a good idea. From February 13-16, conditions will improve with sunnier skies and milder temperatures, making for pleasant outdoor activities. Between February 17-23, expect mostly sunny weather at first, followed by heavy rain and a noticeable drop in temperatures. The month will close out with sunshine from February 24-28, but very cold conditions will settle in before gradually warming up again. Overall, temperatures will average 59°F, about 3° below normal, while precipitation is expected to total 2.5 inches, with drier-than-usual conditions in the north and wetter conditions in the south. Expect a cooler-than-average February with a mix of sun, rain, and occasional cold snaps. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Thousands have already enrolled—and there’s still room for you to help reduce the impact on the electric grid during times of peak energy usage and save money, too! 


Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 

SECO Energy District 5 Members Re-elect Trustee Wright

SECO Energy members who reside in District 5 re-elected Shannon Wright to represent them on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The meeting was held on January 30 at the Citrus County Fairgrounds, located within the District.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. Its service area is geographically divided into nine Districts, with one Trustee elected from each district to represent their fellow members on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to provide governance oversight and participate in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the membership at large.


Trustee Wright and Joseph Wendt both submitted letters of intent to run for the District 5 Trustee position. SECO’s Bylaws currently require that the cooperative hold District Meetings, and the Florida Statute mandates in-person elections. To encourage participation and enhance convenience, a drive-thru voting option was available for members.


A SECO member since 2014, Ms. Wright was first elected to SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees in 2022. In 2023, she earned the Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), the highest Trustee accreditation from the NRECA. Ms. Wright lives in Lake Panasoffkee.


Trustee Wright expressed her sincere appreciation to the District 5 SECO members for their support and participation in the District Meeting. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue serving on the SECO Board of Trustees,” she said. “With the exciting growth and expansion ahead, I’m eager to contribute to our collective success over the next three years. Serving District 5 has been an honor, and I look forward to what we can accomplish together.”


Board President Gerald Anderson congratulated Ms. Wright on her re-election as District 5 Trustee. He also expressed his appreciation for the District 5 members who attended the meeting and engaged in the cooperative’s governance. “My fellow Board members and I look forward to working together to advance SECO Energy’s Mission and Vision,” he stated.


CEO Curtis Wynn commended the District 5 members for their excellent attendance at the meeting, noting their strong participation. He also recognized both candidates for their dedication to community service through their interest in the SECO Energy Board. “We deeply appreciate Mrs. Wright’s service as District 5 Trustee and congratulate her on her re-election,” Wynn stated. “The Executive Leadership Team and I are eager to continue working in partnership with the Board of Trustees to successfully manage SECO Energy’s growth while serving our members and communities.”


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.

December 2024 Sunshine State Stats

Although winter officially arrived on December 21, the month ended warmer than it started, while dry conditions continued in Central Florida. The average temperature in December was 62 degrees, 2 degrees below the normal average, and 9 degrees lower than the November average. The average high for the month was 72 degrees, 2 degrees lower than the average high in December. Likewise, the average low temperature dropped to 52 degrees, also 2 degrees lower than the average low in December. 


The month’s highest temperature reached 83 degrees on December 17th, and the lowest temperature, 36 degrees, was recorded on December 4th. 


The December 2024 rainfall totaled 1.66 inches, .99 inch less than the typical December total of 2.65 inches, and well below the 4.31 inches that one year ago. Measurable rainfall occurred on 5 days, with only two days experiencing more than .02 inch of rain. The U.S. Drought Monitor labels the entire SECO Energy service area as “Abnormally Dry.” However, parts of Marion and Citrus Counties and all of Levy County are drier and qualify as “Moderate Drought” areas as of December 25, 2024.



The U.S. Drought Monitor is jointly produced by the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Map courtesy of NDMC. 



Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred just two days. On December 11, WeatherSentry recorded 34 cloud-to-ground strikes, while a fast-moving front on December 29 generated 59 strikes. The images below indicate the location of strikes as recorded within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). 


Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)
Data and charts provided by

Cloud to Ground Lightning – December 11, 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – December 29, 2024



January forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for January 2025 predicts a week of sunny and warm conditions with scattered showers to start the year, followed by a solid week of sunny and warm conditions. A mid-month change to rain mixed with sun and cooling temperatures foretells a very cold final six days of the month. Bundle up! 


The estimated average temperature for January is 61 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 2 inches, which is .5 inch below the average for the month. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.

November 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In November 2024, the monthly average temperature fell by 4 degrees from October, while the total rainfall plummeted to just .6 inches. This was well below the normal precipitation level of 2.53 inches in November and 5.27 inches less than what fell in October. 


The average temperature in November was 71 degrees, 2 degrees below the normal average. The average high for the month was 80 degrees, 4 degrees less than the average high in October. Likewise, the average low temperature dropped to 61 degrees, 6 degrees lower than in October. 


The month’s high temperature was 87 degrees on November 3rd and 12th, and the lowest temperature, 42 degrees, was recorded on the final day of November. 


Measurable rainfall occurred on 7 days, with only two days experiencing more than one-tenth inch of rain. SECO Energy serves three counties that are listed as “Abnormally Dry” by the National Integrated Drought Information System as of November 28, 2024.


All of Levy County and parts of Marion and Citrus Counties are in an “Abnormally Dry” status.

Map source:



Thunderstorm activity was minimal in November. Only six cloud-to-ground lightning strikes were recorded by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE); all occurred on the 6th.


December Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for December 2024 predicts the first week will be sunny and warm, followed by two days of cooler temperatures and showers. From December 10 to 14, sunshine returns, accompanied by cool temperatures. This will be followed by an eight-day period of isolated showers and warmer conditions. The final week, including Christmas and New Year’s Eve, is forecast to be sunny and cold. 


The estimated average temperature for December is 64 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 1.5 inches, which is 1 inch below the average for the month.


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.

SECO Energy Back-To-School Program Funds $1,000 for Citrus County Education Foundation

SECO Energy’s back-to-school program allocated Citrus County public schools with $1,000 for the county’s Education Foundation to support the Supplies 4 Success teacher store. As a not-for-profit local electric cooperative, SECO believes in supporting the communities it serves.


The mission of the Citrus County Education Foundation is to provide resources to support the Citrus County School District to enhance the quality of education for present and future generations. The Foundation encourages business and community involvement, promotes creative and innovative educational programs and recognizes outstanding achievements of students and staff. Over 16,000 or 93 percent of Citrus County K-12 students benefit from the Foundation’s efforts.


The Education Foundation’s Executive Director Shaunda Burdette is thankful for SECO Energy’s community involvement. Burdette stated, “It is because of the generosity and support of incredible partners such as SECO Energy that we are able to impact more than 16,000 students and more than 2,000 teachers and staff each year. Your support is changing the lives of students in Citrus County. Thank you for being a CHAMPION for our children!’”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO Energy is honored to support Citrus County students through its back-to-school program’s contribution to the Citrus County Education Foundation. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO believes an investment in education is a benefit to all our members. In Citrus County, we serve over 15,000 homes and businesses. Teachers are an invaluable community asset, they enrich our communities by educating our future leaders and as a benefit to SECO, possibly our future employees.”


Learn more about SECO Energy and its efforts to support education and local communities at > Your Co-op > Community. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.


SECO Energy’s Pennies Program Donates $12,305 to Local Animal Shelters

SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program has donated $12,305 to local animal shelters and rescues. In February, the not-for-profit electric cooperative announced that for every new Surge MitiGator meter-based surge protection lease enrollment or purchase, members could choose a shelter or rescue to receive a $5 donation on their behalf.


Between February 1 to June 15, 2,461 members enrolled in SECO’s Surge MitiGator surge protection product that resulted in a total donation of $12,305 in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties. The total allocated in Citrus County is $1,800 donated to the shelters listed below:


Critterville, Inc. – $200
Citrus County Animal Services – $500
Humane Society of Citrus County – $500
Precious Paws Rescue, Inc. – $200
St. Francis’s Sunny Side Up Farm Animal Rescue – $200
Ziggy’s Haven Parrot Sanctuary – $200


Humane Society of Citrus County Vice President Karron Curtis is very thankful for the donation. Curtis stated, “We are very honored and extremely appreciative to SECO Energy and its members for this donation. The Humane Society of Citrus County has been serving the citizens and the animals of Citrus County since 1978. We are a non-profit organization and would not be able to exist without the support of the wonderful businesses and citizens of this community.”


CEO Jim Duncan is pleased to help local shelters and rescues. Duncan stated, “Thank you, members, for making our Surgeo Loves Pets charitable initiative a success. I am grateful for members who recognize a need in their community and respond generously. Though the vast majority of Pennies funding is allocated for bill payment assistance and educational initiatives, the animals in our local communities need our assistance as well, and SECO is happy that our donations will be put to good use.”


SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator product helps to reduce damaging surges and voltage spikes at the meter. Visit our Surge MitiGator page to learn more about the product, its beastly 15-year warranty and the web form to enroll.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Braced for Tropical Storm Elsa

SECO Energy is monitoring Tropical Storm Elsa as it creeps closer to Florida’s Gulf Coast with a predicted landfall near Cedar Key. SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared for Tropical Storm Elsa’s impact to its service area late Tuesday night through Wednesday.


Tropical Storm Elsa has remained intact as it moved across Cuba and through the Florida Straits. The current forecast from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) shows Tropical Storm Elsa moving north northwest with maximum sustained winds up to 60 mph. Earlier today, the Key West airport reported wind gusts up to 48 mph.


The weather forecast for SECO’s service area has changed significantly since Monday. Members in Citrus, Hernando, Levy and Marion Counties may experience maximum sustained winds up to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Members in Lake and Sumter Counties may experience maximum sustained winds up to 28 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. It’s important to understand that when wind speeds exceed 35 mph, bucket trucks are grounded for safety. SECO will suspend restoration operations until wind speeds fall under 35 mph.


The heaviest winds and rain are expected to arrive just after midnight Wednesday morning and may last until noon. SECO members in all areas should be prepared for heavy rain from Tropical Storm Elsa beginning late Tuesday afternoon and lasting through Wednesday. The area along I-75 and west to the Gulf Coast will likely feel the most impact from Elsa. The grounds are already heavily soaked after a rainy June. More rain could bring trees down and create extended power outages.


In preparation, SECO Energy has called on outside crew reinforcements to assist with power restoration as a result of Tropical Storm Elsa. Over 100 contracted line crews and vegetation crews are arriving today ahead of the storm.


Shelters have opened in Citrus and Marion Counties. In Citrus County, the special needs shelter is open at Citrus County Renaissance Center at 3630 W. Educational Path, Lecanto, 34461. The general shelter is open at Lecanto Primary at 3790 W. Educational Path, Lecanto, 34461. In Marion County, West Port High School is open for special needs, general population and pets at 3733 SW 80th Avenue, Ocala, 34481.


CEO Jim Duncan urges members to prepare for the possibility of power outages from Tropical Storm Elsa’s heavy rain and wind. He stated, “We’ve been watching Tropical Storm Elsa since last week and the forecast has changed often. The wind speed predictions have changed significantly almost overnight. Expect a greater impact from Tropical Storm Elsa than we previously expected. This storm will bring heavy rain and wind to almost every corner of our service area very early Wednesday morning. Be prepared for the possibility of extended power outages from the storm.”


Duncan also reminded members that SECO Energy’s StormCenter outage reporting and communications platform offers outage alerts. “StormCenter is available for members to report outages using their smartphones or tablets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Members should also enroll in outage notifications and alerts via email, text, voice message, or all three. An alert is sent when the system recognizes that your service has been interrupted. The alert will include crew status and an estimated restoration time. You’ll also receive a notification when the service is restored that includes the cause of the outage if it is known at that time.”


Members should visit StormCenter and bookmark the site on their smartphones or tablets. At StormCenter, members can view the outage map, enroll or manage notifications, check the status of an existing outage, report an area light outage and more.


Stay up to date on weather affecting SECO Energy’s service area, the latest news releases and cooperative updates by liking SECO’s Facebook page and following @SECOEnergy on Twitter.

SECO News, April 2021


Duncan’s Digest – Inverness Substation Upgrade


SECO Energy’s service territory covers 2,100 square miles, which is about the size of Delaware. At year-end 2020, we were serving 216,477 homes and businesses in seven Central Florida counties. The bulk of our members live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, with smaller numbers of members in Hernando, Levy and Pasco Counties.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Our cooperative purpose is to provide exceptional service to our members, co-workers and communities. That exceptional service is reflected in SECO Energy winning coveted J.D. Power awards in 2015, 2016 and 2017 when our satisfaction scores topped all utilities in the nation. In 2020, we upheld our position as an American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) frontrunner in Florida and nationally with a score of 91.


We definitely have a strong reputation to uphold. Another example of our exceptional service is a meticulous inspection and maintenance schedule that ensures day-to-day reliability while expanding an electric system that meets both current and future members’ energy needs.


In the July 2020 SECO News edition, I communicated about the Marion Oaks substation rebuild underway in Marion County. That project, including the demolition of the older adjacent substation, is almost complete.


A new project in the works is the Inverness substation rebuild in Citrus County. The Inverness substation was reconstructed in 1982. Due to its age, the substation needed a complete rebuild. This substation serves just under 6,000 members. The rebuild includes a high-side ring bus and steel structures that support the heavy, high voltage transmission line. The high-side ring bus will increase service reliability for all members served by the Inverness sub by creating redundancy through looped service.


The Inverness substation rebuild also improves reliability for members served by the nearby Floral City substation as well. Both substations are looped in with two separate Duke Energy transmission lines. Currently, members served by both substations experience an outage if even one of the Duke transmission lines experiences a fault or operates. When the new ring bus is in place at the Inverness substation, members served by our Floral City sub will no longer experience an outage if the fault occurs between the transmission line and the Inverness substation.


Along with the ring bus on the high side, we’re working to re-gasket the existing power transformer, install a new metering package and implement a state-of-the-art relay schematic. The new foundation is in place, the fence surrounding the substation has been installed, and a new control house is being constructed on-site. The Inverness substation rebuild is on schedule for completion in early summer, just in time for storm season to arrive.


The total value of our electric facilities systemwide is inching closer to the $1 billion mark. At year-end 2020, the value of SECO’s utility plant was $955.9 million. We’re spending about $3.2 million per month to improve existing members’ service reliability and to build new infrastructure to meet the growing demand in our area.


Without question, your electric service is supported by an extensive, robust and well-maintained infrastructure.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News April 2021 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac


The Old Farmer’s Almanac recommends the best days in April and May to complete indoor and outdoor projects. Ready for spring cleaning? Wash windows on April 10 and 11 and May 7 – 9, and wash floors on April 8 and 9 or May 5 and 6. The best days to bake are on April 18 and 19 and May 15 and 16. If spring yard work is on your list, the best days prune to encourage growth are April 20 and 21 and May 17 – 19. Prune to discourage growth on April 1, 2, and 10 and May 7 – 9.



SECO News April 2021 Call 811 Before You Dig

Call 811 Before You Dig


Longer days and sunny weather make spring the perfect time to tackle your honey-do list. April is Safe Digging Month and Florida law requires you to call 811 or visit online before you dig.


811 is a free service that will locate and mark underground utilities on your property or in the area you plan to dig. Never install a fence, plant a garden, add new landscaping or trees before contacting 811. Are you working with a contractor on a project? Make sure your contractor has connected with 811 before beginning the project on your property.


Wait for the flags! Keep shovels out of the ground until the 811 locating service has responded to your request and flagged the approximate area where underground utility lines (electric, water, gas, communications, etc.) are located.


Know what’s below – call 811 before you dig. In Florida – it’s the law.



SECO News October 2020 EV Charger Winner!

EV Charger Winner


Pamela Gladd from Minneola is the March winner of a SECO Energy branded JuiceBox Pro 40 EV Level 2 charger. We’re giving one charger away each month while supplies last. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner.


Learn more about the benefits of electric vehicle ownership on our EV website pages. You’ll find an EV savings calculator, information about CO2 reduction, an EV and PHEV model finder and a nationwide charger-finder map. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section for more details.


Watch SECO News for next month’s charger winner.



SECO News April 2021 Spring For Energy Savings


Spring for Energy Savings


The Department of Energy (DOE) at estimates the energy used to cool and heat your Central Florida home is 35 to 40% of your total energy consumption. You control how and when you use electricity. The condition and age of your home’s HVAC system, insulation, roof, windows, ducts, appliances and lifestyle also affect your energy consumption. Newer, well-insulated, properly weatherized homes with double-pane windows and ENERGY STAR-rated appliances consume less energy.


The number of people living in your home and weather also affect energy consumption. More people living in the house create more laundry, heating, cooling, cooking and increased hot water and electronics use. Central Florida is known for scorching summer temperatures that cause your HVAC to work overtime to keep the home cool. During a cold snap, the heating system also runs more frequently to warm the house.


Want help to reduce your energy consumption and lower your monthly energy bill? SECO Energy’s online energy-efficiency tools can help you spring for energy savings with low-cost and no-cost tips and ideas to help you reduce your energy use.


Home Energy Assessment


Our Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit that you can complete from the comfort of your home. Fill out the assessment based on your home and lifestyle. Submit your answers and email address, and in just minutes you’ll receive energy-savings advice tailored to your home and lifestyle. Complete the energy-saving ideas, and you’ll be on your way to consuming less energy – and saving money.


Energy Estimator


Are you interested in seeing the math associated with your energy usage? Visit our Energy Estimator online to calculate the estimated costs for each of your home’s appliances and electronics. Submit your email address to receive no-cost and low-cost energy-savings suggestions via email.



SECO News April 2021 Energy Savings Word Search


Energy Savings Word Search


After completing our Home Energy Assessment and Energy Estimator, sharpen your energy-saving knowledge with this month’s Energy Savings word search.


April 2021 SECO News Energy Saving Word Search



SECO News April 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season Early Warning


2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season Early Warning


Traditionally, the Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1. But the past six hurricane seasons have seen hurricanes and tropical storms form in mid-May. Because of this change, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) will begin its Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlook earlier on May 15 instead of waiting until June 1.


What does this mean for SECO Energy members? SECO is StormReady, and we encourage you to begin your preparations for hurricane season now. Don’t wait until a hurricane or tropical storm is heading our way to prepare.


Learn more about hurricanes and tropical storms in our Hurricane Handbook. You’ll find helpful information on emergency supplies for people and pets. We’ve also included tips for before, during and after a storm. Pick up a copy of our Hurricane Handbook at one of our five Member Service Centers or visit our Storm Preparation page.



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Winners’ Circle


Have you engaged with our virtual assistant Electra who can answer thousands of calls without missing a beat? Ask Electra for assistance instead of waiting to speak with a representative. Each week, we’ll draw one winner who will receive a $25 gift card. Winners are drawn from all members who called and successfully took care of business with Electra.


February’s Winners Are:


Mark Fagan from Clermont


Lynn Pulchano from Inverness


Don Whittigton from Dunnellon


Sandra Ennulat-Davis from Eustis


Congratulations to our three March winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft incentive.


Narasimha Murthy from Tavares is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.


Karen Chapman from Ocala is the winner of a NEST thermostat.


John Johnson from Summerfield is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Read Winners’ Circle next month for more winners.



SECO News February 2021 Thank A Lineman License Plate

Thank a Lineman License Plate


Members can show their support for the thousands of Florida lineworkers and utility personnel who restore power to millions of Floridians after devastating natural disasters by ordering a “Thank a Lineman” license plate. The 2020 Florida Legislature approved the plate after Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1135 into law.


This cause is local and benefits a key SECO Energy employee recruitment partner. For every “Thank a Lineman” plate sold, $25 goes to Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC) to support their Electric Utility programs. According to LSSC’s website (, the college is ranked in the top 150 Community Colleges nationally. Their student job placement or continuing education rate is 97%. The scholarship boost is an exciting opportunity for LSSC, utility personnel across the state and cooperative members.


Reserve your plate today by purchasing a pre-sale voucher. Purchase avenues vary from county to county. Contact your local county tax collector’s office for guidance or visit, where you can pay for the pre-sale voucher and process your order online. Learn more at


The actual “Thank a Lineman” license plates will be available once the pre-sale threshold is met.


Read the full April 2021 SECO News online.

SECO Energy Employees Pledge Donations of $70,000 for United Way

SECO Energy employees have participated in an annual employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive for local communities for decades. During the 2020 United Way Pledge Drive, SECO employees donated $70,316 that will benefit local families living in SECO’s service area.


The $70,316 pledged by SECO employees for the 2020 drive is an increase of seven percent from the 2019 pledges. The donated funds will be distributed among ten local counties. The bulk of SECO employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties and received the highest dollar amounts in donations. The breakdown by county is:


Citrus: $7,799
Lake: $14,316
Marion: $23,002
Sumter: $21,559
Other Counties (Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco, Polk and Volusia): $3,640


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO’s ever-generous employees and their commitment to the communities we serve made our 2020 United Way Pledge Drive extremely successful. Our employees understand that local families need financial support year-round, and United Way is instrumental in leading the charge to improve lives. I truly appreciate the efforts of our employees and applaud their generosity.”


SECO’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins spearheads the annual employee giving campaign. She stated, “United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.” To join SECO Energy employees in supporting United Way, visit them online to donate or volunteer.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Concern for Community online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, September 2019

SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


Welcome to our new Hurricane Handbook. Named storms can cause extended outages even for a system like SECO’s that is well built, constructed and maintained. To prepare for the worst, review our people/pets preparation checklists, outage notification enrollment instructions, Florida Special Needs Registry details, restoration priorities, damage assessment warnings and lessons on hunkering down. Learn about generator safety by to watch our newest video. For the chance to win an 8,000 watt Briggs Stratton portable generator, click on the website’s home page banner to register at SmartHub (SECO’s online account platform) by October 15. All members with SmartHub accounts as of October 15 will be entered in the drawing.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer

SECO News September 2019 Hurricane Handbook



The Saffir–Simpson wind scale classifies hurricanes that exceed the intensities of tropical depressions and tropical storms into five categories distinguished by the intensities of sustained winds.


CAT 1 74 to 95 mph
CAT 2 96 to 110 mph
CAT 3 111 to 129 mph (major)
CAT 4 130 to 156 mph (major)
CAT 5 157 mph or higher (major)


Even tropical storms can cause significant damage and flooding. Most storm casualties are from drowning and not wind. Always heed weather warnings, evacuate as instructed and don’t drive into high water. Keep your family safe.




Many years ago, it was a common practice for utilities to completely de-energize their electric systems ahead of a storm in an effort to proactively prevent damage during the storm. SECO Energy does not employ this practice.




SECO Energy provides world-class reliability to 200,000+ homes and businesses. Outages due to weather, vehicle accidents, equipment issues, animal or tree contact with lines result in utilities being unable to guarantee 100 percent uninterrupted electric service.


During emergency restoration with widespread damage, SECO Energy’s first responsibilities are shelters, hospitals, schools and government agencies like emergency ops centers, fire stations and law enforcement facilities. SECO’s next priority is large commercial accounts providing food, water and damage-recovery supplies. Feeders with the largest number of members served are next. Our goal is to restore service to the highest volume of members as quickly as possible.


SECO News September 2019 Before a Storm



Register with the Florida Division of Emergency Management at before a storm hits to receive county specific lifesaving information. If an evacuation or emergency is declared, you will receive important options from local emergency management by signing up with your county’s emergency alert notifications (Alert Citrus, Alert Hernando, Alert Marion, Alert Levy, Alert Lake, Alert Sumter, Alert Pasco). Visit your county’s Emergency Operations online to sign up for the alerts you would like to receive.




Residential members’ accounts coded as having medically necessary service are not the first priority after a storm with widespread damage. These members should prepare before storm season and anticipate the possibility of extended outages that could last for days. If you are dependent on electric-powered medical equipment, register with your county emergency management center’s Special Needs Registry. Most important, purchase a generator for use during power outages.




Visit us online and click StormCenter at the top right. Scroll down and select “Manage Notifications.” Log in with your account number or phone number. View and update your preferences for email, text or voice notifications. Set do not disturb parameters.




On our website, click StormCenter. Select the Outage Map tile. Tap the Share Arrow. Select “Add to Home Screen” from options.




SECO utilizes this interactive map when the Emergency Response Plan is activated. This map is different from the StormCenter outage map. The Restoration Plan Map displays the areas where crews are working each day and helps you know when you can reasonably expect service restoration. Access this map from the website home page banner during emergencies.




September 2019 SECO News Supply Stock Up - Seven Days


Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings. Only open refrigerator and freezer doors when necessary. Move freezable foods into the freezer. A refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours after a power outage; a full freezer will keep food frozen for about 48 hours. Move your emergency supplies into a secure room with no windows or fireplaces.


SECO News September 2019 During a Storm



During the storm, remain indoors and prepare to wait out the weather safely. Stay informed with a battery-powered weather radio. Be ready to re-locate your family and pets to a secure location in your home with no windows or fireplaces. Break out the family board games and preserve your phone’s battery power.



SECO Energy invests heavily in an aggressive vegetation management program to keep our overhead lines clear. Still, severe storms with high winds create tree-related outages. Once sustained wind speeds reach 35 mph, it is not safe to use bucket trucks or perform restoration. When wind speeds have fallen below 35 mph, SECO deploys employees and mutual aid to begin restoration efforts.



Tornadoes are vertical funnels of rapidly spinning air often referred to as nature’s most violent storm. Winds can reach speeds of 300 mph. Tornadoes are commonly associated with severe thunderstorms. It is extremely likely that during a hurricane you may experience a tornado.


TORNADO WATCH: Tornadoes are possible in/near the watch area. Check supplies and your safe room. Be ready to act fast if a warning is issued or you suspect a tornado is approaching.


TORNADO WARNING: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. There is imminent danger to life and property. Go immediately to your safe room, interior room or hallway. Avoid windows.


IF YOU EXPERIENCE A TORNADO, stay clear of downed power lines and damaged buildings. Treat downed lines as if they are energized.


SECO News September 2019 Electric System 101



HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION LINES: These supply power to SECO’s 48 substations which serve 200,000+ homes and businesses. If a storm damages a transmission line, substations also lose power. Much of the transmission serving SECO’s substations is owned/operated by Duke Energy. If Duke’s lines are down, SECO Energy cannot restore power to our members until these lines are repaired.


DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION: A substation serves thousands of members. Our line crews inspect substations to determine if problems stem from transmission lines feeding into the substation, the substation itself, or if problems exist further down the feeders and lateral lines.


FEEDER DISTRIBUTION LINES: When problems cannot be isolated at a substation, distribution lines are inspected. These larger lines originate from substations and distribute power to large groups of members in our service area.


LATERAL DISTRIBUTION LINES: These smaller lines deliver power to transformers, either mounted on poles or placed on pads for underground service and deliver power to smaller groups of members in less densely populated areas.


SERVICE LINES: The service line is the line between a transformer and your residence or business.


SECO News September 2019 Generator Safety

STATIONARY GENERATOR: A permanently affixed generator installed by a licensed technician with an approved disconnect and transfer switch that isolates your home’s circuits from SECO Energy and eliminates the risk of backfeeding on utility lines.


PORTABLE GENERATOR: A common type of generator that does not require a licensed technician to install. Use extension cords to plug certain appliances into the outlets on the generator. Never operate indoors.


More lifesaving information on generator safety can be found on our website. Click on the generator banner for a chance to win a new 8,000 watt Briggs Stratton portable generator. Enter by October 15.


SECO News September 2019 After a Storm


If your home or business is damaged and it is safe, turn off your main breaker to prevent fires. If appliances are wet, turn off each appliance’s main breaker. Once you’ve turned the breaker off, unplug the wet appliance.


If fuses blow when your power is restored, turn off the breakers and contact a licensed electrician. Always call an electrician or an appliance repair service if in doubt.




Once the storm has passed, ensure that you and your home are safe while power is being restored. Do not make piles that interfere with utility trucks. Keep piles away from power lines, transformers and downed lines for safety and speedy restoration. Call your county’s emergency operations center if public roadway debris prevents utility and emergency vehicle access.


SECO News September 2019 Move Over It's the Law


• Move over a lane for law enforcement, emergency, sanitation, utility vehicles and tow trucks.
• If you can’t move over, slow to 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.
• If the posted speed limit is 20 mph or less, slow down to 5 mph.




Read the full September 2019 SECO News online.